(NewsUSA) - Like the fabled fountain of youth, aphrodisiacs - foods thought to enhance sexual prowess - have always belonged more to the realm of mythology than modern day science. But as researchers continue to unlock the unique protective and curative benefits of fruits and vegetables, what once looked like wishful thinking might soon become a prescription for overall sexual and reproductive health.
Could watermelon help you make whoopee? Along with tomatoes and pink grapefruit, watermelon is loaded with lycopene -; a powerful antioxidant widely recognized to protect against prostate cancer. Emerging evidence suggests that lycopene might also enhance male fertility.
Improvements in sperm concentration and motility were observed after 30 infertile study participants took part in a 30-day trial of lycopene supplementation. While the amount of watermelon needed to elicit similar effects has not been determined, whole fruit generally contains a variety of synergistic compounds that help to support delivery mechanisms.
Speaking of delivery mechanisms...it appears that another watermelon compound - the amino acid citrulline - may function as a natural alternative to Viagra. Both citrulline and Viagra help increase blood flow to the pelvic area, the former by increasing the body's release of nitric oxide, the latter by destroying those enzymes that inhibit nitric oxide's effects.
While lycopene is found in the red flesh of the watermelon, citrulline is most highly concentrated in the rind. With one compound combating free radicals and the other fighting erectile dysfunction, the two found within the same fruit may work synergistically to promote overall male reproductive health.
Promotion of sexual health goes hand in hand with prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. But while most sexual health campaigns focus on modifying sexual activity per se, very little is said about the role of diet in reducing the frequency and severity of STD outbreaks. When you consider that lowered resistance can trigger attacks of certain STDs, like genital herpes, it makes sense that immune-boosting foods might also help protect against viral eruptions.
New research suggests that eating veggies like broccoli might halt herpes flare-ups. A study done at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine found that indole-3-carbinol - a compound found in cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage - kept the herpes virus in hibernation during lab experiments (clinical studies would be needed to confirm the in vivo benefit for humans).
Lysine is another compound that may inhibit herpes viral activity. Soybeans, cooked and raw, are a super source of lysine. Lima beans also are loaded.
While more than a million people acquire herpes annually, five times that number will
become infected with human papilloma virus. Once again, prevention is the key to putting a cap on such stats, but given that HPV is considered the most common STD in the United States, it's worth noting that for those already exposed to the virus, diet can make a difference.
Women who eat the most veggies are 50 percent less likely to have persistent HPV infections - thus reducing their risk of cervical cancer and infertility. While vegetables are more protective than fruits and juices, lycopene-rich foods like tomatoes and watermelon have the highest benefit.
As long as we've broached the subject of diet and reproductive health, keep in mind that low-carb diets also could reduce a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. Animal studies conducted at the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine found that even a "moderately" high protein diet could prevent an embryo from attaching to the wall of the womb or hinder its early development.
Though further research will be needed to show that the same effect may be responsible for fertility impedance among humans, the findings suggest that women's protein intake should be less than 20 percent of overall calorie consumption during efforts to conceive. Moreover, given the role of folic acid in preventing neural tube defects, Mother Earth's bounty of folate-rich fruits and veggies should be first on the menu of all mothers-to-be.
Jennifer Grossman is the director of the Dole Nutrition Institute.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Dating With Herpes - How to Overcome Rejection
The likelihood of rejection is very much real when you have genital herpes
and are interested in dating someone that does not have herpes. The social taboos associated with the virus are too many to count. Herpes is demonized and the large majority of the population, even those with the virus - are mostly misinformed about what it is and how it is contracted. And the truth is - no matter how comfortable you are with your condition, there will be others who are completely unaccepting. That said, dating rejection is difficult enough - but there's something especially painful about being rejected because of herpes.
Chances are, prior to being diagnosed with herpes - when you were turned down for a date - you just shrugged it off and reminded yourself that "there are plenty of fish in the sea". Now that you are living with herpes, the reality has set in - there may not be as many "fish in the sea" as you once believed. So how do you deal with the rejection when you are single and dating with herpes?
1. Get over it: Yup! That's what I said - you really have to just get over it. I understand that is certainly easier said than done, but you can not allow yourself to get depressed over someone telling you "no". There will be people who tell you no, but do not get caught up in those people - your only concern should be with finding the one person who says "yes".
2. They just weren't meant for you: I fully believe that there is someone for everyone. Whether you have genital herpes or one arm - there is someone who will love you fully and completely just as you are. The more time you spend focused on the one who rejected you, the less time you will have available for the who will accept you
3. Look for others like you: You may feel that only dating other people with herpes is very limiting, but that is part of the reality of this situation. Now I'm not suggesting that you lower your standards, or that you isolate yourself - however the facts are what they are. There will be people who will not be willing to give you a chance simply because you have genital herpes. Now that said, it is important that you remember one thing - you are not alone my friend! There are millions of singles just like you - suffering silently and looking for love. From local community support groups, online support groups and even online dating sites just for people with herpes.
You may have this disease, but it does not define who you are. Focus on those who love you and accept you, and you'll find peace with your circumstance and happiness in your love life.
and are interested in dating someone that does not have herpes. The social taboos associated with the virus are too many to count. Herpes is demonized and the large majority of the population, even those with the virus - are mostly misinformed about what it is and how it is contracted. And the truth is - no matter how comfortable you are with your condition, there will be others who are completely unaccepting. That said, dating rejection is difficult enough - but there's something especially painful about being rejected because of herpes.
Chances are, prior to being diagnosed with herpes - when you were turned down for a date - you just shrugged it off and reminded yourself that "there are plenty of fish in the sea". Now that you are living with herpes, the reality has set in - there may not be as many "fish in the sea" as you once believed. So how do you deal with the rejection when you are single and dating with herpes?
1. Get over it: Yup! That's what I said - you really have to just get over it. I understand that is certainly easier said than done, but you can not allow yourself to get depressed over someone telling you "no". There will be people who tell you no, but do not get caught up in those people - your only concern should be with finding the one person who says "yes".
2. They just weren't meant for you: I fully believe that there is someone for everyone. Whether you have genital herpes or one arm - there is someone who will love you fully and completely just as you are. The more time you spend focused on the one who rejected you, the less time you will have available for the who will accept you
3. Look for others like you: You may feel that only dating other people with herpes is very limiting, but that is part of the reality of this situation. Now I'm not suggesting that you lower your standards, or that you isolate yourself - however the facts are what they are. There will be people who will not be willing to give you a chance simply because you have genital herpes. Now that said, it is important that you remember one thing - you are not alone my friend! There are millions of singles just like you - suffering silently and looking for love. From local community support groups, online support groups and even online dating sites just for people with herpes.
You may have this disease, but it does not define who you are. Focus on those who love you and accept you, and you'll find peace with your circumstance and happiness in your love life.
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Savannah Francis - About the Author:
Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes. Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on herpes dating sites, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites http://www.YouGotHerpes.com Yours In Health & Wellness!
Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes. Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on herpes dating sites, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites http://www.YouGotHerpes.com Yours In Health & Wellness!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Acyclovir For Herpes Treatment
Acyclovir For Herpes Treatment by Rayner Chandler
The phenomenal research has brought out drugs like nucleotide and nucleosides for treating and controlling the further manifestation of the virus. You can take the drug Acyclovir(Zavirax) which is most effectual for a herpes simplex virus.
Get to know Acyclovir?
Acyclovir is basically an antiviral medication. The natural defense mechanism of the body is strengthened to fight and control the dispersion of the herpes virus in our body. It is only possible to reduce your signs of suffering from herpes with the use of Acyclovir and a total cure can not be achieved.
All kinds of herpes viruses can be cured with the medicine Acyclovir. You may have to face a bout of diseases like genital herpes, chicken pox, shingles and cold sores due to the Herpes virus.
You will experience reduction of the difficulty faced by you by taking Acyclovir.
One of the most acclaimed brand for Acyclovir antiviral drug is Zovirax. It is present in the external form since 1982 and advocated in the pill form since 1985. You can now buy Acyclovir in its generic form as well.
Taking Acyclovir
Acyclovir is to be taken as per the doctor's prescription. Taking the medicine continuously will help you get total relief from the symptoms. The very first sign of any symptoms, your treatment for the disease finding must be done without any delay.
You can get relief from prolonged genital herpes with the use of Acyclovir. It works much faster when given in the primary stage and helps get rid of it rather than after having a few instances of its attack. You can control its recurrence by taking the medicine at the correct time. Herpes virus is a transmittable disease and usually comes through physical or sexual contact.
How will you find relief from it?
The enzymes that help the growth of DNA cells having the virus can be controlled only with the use of Acyclovir. You must take the medicine to stop its multiplication in your body faster than your immune system can work and before the virus takes over your body completely.Acyclovir will provide you with an incredible recovery from your present condition. You will find that your abscess will squeeze open into the skin and then slowly wane. You will recuperate better when you continue the medicines after the symptoms have come down. If you want to be totally relieved of herpes then you must take a full course of the medicine.
Word of Caution
Acyclovir is likely to cause certain side effects that includes, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, memory loss, fatigue, sore throat, swelling of the hands and legs and body ache. Do not take any chance with the spin-off and it will be better if you can take your doctors advise for the same.
You can now buy Acyclovir. All the other details about Acyclovir are given herein http://www.atlanticdrugs.com/acyclovir.html
Article Source: ArticleSnatch Free Article Directory
The phenomenal research has brought out drugs like nucleotide and nucleosides for treating and controlling the further manifestation of the virus. You can take the drug Acyclovir(Zavirax) which is most effectual for a herpes simplex virus.
Get to know Acyclovir?
Acyclovir is basically an antiviral medication. The natural defense mechanism of the body is strengthened to fight and control the dispersion of the herpes virus in our body. It is only possible to reduce your signs of suffering from herpes with the use of Acyclovir and a total cure can not be achieved.
All kinds of herpes viruses can be cured with the medicine Acyclovir. You may have to face a bout of diseases like genital herpes, chicken pox, shingles and cold sores due to the Herpes virus.
You will experience reduction of the difficulty faced by you by taking Acyclovir.
One of the most acclaimed brand for Acyclovir antiviral drug is Zovirax. It is present in the external form since 1982 and advocated in the pill form since 1985. You can now buy Acyclovir in its generic form as well.
Taking Acyclovir
Acyclovir is to be taken as per the doctor's prescription. Taking the medicine continuously will help you get total relief from the symptoms. The very first sign of any symptoms, your treatment for the disease finding must be done without any delay.
You can get relief from prolonged genital herpes with the use of Acyclovir. It works much faster when given in the primary stage and helps get rid of it rather than after having a few instances of its attack. You can control its recurrence by taking the medicine at the correct time. Herpes virus is a transmittable disease and usually comes through physical or sexual contact.
How will you find relief from it?
The enzymes that help the growth of DNA cells having the virus can be controlled only with the use of Acyclovir. You must take the medicine to stop its multiplication in your body faster than your immune system can work and before the virus takes over your body completely.Acyclovir will provide you with an incredible recovery from your present condition. You will find that your abscess will squeeze open into the skin and then slowly wane. You will recuperate better when you continue the medicines after the symptoms have come down. If you want to be totally relieved of herpes then you must take a full course of the medicine.
Word of Caution
Acyclovir is likely to cause certain side effects that includes, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, memory loss, fatigue, sore throat, swelling of the hands and legs and body ache. Do not take any chance with the spin-off and it will be better if you can take your doctors advise for the same.
You can now buy Acyclovir. All the other details about Acyclovir are given herein http://www.atlanticdrugs.com/acyclovir.html
Article Source: ArticleSnatch Free Article Directory
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Anonymous STD Testing Hiv Aids Testing Sites Free
Author: Earnest Whitney
Most Americans are aware of STDs, sexually transmitted diseases, and hiv aids testing sites free but many people may underestimate their own risk and delay getting themselves tested for STDs.
One of the most important STDs to test for it HIV. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, a life-threatening disease. The earlier a person becomes aware of that they have aids, the earlier they will be able to seek treatment which could prolong their life. It is also crucial to be aware of hiv aids testing sites free. Anonymous confidential HIV testing is offered in Illinois and many other states. There are a variety of hiv tests; the quickest test, which looks for HIV in a person's blood, must be confirmed with a second test to avoid giving the person a false positive result.
Chlamydia is another important STD to test for, especially in sexually active women. This is because Chlamydia, if not treated with antibiotics, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, a chronic medical condition that many young women experience and can produce severe abdominal pain as well as infertility. In addition to hiv aids testing sites free, a young woman who tests positive for Chlamydia should have her boyfriend tested for this STD as well. Otherwise, he could easily reinfect her after she has completed her antibiotic treatment.
Genital herpes is a viral STD which can cause a person to develop recurrent genital herpes sores in their pelvic region. It is most commonly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. Testing for genital herpes can be done at an STD clinic, and treatment for genital herpes can decrease the number of flares that a person experiences. Currently there is no complete cure for genital herpes, but it helps to be knowledgeable on hiv aids testing sites free.
Syphilis, once a major STD concern in the United States before antibiotics, has now become a major public health problem once again. Syphilis can be treated and cured with antibiotics, however, untreated syphilis can cause a person to develop dementia, heart disease, or neurologic disorders and can potentially lead to death. Testing for syphilis is strongly recommended for people who have been exposed to others who have syphilis or in any person who has a history of a STDs.
Gonorrhea is another sexually transmitted disease that is important to test for. Like Chlamydia, it is a bacteria that can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women. It can also rarely cause an inflammatory type of arthritis, skin lesions, and even death. This disease can be treated with antibiotics, like with Chlamydia, and can be cured. So please take the time to understand hiv aids testing sites free.
Genital warts is another example of an STD, it is caused by the HPV virus. Genital warts are fleshy like warts located near the genitals, and currently there is no cure. However they may be removed in a doctor's office.
With all these various diseases, it is absolutely crucial to have regular STD testing when sexually active. Not only are these tests important to your own health, but also to that of your partners'. Staying up-to-date and knowledgeable on hiv aids testing sites free can help you when it comes to this subject.
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Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1483925_17.html
About the Author: VANESSA MEAN - TECHNOLOGY EDITOR- Vanessa Mean is the premier technology consultant for several top technology magazines.. Her syndicated column, What's New in Top Tech, reaches 30 million Americans every day. In 1993, Vanessa worked with the first major television break through, broadcasting to over 150 million people worldwide. This breakthrough in broadcasting technology has provided the basis for HD television broadcasting today. A technology that is used globally to deliver rich, focused content to digital subscribers.In addition to her column, readers find Vanessa on the leading edge of television services. As a liaison for a major television consulting company, you can trust Vanessa for the best deals in satellite television.
Most Americans are aware of STDs, sexually transmitted diseases, and hiv aids testing sites free but many people may underestimate their own risk and delay getting themselves tested for STDs.
One of the most important STDs to test for it HIV. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, a life-threatening disease. The earlier a person becomes aware of that they have aids, the earlier they will be able to seek treatment which could prolong their life. It is also crucial to be aware of hiv aids testing sites free. Anonymous confidential HIV testing is offered in Illinois and many other states. There are a variety of hiv tests; the quickest test, which looks for HIV in a person's blood, must be confirmed with a second test to avoid giving the person a false positive result.
Chlamydia is another important STD to test for, especially in sexually active women. This is because Chlamydia, if not treated with antibiotics, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, a chronic medical condition that many young women experience and can produce severe abdominal pain as well as infertility. In addition to hiv aids testing sites free, a young woman who tests positive for Chlamydia should have her boyfriend tested for this STD as well. Otherwise, he could easily reinfect her after she has completed her antibiotic treatment.
Genital herpes is a viral STD which can cause a person to develop recurrent genital herpes sores in their pelvic region. It is most commonly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. Testing for genital herpes can be done at an STD clinic, and treatment for genital herpes can decrease the number of flares that a person experiences. Currently there is no complete cure for genital herpes, but it helps to be knowledgeable on hiv aids testing sites free.
Syphilis, once a major STD concern in the United States before antibiotics, has now become a major public health problem once again. Syphilis can be treated and cured with antibiotics, however, untreated syphilis can cause a person to develop dementia, heart disease, or neurologic disorders and can potentially lead to death. Testing for syphilis is strongly recommended for people who have been exposed to others who have syphilis or in any person who has a history of a STDs.
Gonorrhea is another sexually transmitted disease that is important to test for. Like Chlamydia, it is a bacteria that can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women. It can also rarely cause an inflammatory type of arthritis, skin lesions, and even death. This disease can be treated with antibiotics, like with Chlamydia, and can be cured. So please take the time to understand hiv aids testing sites free.
Genital warts is another example of an STD, it is caused by the HPV virus. Genital warts are fleshy like warts located near the genitals, and currently there is no cure. However they may be removed in a doctor's office.
With all these various diseases, it is absolutely crucial to have regular STD testing when sexually active. Not only are these tests important to your own health, but also to that of your partners'. Staying up-to-date and knowledgeable on hiv aids testing sites free can help you when it comes to this subject.
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Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1483925_17.html
About the Author: VANESSA MEAN - TECHNOLOGY EDITOR- Vanessa Mean is the premier technology consultant for several top technology magazines.. Her syndicated column, What's New in Top Tech, reaches 30 million Americans every day. In 1993, Vanessa worked with the first major television break through, broadcasting to over 150 million people worldwide. This breakthrough in broadcasting technology has provided the basis for HD television broadcasting today. A technology that is used globally to deliver rich, focused content to digital subscribers.In addition to her column, readers find Vanessa on the leading edge of television services. As a liaison for a major television consulting company, you can trust Vanessa for the best deals in satellite television.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
About Herpes Simplex, its Prevention and Treatment
Article Submitted by: Knut Holt

Saturday, 27 February 2010
Herpes simplex is a contagious disease caused by several forms of related vira. It causes swelling, blisters and then sores in the ski or mucosal areas, usually at small spots, but the attack can grow to greater lesions. The lesions usually only affect the outer skin layer, epidermis, and at shallow depth in the underlying layer of the skin, the dermis.. Herpes is most frequent on the lips, around the mouth and just inside the mouth. The genital and rectal region is also often affected. Herpes can however attack any other skin area or mucosal area. Herpes infection in the eye is rare but can cause blindness, and herpes can sometimes cause a dangerous infection in the brain. The herpes lesions will often cause tickling sensations during outbreak and burning, itching or sticking pain later. The pain from herpes attacking the genital area and other sensitive areas can be very intense. There are many versions of herpes vira and the different versions tend to attack different body areas. The type HSV-1 mostly attack the mouth region and HSV-2 mostly the genital region. An attack do not leave scars, unless the attack is severe and affect deeper layers in the skin.Herpes tend to reoccur in and around the same area throughout life, but the frequency and severity of attacks often diminish as the years pass. THE MECHANISM OF THE HERPES DISEASE Herpes is usually transmitted with direct skin contact or with sexual intercourse. When a virus attacks a skin spot, it introduces itself in the epidermal cells. There it proliferates and destroys the cells, so that the epidermis at that place dissolves. Some of the vira also introduce themselves into the ending of nerve cells. From there they are carried upwards in the nerve cell to the cell body where the cell kernel is situated. Now the virus particle dissolves, but special released substances from the virus take control and command the nerve cell to make a replica of the viral genome and introduce that replica in its own DNA. At later times, when something trigger it, the nerve cell starts to copy the viral genome it has in itself, it makes new virus proteins and assembles new virus particles. The newly produced vira are then carried downwards to the skin where they are released and infect new skin cells, and then also new nerve cells. Such new attacks from within tend to occur when a person is stressed by some impact, for example physical damage in the skin, another infectious disease, mental stress or physical and mental exhaustion. A common cold will often trigger a herpes outbreak. In some countries herpes is therefore called "cold sores". The body will acquire immunity towards the virus, but the immune system do not manage to tidy the internal parts of the nerve cells for the viral material, so new attacks from vira produced inside the nerve cells cannot be totally hindered. If the immune system is effective enough, it can however stop new attacks before a visible lesion occurs.. HOW TO PREVENT AND TREAT HERPES Infection by herpes can to some extend be hindered by avoiding contact with skin areas of other persons that have a herpes outbreak. A person that have a herpes lesion can also hinder transmission to new skin areas and to other persons by avoid touching the lesions with the hands and then transmitting the vira with hand contact It is especially important to hinder injured or sore skin or mucosa to come in contact with the virus. The chance of acquiring herpes in the first place and steadily new versions of herpes infection can be diminished by having only one sexual partner at the time. Use of condom can also help to hinder genital herpes. Keeping an attacked area clean and try will also help to hinder spread of the virus and to speed up healing. New outbreaks can often be hindered with a healthy lifestyle involving good diet, the right amount of exercise, enough rest and sleep and by avoiding excessive mental and physical stress. Avoiding to acquire colds and other infections will often also hinder new outbreaks of herpes. By severe pain from herpes lesions, topical analgesic drugs or numbing remedies that contain aromatic substances can be helpful. Aromatic ointments are also believed to speed up recovery by increasing blood flow in the area and certain tissue reactions. Strong aromatic remedies may however irritate special sensitive areas, like the genitals, and should be used with caution. The oral anti-viral drugs Acyclovir, Famciclovir and Valaciclovir can help to prevent new outbreaks, speed up recovery from lesions and decrease the chance of spreading the virus. They are however not always effective and can cause side effects like headache, general uncomfortable feelings in the body, joints ache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, decreased appetite, sometimes loose stool or constipation and with larger doses disturbances of kidney function. The anti-viral agent Docosanol (Abreva) is used in creams to smear onto the skin. It prevents the virus from sticking to the cell membrane and thus hinder it from infecting the cell. One is trying to develop a herpes vaccine, but it will probably not be available in some years.The development of such vaccines are also complicated by the many strains of the virus. There are many alternative ointments, salves and oral drugs on the market formulated to prevent new herpes lesions from reappearing and to heal manifest lesions. These contain nutrients and stimulators that experience and research have shown to alleviate pain, stimulate the immune defense, to block the viral attack and to enhance healing of lesions. Some of the ingredients used in these products are spirulina, red marine algae, Aloe vera sage, Saint John's Wart, Prunella vulgaris, Melissa oficinalis (Lemon balm), reishi mushroom, L-lycine, bee pollen, propolis, essential oils, licorize, reishi mushruum, Zinc, copper and sulphur. Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com |
About The Author:

Knut Holt is an Internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find more advises and natural drugs to help against herpes and other diseases please see his web-site: ----
---Examples: Herpes, edema, acne, allergy, cold, flu, heart problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, depression, hypothyroidism, rheumatism, yeast infection, UTI.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Prognosis Looks Positive for Homeopathic Products in U.S.
(NewsUSA) - In its heyday in the later part of the 19th century, homeopathic medicine was practiced by one out of five doctors in the U.S. While it remains commonplace in Europe and other parts of the world, Americans have been slower to embrace homeopathy after its decline in popularity here in the early 1900s. But now there are signs that the U.S. homeopathic market is making a comeback.
According to a report by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, sales of homeopathic drugs in the U.S. were between $300 million and $450 million in 2003, with a compound average growth rate of about 8 percent per year.
As more Americans turn to homeopathy for healing conditions both common and rare, myriad new homeopathic and natural remedies have emerged on the market.
"Homeopathic products are starting to boom in popularity as they are natural, governed by the FDA as a drug, [have] no known side effects and they are designed to treat symptoms before an outbreak or promote rapid healing during," said Andrew Weiss, chief executive officer of Aeura Inc. (www.aeura.com), which recently introduced a line of sublingual homeopathic formulas for treating the symptoms of cold sores, shingles and herpes. "They give added meaning to 'it's all good.'"
According to the industry publication Chain Drug Review, homeopathic products are "catching on in America's chain drug stores." Aeura's formulas, for example, are sold over the counter at such pharmacies as CVS, Meijer, Brooks/Eckerd and Pharmaca.
Homeopathy, the treatment of a disease via small doses of natural substances that in a healthy individual would produce symptoms of the disease, has long been a popular form of medicine worldwide.
More than 12,000 health care providers administer homeopathic treatment in France, Germany and the U.K., according to the Web site Hpathy.com. In India, there are at least 180 homeopathic medical schools.
The British Medical Journal reported that in the 1990s, an estimated 56 percent of the population in Belgium and 28 percent in Denmark used homeopathic solutions as a complement to traditional medicine. In the U.S., that number is roughly 3 percent and growing.
Industry experts say the high cost of many prescription drugs may represent a major reason for the rise in the stateside popularity of homeopathic solutions, which often cost considerably less than prescription pharmaceuticals.
In addition, homeopathic remedies typically do not interact with prescription drugs and therefore can be used in combination with conventional treatments.
According to a report by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, sales of homeopathic drugs in the U.S. were between $300 million and $450 million in 2003, with a compound average growth rate of about 8 percent per year.
As more Americans turn to homeopathy for healing conditions both common and rare, myriad new homeopathic and natural remedies have emerged on the market.
"Homeopathic products are starting to boom in popularity as they are natural, governed by the FDA as a drug, [have] no known side effects and they are designed to treat symptoms before an outbreak or promote rapid healing during," said Andrew Weiss, chief executive officer of Aeura Inc. (www.aeura.com), which recently introduced a line of sublingual homeopathic formulas for treating the symptoms of cold sores, shingles and herpes. "They give added meaning to 'it's all good.'"
According to the industry publication Chain Drug Review, homeopathic products are "catching on in America's chain drug stores." Aeura's formulas, for example, are sold over the counter at such pharmacies as CVS, Meijer, Brooks/Eckerd and Pharmaca.
Homeopathy, the treatment of a disease via small doses of natural substances that in a healthy individual would produce symptoms of the disease, has long been a popular form of medicine worldwide.
More than 12,000 health care providers administer homeopathic treatment in France, Germany and the U.K., according to the Web site Hpathy.com. In India, there are at least 180 homeopathic medical schools.
The British Medical Journal reported that in the 1990s, an estimated 56 percent of the population in Belgium and 28 percent in Denmark used homeopathic solutions as a complement to traditional medicine. In the U.S., that number is roughly 3 percent and growing.
Industry experts say the high cost of many prescription drugs may represent a major reason for the rise in the stateside popularity of homeopathic solutions, which often cost considerably less than prescription pharmaceuticals.
In addition, homeopathic remedies typically do not interact with prescription drugs and therefore can be used in combination with conventional treatments.
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