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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dating and the Herpes Virus

If you have been diagnosed with the herpes virus or are dating someone who has the virus, it is important to understand your responsibilities. Herpes is not a life-threatening virus in our day, but it is also not curable. While you can safely have intimate relations with someone you love without transmitting the virus, it is easy to transmit if you are not handling those relationships responsibly.

When You Are Infected

If you are infected with the herpes virus, most of the responsibilities fall on your shoulders when it comes to dating safely. You have to be well aware of all phases of the virus and do everything possible to look for signs and symptoms that will tell you what phases you may be in at any given moment.

Dating with herpes starts out just like anyone else dating. You focus on getting to know someone and determining whether there may be a future with them. When things become more serious and you start to become more intimate is when your responsibilities kick in. You have to first let your new partner know that you have herpes, no matter how uncomfortable that may be.

If you just try to control things so they do not get infected but never tell them, you are making a big mistake. They have the right to know and your chances of not infecting them are much stronger if you are both taking precautions together. Plus, a good relationship can quickly turn sour when one person finds out the other was hiding a secret such as herpes.

When the relationship progresses to sexual contact, you must always wear protection. Even if you think you are in the inactive phase where transmission is not likely, you must use adequate protection. Remember, shedding makes it possible for vaginal fluids and sperm to pass on the virus even without visible symptoms!

Finally, you have to take care of yourself and do everything possible to control the virus. This means taking your medication exactly as prescribed and seeing a doctor whenever you have a concern.

Dating Someone with Herpes

If you are not infected with herpes yourself but are dating someone who has the virus, it is your responsibility to learn about the different stages of the virus. This will help you understand how to prevent the transmission of the virus into your own body.

Just as it is not right for the person infected to keep the fact that they are infected from you, it is not right for you to leave all of the preventative measures in their hands. Become an active participant in their health and make sure you listen when they say sexual contact may not be safe.

Your biggest responsibility in the relationship is to understand that just because they may not be showing any visible signs of the virus, it is still in their body and may still be transmitted to you. As long as both people in the relationship are well aware of the virus and take the adequate precautions to keep it from spreading, it is entirely possible for any couple to love one another without spreading herpes. You just have to know your responsibilities in the relationship and keep to those commitments.

Herpes-Treatment-Help.com is a guide to treating and living with the signs, symptoms and stages of herpes. Learn more about dating someone with herpes by visiting the Web site.

Herpes Dating Sites Are Perfect For Genital Herpes Sufferers Who Are Single

Being single and living with genital herpes is not easy. It is tough enough to find the right mate without adding genital herpes to the mix. Because herpes of the genitals infects one in five adults in the United States, it is very common. Herpes is more common than most people think.

There are many herpes relationships where only one person is infected. As long as precautions are taken you have a much slimmer chance of becoming infected if you do not already have it or infecting another person if you are a carrier. Many people that are infected with genital herpes do not even know it. Since they have never had an outbreak or episode they do not think they are infected. That is why genital herpes is infecting so many people. It just jumps from person to person through sexual intercourse infecting millions of unsuspecting people each year worldwide.

One of the worst thing about herpes dating is that you must confess to the person you are dating that you are genital herpes positive. This is extremely important. I know it is hard to tell a person but it must be done. You should tell the person pretty early on in the relationship before it becomes hot and heavy. That way neither one of you will have grown an attachment for the other person.

There are other ways to approach genital herpes dating. You could find a person who has the same disease as you do. Herpes relationships are pretty common these days thanks to online herpes dating sites. Herpes dating websites are growing their memberships by leaps and bounds worldwide. With over 19 million people becoming infected each year in the United States alone the demand for these herpes dating websites has grown faster than any other segment of the online dating business.

Finding a mate who will accept you for who you are is easy to if you use herpes dating sites. The most popular out of all of them is http://herpesandyoudating.com

Herpes Dating Website - A Good Source of Useful Dating Info

Are you someone with herpes who is looking to have a relationship with another person or are you someone who is dating a person who is infected with herpes? You can definitely benefit from a herpes dating website that is full of information about herpes and how it can affect relationships, particularly intimate ones.

A good herpes dating website deals with the subject with utmost sensitivity so you can be sure that you will get nothing but quality information from it. Without a doubt, herpes dating is a serious matter. And many individuals who are involved in such a relationship are confused about what is the right thing to do about their situation. These individuals need guidance and even inspiration and these things they can get from a good herpes dating website that will surely be sensitive to their plight.

Herpes is a very contagious disease and it produces very unsightly symptoms. The problem is, very few people actually understand what the disease is all about. This is the reason why many myths surround the disease. One of the most pervasive myths about herpes is that people with it are not capable anymore of living a normal life. This is not true, The disease may be incurable but it is highly controllable. With certain lifestyle adjustments, some people can last for years without having a herpes attack.

If people with herpes can live normal lives, they are also capable of being in a relationship. Some precautionary measures need to be performed, but the point is it is possible for people with herpes to have a happy love life. The key for herpes dating to succeed is for both partners to be completely honest with each other when it comes to the disease. If you have herpes, you must tell it to your partner as early in the dating stage as possible. If you are dating someone with herpes then you should be honest about how you feel about the disease.

A herpes dating website can help spread the truth about the disease and dispel the myths and the wrong information that surround it.

I have herpes just like you. It is not the end of the world I can tell you that. Just learn to accept it and live with it. There are plenty of sources available for useful information. I have my own support forums for herpes and STD suffers that you might find useful at http://HerpesAndYouDating.com

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Overview to Genital Herpes in Plain English

Genital herpes is one of the most commonly occurring STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). It is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. There are two variations of the virus: type 1 or also referred to as HSV-1 and type 2 also commonly known as HSV-2. Type 1 which is the culprit behind the cold sores you might see people sporting on their lips and type 2 which is most commonly responsible for genital herpes.

Genital herpes has no preference when it comes to gender or age. It affects both men and women although HSV-2 does seem to have a higher rate of occurrence in women.

A person can only get infected during sexual contact with someone who is already infected. The most common way to transmit the HSV virus is thru sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse can be vaginal, anal or oral sex. Most people have none to very minimal signs or symptoms from type 1 or type 2 infection. When signs do occur, they tend to appear as small blisters in the pubic and anal region of the person infected. These blisters break leaving sores that may take several weeks to heal. In most cases, the first outbreak is the most severe. Signs and symptoms during the first outbreak include flu-like symptoms, fever and swollen glands. Outbreaks tend to happen less often and less severe over time.

When a person has an outbreak, which means that the blisters are present, they are more likely to transmit the disease. That doesn't mean that someone who is infected with genital herpes and doesn't have blisters is safe. They're not. Safe sex practices do need to be followed regardless of the presence of blisters.

The only real way to be diagnosed with genital herpes is by getting a blood test. When you are diagnosed with genital herpes you may view that as the end of your sexual life. It's not. Many people live with this condition and enjoy active intimate lives. There are multiple sites dedicated to introduce singles with herpes for dating.

Some surprising facts about genital herpes that many people aren't aware of include:

* Approximately 1 million people are infected with genital herpes each year.

* In the United States it's estimated that 1 in 5 people are infected with genital herpes.

* Type-2 infections are more common in women than in men.

* Up to 90% of people who are infected with genital herpes aren't aware of it.

In order to manage this condition, you do need to be diagnosed by a doctor. That's the first step towards treatment. There is not an available cure for genital herpes but it can be managed by oral medication known as suppressive therapy. The medicine helps reduce the number of outbreaks you can experience but as time progresses, your body gets used to the viral infection and is able to fight is reducing the number of outbreaks.

If your partner confides in you that he or she may have genital herpes or you suspect that you may be infected, plan a visit to your physician as soon as possible. With the required knowledge in hand you can take control of your sexual health.

Carmen Peralta is the Genital Herpes channel guide at Herpes Dating website STDSingles.com. She is also a a biology student in Virginia.

Don't Let Herpes Dictate Your Dating Life

You're back from your physician with some bad news: you've been diagnosed as a carrier of the herpes virus. Take a few moments to compose yourself with the fact that you'll carry herpes forever, but then realize: this isn't the end of the world. You'll still be able to lead a rich, fulfilling life with wonderful friends and family. Herpes carriers aren't different from the unaffected person standing next to them; the main contrast is that increased honesty and restraint is required when you think about having sex with a new partner.

A good place to start is with a basic introduction to what herpes is all about. Herpes is a virus that is transmitted during sex between a "carrier" and an uninfected person. It's important to realize that, with current medical technology, herpes doesn't have a cure. That means you should come to grips with the infection sooner, rather than later. Sometimes, you'll have blisters or sores that can be pretty itchy and irritable.

So how does this affect one's dating life? From the outset, you'll need to be honest with potential partners. Before any sexual activity at all occurs, make sure they fully understand how herpes works, what it does, and their risks of contracting the infection if they engage in sexual activity. You don't have to do this on the first date, but make sure to bring it up sooner, rather than later. That means not waiting until you're back at his (or her) place, ready to get it on. Pulling this kind of move will almost always result in an angry partner walking out the door, often not to return.

You may also want to consider looking into dating websites and services that advertise and provide service only to people who already have herpes. There are many benefits to going through this kind of medium: everything is right out there on the table, and you'll never have that potentially awkward moment of explaining herpes to your partner.

People who carry herpes only show their symptoms every once in a while. Don't let that fool you; you'll still need to tell potential partners that you have herpes, because even if you don't have any blisters or sores at the current moment, you can pass the virus along.

When you do suffer from an outbreak, make sure to avoid having sex. The chances of passing along herpes are much greater if open sores or blisters are visible. There are certain drugs on the market that work to control your outbreaks. Though they can be quite expensive, there is no price on making sure that you're protecting your partner as best as possible.

Another important thing to remember is that protection is the name of the game.. Remember that there are other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that you need to think about, aside from herpes, including AIDS and Hepatitis C.

In the end, remember that if someone is really meant to be with you forever, they'll accept this one small part of what makes you a unique person. Don't let herpes dictate your life. It's only something else to consider as you head into the dating world.

Jayde Johanssen has found that Herpes dating sites really assist their subscribers come to terms with things and enjoy dating again. Herpes dating sites are about finding love through understanding.

Herpes Dating Sites Offer Genital Herpes Sufferers a Place to Meet a Mate

Dating for people with herpes is not impossible as a matter of fact it is very easy. When someone is first diagnosed with herpes they are devastated. The first thing most people think about when they are first diagnosed is that their dating and love life is over. This is simply not true and I will tell you why.

Every single day thousands of people are diagnosed with herpes, whether it be genital herpes or the herpes that most people know as colds sores. Cold sores are widely excepted and most people have no problem dating someone that has an occasional cold sore. Genital herpes is a little different because it is not seen by the eye and no one will know that you have it until you tell them.

It is very important that you do not have sex with anyone unless you tell them about your condition. I know it is a touchy subject because I have both forms of herpes. I know how hard it can be to tell someone that you really care about and want to start a relationship with that you have an STD.

When I was first diagnosed with genital herpes I was completely in shock. I soon discovered that one in five adults is infected with an STD, after reading that I did not feel so bad as I knew that I was not alone.

There are many places where you can meet people just like you. Those places are usually in the forums on STD dating websites. I found a local group near me that get together at local restaurants lounges so they can meet people who have similar conditions. Some of these groups even have outings together where they go white water rafting and mountain climbing together which thought was pretty cool.

Joining one of these groups is a great way to meet people. Where I found most of my information was in STD dating forums. I found that in these forums people were so honest and wanted to share with everyone how they feel and their experiences in dealing with their condition

Most STD websites have their own forums that anyone can usually access for free. Inside these forums you will hear how people control their outbreaks and how they handle a relationship while protecting their partner. I am no medical expert by any means but from what I have heard a person is more apt to catch the disease one day before an outbreak and up to a week after the sore heals. With that being said, there is plenty of time that you won't be capable of spreading the disease but of course you should always protect the other person.

I get a genital herpes outbreak about once a year and I can usually tell when I am getting one. I start to itch like crazy where I normally get my outbreak. Herpes outbreaks usually occur in the same place where the original outbreak happened. If you start to itch there I would refrain from sex until you know whether you are getting an outbreak or not.

Herpes dating sites are great because you will know the other persons condition before you even contact them. Dating someone with the same condition as you makes going on a date stress free because your mind isn't going crazy thinking about how you would tell the other person about your condition if you start to get serious.

Another good thing about these herpes dating sites is that they do not allow search engines on them so your profile is completely protected. They also will not show a large photo of any of the members to non paid members to further protect your privacy.

When you meet your date for the first time you can spend it getting to know the person without the fear rejection because of your condition.

I am very fortunate that I met a really great woman on one of sites and we hit it off right away. We both agreed that by knowing each others condition it really made us at ease with each other. http://herpesandyoudating.com is a great website where you can find thousands of people who share your condition. I highly recommend you pay a visit to check it out. The forums there a truly priceless and there are plenty of great members as well.

Don't worry! Be Happy! Life is to short to hide in your shell and think your dating and love life is over just because you have genital herpes. Take your life back now!

Herpes Dating Service - What is It?

If you have genital herpes it may be difficult for you to form lasting intimate relationships. If so, then maybe it is time you checked out a herpes dating service. Herpes is a very contagious virus that can be spread to others by skin to skin contact. There are a lot variations of the herpes virus. In fact, chicken pox and shingles are a form of herpes virus. However, if you are like most people when you think about herpes you are thinking about genital herpes. This type of herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, and it is very contagious. You can get genital herpes through unprotected sex.

When you join this type of dating service you will gain a few advantages. The biggest one is these types of sites take away the fear you may have of telling someone you have herpes. When you join these dating services you have already announced to everyone that you have herpes. So when you date someone from this service you no longer have to worry about when is the best time to drop the bomb about your herpes.

If you live in a major city you can bet they will have a local herpes dating service. This will make it possible to meet singles from your immediate area. These types of services may even stage social events so their members can meet each other in person. But don't think you have to stay in your local area to meet singles. You can sign up for an online herpes dating site to connect with singles from all over the country.

You should take a few precautions when you go on a date for the first time. You should never have your date pick you up at home. Drive to a public place to meet them. This is to protect yourself because you don't want a total stranger knowing where you live. Your cell phone should be with you at all times and turned on. It is a good idea to have a friend call you at least once during the evening to make sure you are alright. These precautions may seem over the top, but you never know what type of person can slip through the screening process of a dating service. Keeping yourself safe is the number one priority.

You have options when it comes to dating with herpes. Just become a member of a herpes dating service and have an active social life again.

The best free online forum is Herpes Dating Service where thousands of like minded people, with similar experiences hang out. Pop in for anonymous support or just a chat to share experiences or to find local people, you'll be amazed by the response, just Click Here.

Advice For Singles With Herpes

Having an STD like herpes can make you feel like you are separated from the rest of the world. Catching herpes after being launched into the dating scene can be a great discouragement. Singles with herpes are many in the world and you should not feel alone in any way. There are a growing number of people living with herpes all over the world. This has led to invention of new industry which is Internet dating web sites for people with herpes. It is actually amazing that one in four women is infected with herpes and one in six men is also infected. Once you get over the shock of being diagnosed with herpes you should go online. You will feel so consoled because the number of sites for people living with STD is very high.

Singles with herpes have found solid comfort through online dating sites. Craig who is a single professional man from North Carolina ended up with herpes. Talking to only one person and telling him/her about what how he was feeling was good enough but when he joined a dating site he found more than 500 people to talk to. They were all living with herpes but just like him, they were decent people. They provided support and other services that were very useful to him. It feels good to talk to people who understand what you are going through. In these dating sites, all the members are infected and therefore they are more than willing to listen to your story and set you free in more than one way.

Dating for singles with herpes is not as easy like for singles with cancer or diabetes. The fact that herpes is a sexually transmitted disease makes a lot of people to become opinionated. You might be educated with a masters degree, good money but it is hard to enjoy a good relationship with a person who knows your status. If you are dating a person who is not infected it is quite hard to tell the right time to disclose your status. In the dating sites you are advised on when and how to tell a prospective girlfriend/boyfriend about herpes. It is one of the greatest ethical problems experienced by most people. Whenever Jennifer would tell men that she was dating with herpes, all prospective men would run in the opposite direction.

Spreading a disease is not something most of us want to do unless you do not fear guilty trips. The beauty about herpes dating sites is that all the members have the disease therefore you do not have to worry about spreading it to other people. Most new members feel nervous about joining the site since it is usually their first time to disclose their status or talk about it openly. Whenever a support group is organized many are nervous to enter through the door and some even go back on reaching the entrance. Singles with herpes appreciate the support groups and one of the organizers confessed that she usually receives flowers after the party.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Singles With Herpes Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Singles With Herpes

Dating and Herpes - You Can Still Date With Genital Herpes

If you are single and think your dating life is over because you have genital herpes then think again.

Did you know that 1 in 5 American's has genital herpes? That is quite a staggering number of adult genital herpes cases, don't you think? Hearing those numbers should make you feel a little better about your condition. Many people that are infected have never had an outbreak or did not know they had one. This is why it is the fasted spreading std in the United States.

People that don't think they have genital herpes should still get tested for it to determine if they are a carrier of the disease. By getting tested for this std then you will know whether you need to take precaution if you have the disease.

Unfortunately many people think that if you have genital herpes then there is something wrong with you. All of us genital herpes sufferers know that simply is not true. We are the same person except for our medical condition. Most people that become infected become emotionally devastated at first and feel like they will no longer be a viable mate. This is normal and with time and as you become educated about your disease, this feeling will pass.

Since one in five American adults has genital herpes you would think there would be alternative to regular dating and meeting people. Well, in the last 5 years ago or so there has been more places for genital herpes sufferers to go for information about their condition.

Online there have been Yahoo Herpes and STD Groups popping up in areas around the country.

In these groups people connect through meet and greet at local gathering places, I have even seen some white water rafting getaways just for single men and women who suffer from this disease.

There have also been Herpes Dating sites popping up and many are getting pretty huge.

As it infects another 19 million Americans this year, the demand for herpes dating sites grows like wildfire. Many of these STD sites allow you to have your own blog. Many offer real live STD counselors available for you to contact, some have chat rooms and very informative forums.

Just remember, there are millions of singles out there with genital herpes around the globe.

There has never been an easier way for singles infected with genital herpes to meet their match as there has been now. You will never meet your match who shares your condition if you do not take the first step.

If you have been bored to death and tired of hiding in your shell because of your condition then it's time to break out of that shell. Find a local group on Yahoo near you if there is one, there is no cost for these groups except that you pay your own way when you go out.

Even the herpes dating sites are free to join.

Visit Yahoo Groups and try to find a STD or Herpes Group near you. If you are looking for a great Herpes Dating Site then you should check out http://HerpesAndYouDating.com

Monday, June 27, 2011

Recently Diagnosed With Herpes? This Advice is Just For You!

So you went to your doctor for a routine exam, he or she noticed a small bump on your private areas - and suggested a blood test to rule out the herpes simplex virus. You may have noticed the bump but thought nothing of it. Perhaps it looked like a shaving bump, or a bug bite - whatever the case is...genital herpes was the very last thing on your mind. You leave the doctors office, nervous - but sure that you couldn't possibly have that disease. A few days later you receive a call from your doctor who nonchalantly tells you that your test results were positive for the herpes virus. She offers to give you a prescription for suppressive treatments and reminds you to come back in one year.


Just like that your entire life is turned upside down. What should you do? How will people react? Should you tell your best friend? How is this going to impact my dating life? You will have an endless amount of questions running through your mind. The very first thing you will need to do is just take a step back - and relax. As difficult as that may seem - it is very important to remain calm. Stressing out will only make your outbreaks worse.


1. How did this happen to me?: You have to stop blaming yourself. Even using condoms 100% of the time won't protect a person from contracting genital herpes. This is a virus that can go years upon years without detection and often shows no outward signs of infection. Having herpes doesn't make you dirty or promiscuous.


2. I can't believe he or she did this to me!: The next stage in dealing with a herpes diagnosis is to blame your most recent sexual partner, but the truth is - herpes can't always be traced back to your last partner. Once again, it can literally remain dormant in a persons system for a long time - without them even knowing it. Unless you've been tested in the past for HSV 1 and 2, it's very difficult to pin point when and where you contracted it.


3. No one will want to date or marry me: This is totally false! There are millions of happily married couples where one person has herpes and the other person does not. Dating and relationships are difficult enough, dating with herpes does complicate things - but it won't make it impossible. You will need to be responsible in dating, but that's the case even without herpes.


4. I won't be able to have children: This is another totally inaccurate myth! Herpes simplex virus has absolutely no effect on your ability to have children. If you are a woman, your doctor will likely suggest that you deliver through a Cesarean section (also known as a c-section) to avoid the risk of passing on to your child, but herpes has no effect on conception.

Herpes is not a death sentence, it is manageable as long as you have the right attitude, a healthy diet, and effective treatment options. For more information on new herpes diagnosis visit us at: Herpes Dating Advice

The Best Source of Herpes Dating Info - Do You Have Herpes?

It is important for people with herpes and people living with or related to people with herpes to have access to correct and updated herpes dating info. And the best source of accurate herpes dating info out there are herpes dating websites that can be easily found on the Internet.

If there is one disease that is surrounded with many misconceptions, it is herpes. People with herpes suffer from all types of discrimination simply because many people are ignorant about their disease. These individuals sometimes find it hard to live a normal life even if it is completely possible to do so. What's more difficult with people with herpes is to have a romantic relationship with another individual. Especially someone who is not infected with the disease.

This is the reason why there really is a need for accurate herpes dating info. It is a good thing that the number of herpes dating websites are increasing. This means that now, people with herpes have many channels to turn to whenever they are looking for information regarding their condition and how it can affect their chances of forming a relationship. Most of the information in these websites come from other people who are also living with herpes so you can be sure that they are accurate and useful for people with the condition.

Herpes may be a serious and incurable disease but it highly controllable. There are thousands of people the world over who are successfully living with this condition. They continue to work or run their businesses and most importantly, they are able to establish and keep romantic relationships. If they are able to do it, you can too. All you need is access to very useful herpes dating info that will tell you how to meet people and establish relationships even if you have herpes.

STD dating sites are not only excellent sources of herpes dating info. These sites also act as some sort of support group for people who are living with the disease. These sites do not only provide practical information about herpes they also give inspiration and motivation for infected individuals who find it hard to accept their fate.


Herpes - Dating Advice For Singles With Genital Herpes

If you are single with genital herpes then you know about the stigma that goes along with it. Although you hear about genital herpes on TV medical shows and read about it in medical journals, it is usually not the topic of discussion among friends.

Having genital herpes can be confusing, upsetting, depressing and can also cause anxiety in some people. When a person first realizes they have genital herpes, many lock themselves away for a while to think about it.

Many single people think that they are no longer desirable as a date or a mate. This may be true to some extent. There are many single people who simply will not date someone that has genital herpes because they do not want to become infected with it.

This is a normal reaction from some people so please do not be offended if your date does not call you back after you tell them about your disease. You really cannot blame a person who is STD free from wanting to date only STD free singles.

You must come to accept that dating with herpes is different from the kind of dating you experienced before you were infected. When you meet someone and go on a date you should not tell someone right off the bat that you have genital herpes. This is something you want to keep private at first. But, you should also not wait to long before you tell your date either.

Let the person get to know you a little and see it there is a spark between the both of you before you tell them. By waiting a little bit to tell your date that you have herpes, you will increase your chances of having a more serious relationship with that person.

Herpes and You Dating is a dating site for singles with herpes. Find herpes singles right in your area no matter where you live. Perhaps a herpes dating site would be a great place to find a date.

Dating With Herpes - Do I Need to Take Suppressive Therapy?

When you come to terms with your herpes diagnosis, you'll really need to make a decision about what treatment options you will utilize. If you are single, and intend to date people without herpes - this is doubly important.

As you know, there is no cure to the herpes simplex virus. Although the virus is not deadly or particularly dangerous - it is still incurable. Disclosing your status to any potential sexual partner is a must. There are many within the herpes community who do not feel comfortable dating outside of the "group" - however when dating people who do not have herpes, there are a few things that you can and should do to protect them.

1. Be honest about your outbreaks: Nothing ruins spontaneity like an annoying herpes outbreak! You should consider yourself highly contagious when you are experiencing an outbreak, so it is best to refrain from intercourse during these times.

2. Pay attention to your prodrome symptoms: Part of being honest about your outbreaks involves you knowing when they actually occur. Due to the fact that they aren't always visible or noticeable - keep track of the symptoms you have immediately before an active outbreak. In other words, are your glands and lymph nodes tender? Do you have any body aches? Abnormal itching? A tingling sensation near your outbreak sites? Knowing your symptoms will give you a better idea of when you may be shedding.

3. Eat healthy: Many people with herpes report increase in outbreaks when they eat certain foods. It is widely known that things like peanuts, caffeine, and even wine can cause the dormant virus to make it's way to the surface. If certain foods are your triggers, try to avoid them or find alternatives.

4. Take a form of suppressive therapy: We're sure you've seen the cheesy Valtrex commercials - where one person in the couple has herpes, and the other person has not - and it's been that way for years! As cheesy as they may be, there is an element in truth behind the commercial and the product itself. Studies show that when taken regularly, Valtrex drastically reduces the chances of passing the virus on to your partner. If you are dating outside of the herpes community, you should make it a point to take your meds on a daily basis as prescribed.

5. Always use protection: It is important to note that the herpes simplex virus can be passed on even when you use condoms. Since the primary form of transmission is through skin to skin contact, if you have surface level shedding in a place not covered by a condom - you are still contagious. It is also important to remind you that both genital and oral herpes can be transmitted during oral sex. With those things said, using condoms is still a "must". Condoms combined with suppressive therapy reduce the transmission rate to less than 2-3%

Now these five tips are just a few of the ways to make dating those without herpes less stressful, the other alternative is to explore your dating options amongst the herpes community. Although the disease is still taboo and demonized, there is a rather large online dating community out there just waiting to meet you! Positive Singles is one of the premiere herpes dating sites.

Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes.

Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on dating with herpes, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites


Yours In Health & Wellness!

3 Ways to Minimize the Psychological Impact of Herpes Simplex

Nobody talks about the sense of shame that accompanies a herpes simplex outbreak. Yet there is so much wrong information floating around that it's easy to see why some people regard a herpes diagnosis as devastating. Why is it that society views something that millions of people suffer from as so dirty and shameful?

The Herpes Simplex virus is still somewhat of a mystery to modern medicine. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes virus causing painful and unsightly blisters that can appear on your lips, nose, eyes, hands, and genitals. The herpes virus is highly contagious and once infected; you need to take precautionary measures for the rest of your life. For many sufferers, a cold sore outbreak can be felt before onset. A tingling sensation often heralds the start of an eruption, and within a few days, the blisters will open up and eventually heal. Although medicine cannot cure you of the herpes virus, there are many treatments that will minimize the impact of an outbreak.

Some tips to minimize the psychological effects:

- Join a forum online: Just talking to other sufferers makes you feel loads better. You can feel relief that yours isn't as bad as some of the cases online, and you could potentially make new friends! The best source of advice is others in the same boat. Joining a forum is possibly one of the best things you can do to feel better quickly! In a completely non-judgmental environment, you can explore the various suggestions for treatments, as well as making use of the experiences of others. The Internet is a wonderful tool that provides many great resources for herpes sufferers. It's even possible to find herpes only dating sites to minimize the discomfort of having to tell potential partners.

- Get professional help: It's not unheard of for the herpes simplex virus to cause such psychological trauma that extra medications or interventions might be necessary. If the thought of an impending cold sore is stressing you out, you are probably bringing on worse attacks than if you were relaxed. Whether it's a psychologist or your doctor, there is plenty of help for you if you are really suffering serious psychological trauma. One sufferer reported a fantastic side effect of getting psychological help for their herpes; the doctor prescribed much stronger medication that eliminated cold sore outbreaks completely.

- Experiment with treatment options: There is a fair amount of misinformation floating around about the herpes virus. The truth is that there are many ways to eliminate cold sores from your life!

Being diagnosed with the herpes virus need not be a devastating blow. Use some of these tips to ensure that you keep your perspective and are able to lead life to the fullest, without worrying about those outbreaks constantly. Nobody under estimates the powerful psychological impact that contracting the herpes simplex virus can give sufferers, the key is to reach out and take the necessary steps!

How would you like to never have to worry about cold sore outbreaks again?, Find out how you can truly be cold sore free fore-ever. Go visit the Cure-Cold-Sores.com website.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dating With Herpes - How to Overcome Rejection

The likelihood of rejection is very much real when you have genital herpes and are interested in dating someone that does not have herpes. The social taboos associated with the virus are too many to count. Herpes is demonized and the large majority of the population, even those with the virus - are mostly misinformed about what it is and how it is contracted. And the truth is - no matter how comfortable you are with your condition, there will be others who are completely unaccepting. That said, dating rejection is difficult enough - but there's something especially painful about being rejected because of herpes.

Chances are, prior to being diagnosed with herpes - when you were turned down for a date - you just shrugged it off and reminded yourself that "there are plenty of fish in the sea". Now that you are living with herpes, the reality has set in - there may not be as many "fish in the sea" as you once believed. So how do you deal with the rejection when you are single and dating with herpes?

1. Get over it: Yup! That's what I said - you really have to just get over it. I understand that is certainly easier said than done, but you can not allow yourself to get depressed over someone telling you "no". There will be people who tell you no, but do not get caught up in those people - your only concern should be with finding the one person who says "yes".

2. They just weren't meant for you: I fully believe that there is someone for everyone. Whether you have genital herpes or one arm - there is someone who will love you fully and completely just as you are. The more time you spend focused on the one who rejected you, the less time you will have available for the who will accept you

3. Look for others like you: You may feel that only dating other people with herpes is very limiting, but that is part of the reality of this situation. Now I'm not suggesting that you lower your standards, or that you isolate yourself - however the facts are what they are. There will be people who will not be willing to give you a chance simply because you have genital herpes. Now that said, it is important that you remember one thing - you are not alone my friend! There are millions of singles just like you - suffering silently and looking for love. From local community support groups, online support groups and even online dating sites just for people with herpes.

You may have this disease, but it does not define who you are. Focus on those who love you and accept you, and you'll find peace with your circumstance and happiness in your love life.

Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes.

Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on herpes dating sites, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites


Yours In Health & Wellness!

Ayurveda Approach to Genital Herpes

Dosha theory which help in diagnosis of the diseases.

According to ayurveda three doshas or three energetic forces control the activities of the body. These doshas are

1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

VATA: The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. It has been said in ayurveda classic books that "pitta, Kapha and all other body tissues are considered lame without assistance of VATA." Vata dominates the lower part of the body, which is below umbilicus. The movements of body fluid, metabolism, elimination of waste products, semen ejaculation, pushing the fetus out of body, relaying stimulus to brain and response to organs and tissues, heart beat, respiration, body movements etc are assisted by VATA.

Vata dominated regions are intestines, lumbar region, ears, bones and skin.

Vata gets vitiated due to following reasons.

1. Controlling natural urges like urination, defecation, hunger, thirst, etc.

2. Late nights.

3. Irregular food habits.

4. Talking in a high pitch.

5. Over physical and mental exertion.

6. Consumption of spicy, dry, bitter foods.

7. Exposure to severe dry and cold climate.

The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated vata.

PITTA: The pitta dosha assists the body fire or Agni, which plays a major role in body's metabolic activities. The locations where pitta dominates are digestive system, skin, eyes, brain, and blood. Pitta maintains body temperature. The secretions like digestive juices pigments like melanin (bhrajaka pitta), hemoglobin (ranjaka pitta) are all types of pitta.

Pitta is dominant in regions of Umbilicus, stomach, sweat, lymph, blood, eyes and skin.

Vata gets vitiated due to following reasons.

1. Excess consumption of spicy, sour, salty foods.

2. Consuming alcohol in excess.

3. Over exposure to hot sunny climate.

4. Short temperedness.

5. Using dried vegetables.

6. Indigestion of food.

The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated pitta.

KAPHA: Kapha provides bulk to body, lubrications, moistness, fertility, stability, strength, and memory. Helps in binding process wherever necessary. This is heaviest of all doshas.

Kapha dominated regions are chest, neck, head, stomach, body fat, nose and tongue

Kapha gets vitiated due to following reasons.

1. Sleeping in daytime.

2. Consuming sweets, chilled food, in excess.

3. Consuming fish, sesame, sugarcane, milk and milk products.

The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated kapha.

When these doshas are in balanced condition the body remains healthy. If these doshas get imbalanced the body succumbs to diseases. Doshas get imbalanced frequently due to change in climate, seasons, lifestyles, diet etc. The treatment is to bring back the doshas to normalcy and expel the toxin or ama produced during the imbalanced condition.

Causes of Genital Herpes

Herpes is caused by a virus the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which belongs to the same family of viruses that cause chickenpox. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses

1. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and mostly causes oral herpes

2. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). And mostly causes genital herpes

However, both type-1 and type-2 can occur in the genitals, oral area or both.

Due to unhealthy life styles and diet the delicate balance between doshas get disturbed. This disturbs the body fire or Agni.

(Agni is the body fire, which is responsible for transformation of one substance to another. It breaks down the food substances, eliminates toxins and wastes, maintains body temperature, and resists the invasion of microbes by maintaining strong body immunity.

The body fire, which is assisted by balanced doshas, digests the food completely to form Pakwa Anna rasa (the liquid form of food which is completely digested by digestive enzymes), which is ready to get absorbed by body tissues. According to ayurveda Pakwa Anna Rasa nourishes the body and its components to keep the body devoid of diseases. But when body fire is impaired there will be an incomplete digestion of food forming Apakwa Rasa (indigested food). The indigested food fails to nourish the body components leading to lowered body resistance.)

The disturbed Agni fails to digest the food and toxins get accumulated in body due to improper metabolism. Accumulation of toxins reduces the body immunity and paves the way for invasion by microbes.

When a person who has low immunity comes in contact with HSV virus, he/she gets the genital or oral herpes.

Unhealthy lifestyle

1. Over eating

2. Sleeping in afternoons.

3. Over physical exertion.

4. Over mental exertion

5. Consuming food frequently even when not hungry.

6. Constant exposure to hot sunny climates

Unhealthy diet

Excessive consumption of

1. Salty, sour, hot, spicy food.

2. Sour curds

3. Alcohol.

4. Cheese

5. Charred and overcooked food.

6. Sesame, Bengal gram, horse gram, sesame oil, rice flour, garlic, fish.

Opposite foods

1. Curds, salt, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, sour fruits, meat, prawn, pork, should not be consumed with milk. The above-mentioned foods should not be consumed by mixing one item with another.

2. Sprouts, honey and milk should not be consumed with meat and fish.

3. Fish & milk: fish &sugarcane juice; jaggery & pork; honey & pork; milk & mango; banana & milk; are opposite foods.

The Transmission Of genital Herpes

A person can get genital herpes in following conditions

1. If he is sexual active and when he performs sex (oral or genital) with infected partners.

2. A person who has oral herpes transmits herpes to genital organs of a partner during oral sex and a person who has genital herpes transmits this to his partner during coitus when they have a genital contact.

3. The disease gets transmitted when mucous membrane comes in contact with infected area.

The disease gets transmitted mostly during active phase. But it may spread even during asymptomatic (when person is free of symptoms for a particular duration) phase. The virus needs a fluid media for its transportation. The body fluids like saliva, semen, vaginal tract secretions etc. Mucous membranes in mouth, vagina, urethra or open wounds facilitate the virus invasion due to their moistness.

In Genital herpes there is an imbalance of all three doshas (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA), which in turn vitiate lasika (lymph), blood (rakta), muscle (mamsa) and skin (twacha).

The imbalanced doshas vitiate skin and the immunity of skin cells is lowered. The virus attacks these weak cells and starts exhibiting symptoms on affected area.

Local symptoms

1. Pricking sensation

2. Edema

3. Pain

4. Feeling of constriction

5. A sensation of ant creeping

6. Many small eruptions gathering in a small area.

7. These eruptions or blisters burst soon with exudates.

8. These blisters will have different colors according to involvement of doshas. (Blackish red or blue in vata, red, yellow, copper colored in pitta, shades of white in kapha).

The weakened body immune system tries to resist the virus invasion but fails to achieve the goal. In this futile attempt the following systemic symptoms are exhibited.

Systemic symptoms

1. Fever

2. Weakness

3. Indigestion

4. Impaired bowels

5. Increased frequency of urination.

6. Body pain.

7. Increased thirst.

Imbalanced vata causes the symptoms like pain, swelling and body ache

The imbalanced pitta and vitiated blood and skin cause

1. Blisters,

2. Change the color of skin,

3. Cause burning sensation, and fever.

The imbalanced kapha and vitiated lymph cause itching, tingling sensation.

After the first attack the virus moves from skin through the nerve paths to base of the nerve and becomes inactive. Now the herpes infected person will be devoid of all symptoms. But the imbalance of doshas still persists.

Reactivation of Virus to cause outbreaks

At unpredictable times, the virus becomes active. It multiplies and resurfaces on skin by traveling through the nerve path and exhibits the symptoms locally. The severity of symptoms of out break depends on the strength of body immunity.

The pelvis or shroni, nerves and skin are dominated by vata. When vata gets vitiated due to precipitating factors, it reactivates the virus dormant in base of nerve end and the virus travel through nerve paths to reach the skin surface.

Precipitating Factors

As we know the outbreaks have few precipitating factors like

1. Excessive exposure to sun.

2. Illness,

3. Poor diet,

4. Emotional stress

5. Physical stress,

6. Friction,

7. Steroids

8. Menstruation.

9. Emotional stress.

10. Genital trauma and intercourse.

11. Repeated infections such as a cold or pneumonia.

These factors increase vata and increased vata activates the virus, which is dormant.

Low Immunity The systemically imbalanced doshas interfere with the body metabolism by vitiating the body fire (agni). This leads to indigestion and malassimilation of nutrients, which in turn causes poor immunity. Due to decreased immunity the body fails to offer resistance to outbreaks.

Ayurveda Tips to avoid outbreaks


1. Spicy, sour, fried and junk food, which aggravates vata.

2. Precipitating factors.

3. Sleeping in afternoon.

4. Meat products over fried or deep fried in oil or fat.

5. Charred and overcooked food.

6. Consuming opposite food like fish and milk etc

7. Physical exertion after a meal

8. Taking bath immediately after exercise or heavy outdoor work.

Include honey, pomegranate, and fruits of Emblica officinalis, legumes, dates and raisins in your diet.

Practice Yoga and Meditation to control emotional disturbances

Ayurveda References

1. Sushruta Samhita

2. Charaka Samhita

3. Madhava nidana

4. Ashtanga Sangraha

5. Yoga Ratnakara

Dr. Savitha Suri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989. After getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of Mysore, India, she started practising ayurveda. Her articles about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites. She is a regular health columnist to a regional news paper.

Dr. Savitha Suri lives in Mysore, Karnataka, India. She gives consultations in Mysore and also in Bangalore, the silicon valley of India.

Mob: 91-0821- 9342115292

Coping With Herpes Diagnosis - Depression, Dating, Relationships & Myths Dispelled

A herpes diagnosis can send even the most well balanced individual into an emotional tailspin of depression. It is an incurable disease and although it isn't deadly, and considered a mere annoyance to the medical community - carries a taboo throughout all of society. Chances are you feel incredibly lonely, isolated, dirty - and angry. If you are single, you're also concerned about your chances of having a healthy and fulfilling love life as well. Depression is a very natural reaction to have when you suffer from the herpes virus - but now is the time to educate yourself and learn what it is that you can do to overcome these feelings and live a normal life.

Top Herpes Myths Dispelled:

1. I can't have children: This is absolutely 100% FALSE. The herpes simplex virus will not prevent you from having children, nor can you pass on the disease to your children in utero or during the conception process. HSV type 1 (oral) and type 2 (genital) are contracted via skin to skin contact. This is why many in the medical community consider the virus to be more of a dermatological disease, even though it is often passed through sexual contact. You will contract herpes through seminal fluid, vaginal fluid or blood. If you are a man, you can still reproduce - and if you are a woman, you can still conceive. It is important that your doctor knows your status ahead of time because most often, a woman with genital herpes will be given a Cesarean section (c-section) instead of having a vaginal birth to reduce the chances of the child coming into contact with the virus in the vaginal canal.

2. I can't donate blood: FALSE! The inability to donate blood is another common misconception associated with the herpes virus. Let me state once again - the herpes simplex virus is not a blood-based virus. When you contract herpes, oral or genital, it "lives" within the nervous system of the body. If you have oral - it generally rests in the base of the neck, when you have genital - it rests in the base of your spine. When dormant, it just kind of lays there - harmless, but when active - it travels via the nervous system to it's outbreak location. According to the Red Cross and all medical studies, donating blood when you have HSV is perfectly safe. They ask that you avoid doing so when having your initial outbreak or even subsequent recurrent outbreaks.

3. I can no longer work around or hang around kids: FALSE! The guilt and depression associated with the virus tends to cause some sufferers to withdraw from the world. They feel that they are the most disgusting person around and go through great lengths to avoid interacting with people, especially children. Once again - stop beating yourself up! The chances of casually transmitting the virus to children are very slim. Did you know that an estimated 75% of the U.S. population has some form of HSV - for the large majority it is type 1, oral herpes. Don't allow your diagnosis to cause you to stop living your best life possible. Now the virus is passed from skin to skin contact, so common sense hygiene practices are in order when dealing with the public. Keep your hands clean, avoid touching any sores during outbreaks, and keep your hands away from your mouth and eyes.

4. My sex life is over: Herpes will undoubtedly change your sex life, but it is far from over. You will definitely need to be careful, more responsible - and less spontaneous...but you can have a full happy sex life. You aren't limited to the type of sex you have either, you are just limited in the ability to be "carefree". This can be a good thing though - so don't fret.

5. No one will want a serious relationship with me: FALSE! I won't try to paint a rosy picture of easy dating and acceptance by everyone you come across. Relationships aren't easy to begin with, and that is even more true when you have an incurable disease of any sort.There are some people who will reject you without even giving you the benefit of the doubt. Others may give you a chance, only to later decide that they don't want to take that risk. You may also decide that you rather only date other people with herpes, if that is the case - there are thousands and thousands of people waiting to meet you. There a several great online dating sites for people with the herpes virus - including PositiveSingles.com and MPWH.net

Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes.

Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on herpes dating sites, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites

Yours In Health & Wellness!

Dating With Genital Herpes, It's Time to Take Your Life Back

You have always enjoyed the dating scene, going out with friends for a few laughs is great and provides the chance for you to meet new people. Tragically you just found out that you have genital herpes and you are now not sure if you ever want to date again!

If you are not with the person that gave you genital herpes you are probably feeling mad as hell at them. Dating is over and you are left with a lifelong disease, genital herpes, no one is going to blame you for feeling this way. It doesn't have to mean your life is over and there is no reason why you can't go back to dating in your life.

You can even go to one of the many online dating websites and find a websites that cater to people with herpes and make new connections that way. There are so many websites springing up all over the internet you can easily find one that suits your dating life.

Many new genital herpes sufferers find that by visiting websites they feel more secure and it is a great way to get find information that will help you become accustomed to your life. The websites can help you in many ways, by providing information about dating and herpes and in other ways that will affect your life.

Just because you are out dating and leading your life, you don't have to be obliged to drop the fact that you have genital herpes on your first date. Let things take their natural course and there will be a time when it just feels natural to tell your date the news. When you are both feeling comfortable with each other and the way in which your life is going together. Divulging this information before you allow your relationship to develop to the next level will earn you respect.

So go out and enjoy yourself and you can easily keep on dating and socializing with your friends.

You will have plenty of resources at hand, from the various websites, herpes dating sites, chat rooms and telephone help lines, to the more detailed websites specifically dealing with herpes in particular.

Remember that you can easily continue your dating either in person or via websites, just play safe and smart and you will easily lead a normal life again. Make use of the information displayed on the websites and use to your best advantage.

I have genital herpes and know what you are going through. Herpes Dating Site has helped me find quality dates with women who share my medical condition. http://herpesandyoudating.com is the largest genital herpes dating site online. thousands upon thousands genital herpes singles from the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia are members

Single With Herpes and Online Dating

Honesty and openness with potential partners is of the utmost importance when you are single with herpes. This was important to you before you contracted HSV, why wouldn't it be now? Let's face it-it's difficult to tell someone that you suffer from genital herpes. Now with online dating, we are meeting people who are almost perfect strangers much more frequently. Having to tell a stranger that you have herpes is not exactly how most people want to begin their first date. But now, there are sites out there that understand the problems single herpes sufferers face and are hooking up successful, happy couples through herpes dating

Approximately 50 million Americans have genital herpes. That's about twenty-five percent of the population! Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV is twice as common among people between 20 and 29 years old than it was twenty years ago. Studies show that as much as 80 percent of the herpes population is unaware that they have the virus. Although there is still no cure, scientists are working on topical solutions and vaccines that can help combat the spread of HSV. With treatment herpes can be managed and not transferred to your partner.

For singles with Herpes dating is complicated. Many suffers that are single find that dating with herpes is a headache. Having HSV isn't easy. Neither is online dating. But now, online dating for people with herpes is easier than ever before. There are dating services and websites that specialize in herpes dating which help sufferers find partners who are also single with herpes. Single HSV sufferers are going online in greater numbers than ever before to herpes dating sites that offer privacy and protection without later guilt or embarrassment of explaining HSV to a love interest. Online dating for people with herpes just got less complicated.

At vddate.com, you'll find a community of people that share many things: interests and hobbies; likes and dislikes; values, goals and dreams. What sets vddate.com apart from other online dating websites is that you don't have to hide anymore-everyone seeking love and deep, meaningful relationships at vddate.com are living with Herpes, HIV or AIDS. If you're single with herpes it's time to pull your profile together and meet others like you. Search vddate.com for singles with herpes and forget the headaches and hiding.

Move forward with your life and start enjoying the beginning of exciting new relationships at vddate.com.

Herpes Dating Sites, Are You a Victim of Herpes?

Are you new to the herpes and dating scene? Looking to get on with your life even though you have just been diagnosed with herpes? Well keep on reading to find out how you can lead a normal life and enjoy the dating scene without feeling guilty.

A great way to find information on herpes is to do a search on the internet and visit some of the many websites that are online, you will see that there are indeed many websites related to herpes and dating specifically.

Of course at this point in your life you are going to be feeling overwhelmed both emotionally and physically, just having to deal with hearing the word herpes can be enough in itself to change your life and point you in a different direction.

Once you understand how to cope with herpes in your life and see that you will still be able to go out and enjoy dating, you will have the energy and determination to get your life back on track.

With so many people suffering from herpes it is going to be relatively easy to find the information you need among the many websites that are on the internet today. These websites will provide you with enough resources to find any information regarding herpes that you may need.

You will find many dating websites that are specifically designed so that people with herpes can get on with their life regardless of the illness you have just developed. Many of these websites will provide you with information regarding local support groups in your community. In this way you can certainly meet people and start participating in the dating scene again.

Dating again doesn't have to be as tough as you might think. Herpes is more common than you know. Once you are in the world of dating and herpes then it might suddenly feel as though everyone around you has this disease in their life.

Why will these online websites help you with getting dating back into your life? Because the people on these sites have experienced the life changes that herpes can do, and you as a new sufferer can benefit from their expertise and advice. You will receive first hand answers to your questions from a person that has dealt with the same issues and concerns that now face you.

These various websites are there to give support and they have indeed been very valuable to many people who have required help. Some of these websites have sprung up just because at one time there were not enough sites around to help victims. It was definitely something that was required and is now appreciated by many people.

Take advantage of these websites and enjoy your time dating even though you suffer from herpes.

I have genital herpes and know what you are going through. Herpes Dating Sites have helped me find quality dates with women who share my medical condition. http://herpesandyoudating.com is the largest genital herpes dating site online. Many, many singles from the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia are members

Herpes Dating Sites - Dealing With Herpes

Just knowing that you have genital herpes can be a huge burden in your life and it can easily cause a lot of psychological upheaval in many people. You may feel cheated or lied to by your partner and are feel isolated, not knowing where to turn. Not seeking advice or help can be very detrimental to your health. You really do want to try and keep your life as normal as possible.

Can people have a normal life having genital herpes? Yes and if you find yourself in this situation then there are some positive things that you can do to get your life back to normal. Primarily you want to get some help and support from someone that you can trust. This can be in the form of a genital herpes website support group, your family doctor or a close friend or family member.

Remember peoples reactions are going to be different and you may be pleasantly surprised at how much compassion and understanding you will receive from those that truly love you. Once you open up and start talking with someone you will undoubtedly feel much better about the whole situation and the way in which herpes will fit into your life.. It will take some time to adjust to these new facts but good things will start happening again, including dating and going out on some great dates.

Understand too that in many people, the first outbreak of genital herpes can generally be the most severe, as after the first time your body will start to produce antibodies to help fight the infection. There are also medications and natural herbal treatments that have been shown to help some people. So you do have many alternatives to look into. Just maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be enough to prevent any major outbreaks from reoccurring too often in your life.

There are many national places that you can ask for help such as the National Herpes hotline and the American Social Health Association, so take advantage of these resources for genital herpes and STD. They can possibly help you track down local genital herpes support groups, genital herpes dating websites and clinics that you can attend.

Look into the various chat groups, websites, online support groups, herpes dating sites to find an outlet that will provide you with some kind of support. Finding a way in which to express your feelings and fears is a big step in the right direction.

With all the websites providing support and information you will quickly start to lead a normal life and feel that you can deal with herpes in your dating life much more easily.

Dealing with herpes does not have to be a lonely, depressing time in your life. There is no need to become alienated to your friends and family. It is usually in these tough times that people shine and their true feelings for you will come through. Nothing is better than having a good support network in place, a system that you can turn to in a heartbeat when you need advice or are feeling down.

Any type of STD can be managed including herpes and life will feel normal again soon. So the answer to this often asked question:

Is it possible to live a normal life for people with an incurable std?

Is simply a "yes".

I have genital herpes and know what you are going through. Herpes Dating Sites have helped me find quality dates with women who share my medical condition. http://herpesandyoudating.com is the largest genital herpes dating site online. Many, many singles from the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia are members

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Genital Herpes Dating Sites For Singles Who Want to Meet a Herpes Mate Fast

If you are infected with genital herpes and single then you know how difficult dating can be. You still need to date and not lock yourself in a closet just because you have herpes of the genitals. I have found that having to tell the other person I have it is the hardest part. I dreaded have to confess by condition.

I really hate being rejected because of my disease too. I am sure most people feel the same way about that too. Lets just say that I have had my fair share of rejection after having to tell a date I have herpes of the genitals. If most people only new the facts about it, they would know that 80% of all people infected with genital herpes have never had an outbreak and do not even know they have it. Most old school doctors will ask if you ever have a genital herpes outbreak and then say there is no reason to test for it if you have never had an outbreak. Nothing can be further from the truth. Everyone should be tested. That is the only way to stop the infection from spreading. Genital herpes is becoming an epidemic right under our noses.

I have had some successful relationships since being diagnosed. I found that knowing all the facts about herpes is important so you can at least answer any questions the other person may have about your disease.

With one in five American's infected with herpes and lets not forget the rest of the world, finding a herpes date is pretty easy. There is also a few great herpes dating sites online that you can join for free. Most of them have forums, personal blog space and even chat.

http://herpesandyoudating.com is the best herpes dating site online. If you have herpes of the genitals then this herpes dating site is for you. Although there are members with other STD's there are more herpes singles than any other site. People are members from all over the world too, including the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, Canada, United States and beyond.

Herpes Dating Sites - A Place to Meet Other Herpes Singles

If are single and living with genital herpes then you are not alone. Over 19 million Americans will be diagnosed with genital herpes this year alone. There are million more that are infected but do not know it since they have never shown any symptoms of the virus.

Herpes Dating is going mainstream. With one in five sexually active Americans infected with this disease, memberships at the bigger herpes dating sites are growing rapidly.

On the larger herpes dating sites there are herpes infected members from all over the world. Millions of single Americans with genital herpes flock to these sites because they offer a better alternative to regular dating websites. There is also a huge number of members from the United Kingdom as well.

If you have genital herpes and you are single then you should consider a membership at an STD online dating site. Many of the STD / Herpes dating websites have herpes forums, chat and some even offer a free blog to all members.

As a single person that is infected with herpes simplex and genital herpes, I have found that I feel more at ease using these herpes dating sites. One of the worse things about dating with herpes is that you have to tell the other person about your disease. You and I both know just how stressful and awful you can sometimes feel before you have to tell someone. I always get a pit in my stomach and my mouth always gets very parched. I hate that feeling! Don't you?

One of the best things I like about herpes dating sites is that the other person already knows about your STD since it is listed on your dating profile. With your date already knowing, It just makes the stress go away so you can enjoy your date and fall in love naturally without the worries of having to tell your secret.

I have tried a lot of STD dating sites and http://herpesandyoudating.com is the biggest and the best one I have found. They have some members with HIV and HPV too but 90% are single adults with genital herpes who are looking for love.

Tips To Live With Genital Herpes

Although the medical science has made so much progress, there is no cure available for treating genital herpes till date. If a person is diagnosed with herpes, then the medicines prescribed to him aid in just healing the herpes sores and to prevent further outbreaks. However, these medicines simply cannot act as a cure for the disease or prevent the transmission of infection from one infected person to another. Therefore, here are some tips to make you endure an outbreak better and also help you live with Herpes Simplex more confidently.

There are a number of home remedies that can help you by relieving the symptoms, ease the discomfort and also shorten the length of the outbreak.

During an outbreak the patient must avoid touching the sores and also avoid indulging in sexual contact because this is a highly contagious stage and the chances of transmission of the virus to the sexual partner are very high. Therefore, a person suffering from a genital herpes outbreak must abstain from having sex until all the symptoms of the outbreak have completely subsided. The patient must put on loose fitting comfortable clothes made out of cotton. The genital area must be kept dry and maintained absolutely clean because moist and oozing lesions are prone to attack from other microorganisms, resulting in secondary infections. If required, the area of the underwear that comes in contact with the genital area must be sprinkled with medicated powder to keep the area as dry as possible.

Washing the hands frequently, particularly under the fingernails during an outbreak is very essential. The patient must also drink loads of water to wash off the toxins. In order to reduce the pain during an outbreak, the patient can place cool tea bags or ice packs over the affected area. The aches associated with fever may be eased by taking a hot water bath, and some mild painkiller. The patient must try to keep himself stress-free throughout the period of the outbreak.

About Author: Pauline Go is an online leading expert in medical industry. She also offers top quality medical tips :
Celecoxib And Heart Attack , A Complete List of STD And Symptoms, Symptoms Of Bone Cancer

Find Passion and New Love With Online Herpes Dating Sites

Being single with herpes is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing to deal with. You have to deal with questions on whether you can trust a new partner with your secret, you worry that they may tell everyone you know about your condition - or worst yet - reject you in a horribly humiliating way. Although it is estimated that nearly one in five adults have either herpes simplex type 1 or herpes simplex type 2, an estimated eighty percent of those people are unaware of their status. This can make dating with herpes very challenging, this is even doubly so with genital herpes as most people see herpes type 2 as the "nasty" herpes.

No matter what your age or how long you have had the herpes virus, it is important that you know that you are not alone. The advent of the internet has brought together those with herpes from all over the world. Not only is love with herpes right at the tip of your fingers, but the web has also spurred the creation of many herpes and HSV support groups. You know longer have to suffer in silence nor do you have to fear being alone for the rest of your life.

There are dozens of sexually transmitted disease dating sites, these include sites created specifically for those with herpes, HSV as well HIV/AIDS. Let's discuss some of the most popular herpes dating sites.

Positive Singles: PositiveSingles is the largest STD dating site on the web with an estimated one hundred thousand members. The are really a full feature online dating site just as you would expect for non-std sites. PositiveSingles is not limited to just people with herpes though, there membership also allows for people with HSV, hepatitis type B&C and HIV/AIDS. Although herpes is an incurable disease it is not a potentially fatal disease like HIV/AIDS. Privacy is a huge concern when it comes to something as sensitive as health conditions, PositiveSingles does allow you the ability to control who can and can not see your profile.

Meet People With Herpes: Meet People With Herpes, or more commonly known as MPWH is the largest dating site dedicated specifically to those with herpes/HPV. MPwH has a community atmosphere complete with forums, chat rooms, and a regularly updated bulletin. The user interface isn't as pretty as PositiveSingles but the membership is reportedly very active.

There are millions of people with herpes who are still living their lives, having successful relationships, getting married and having children. Your herpes diagnosis does not signal the end of your dating life.

For more reviews and comparisons of herpes dating sites, join us today at herpes and relationships.

Should You Tell Your Date That You Have Herpes?

So you've been single with herpes for a little while, none of your friends are aware of the fact that you have herpes - but insist that it's time for you to get out and start dating again. Being the caring friends that they are, they set you up on a blind date. Now in your mind, this is the worst thing that could possibly happen - however you decide to go on this date anyway as to not embarrass your friends. The date seems to be progressing well, but now you are faced with one question - should you tell your date that you have herpes?

First, let's get a few herpes facts out of the way:

1. Herpes is spread through skin to skin contact, this includes kissing as well. If you have herpes of the mouth, you can spread it by kissing.

2. Herpes can be spread even when you show no outward signs of an outbreak.

3. Herpes of the mouth can be transmitted to the genitals during oral sex.

Now that you have been reminded of how herpes is spread, let's answer the question of how and if you should tell your date. Although the herpes virus poses no threat to life, the disease is still very much misunderstood and demonized. Herpes is often the butt of the joke amongst the younger generations and this can make disclosing your status very uncomfortable. Unless and until you are very comfortable with the fact that you have herpes, it is not necessary to out yourself on the first date.

Before you consider telling a potential new partner about your herpes status there are a few things that you may want to think about:

1. Trust: Can you trust this person? No matter how comfortable you are with your herpes situation, not everyone needs to know that you are infected with the virus. If you tell this person, can you trust that they will keep it in confidence and not try to humiliate you amongst mutual friends or strangers?

2. Is there a future: Even though it's just a first date, you have to ask yourself if you really see any future dates with this person. If you're pretty certain that there won't be any more dates, then save yourself the trouble. However if you believe there will be multiple dates afterward know that you will eventually need to tell your new friend about your oral or genital herpes.

Not every date leads to a relationship or intimacy, so you should not feel compelled to talk about herpes until you have really confirmed whether or not there is any long term potential. If the idea of dating outside of the herpes community scares you - there are dozens of online herpes dating sites available. Visit herpes dating advice today for more tips.

Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of http://www.YouGotHerpes.com, Savannah Francis gives practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes. For the best tips on dating with herpes, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites

Friday, June 24, 2011

6/24 Herpes Life

Herpes Life
How can herpes be an opportunity?
June 23, 2011 at 1:38 PM
Getting herpes was a real life-changer for me. But in a different way than you might imagine …
I got herpes years ago. In short, I saw it as a dead end. I wanted to die. Herpes meant a lot of self-defeating things to me. It meant I was going to be unloved, rejected, alone. It was the physical manifestation of my worst fear: that I didn't deserve love. Name all those heavy emotions — I felt them all. Anger. Shame. Self-pity. Disgust. Despair. Loneliness. Hopelessness. And eventually … numbness. Underneath it all was the question, "Am I really worthy of connection?" I was terrified of the answer; so I suppressed even asking myself the question. Denial was my key to not feeling. A self-fulfilling prophecy set in.
Fast forward many years …
I turn 30. I've only grown more alone and ashamed of myself. A (premature) mid-life crisis lovingly slaps me across the face. What am I doing with my life? Why am I here? I'm emotionally constipated. I scour the internet for possible answers. After a few self-development seminars run by some amazing life coaches, I have an undeniable epiphany: It wasn't the herpes that was holding me back at all — it was myself! The herpes had become a story that I chose to believe, a physical saboteur, if you will. It became a negative perspective that I found myself entrenched in. As I connected more deeply to my own fear of disconnection, the more connected I felt to what was real. I cried. A lot. I also laughed. A lot. I felt more deeply and fully than I ever had. Numbing my pain had the strange side effect of numbing my joy, too. Feeling, it turns out, is an equal opportunity experience. I had connected to something meaningful.
I came to realize that herpes has been my doorway to greater self-awareness, to greater self-love, acceptance and compassion. This process has been a felt experience of the saying "You only accept the love you think you deserve." Herpes is a touchstone to those parts of myself that are actually only ghosts of past beliefs. The more I saw herpes as a story I told myself, the more I saw the other stories I had made up about myself. This process allows me to see my authentic core, stripped of the externalities. It flipped my perspective from "herpes as obstacle" to "herpes as opportunity" — or pulling back to the meta-view of "life experience as opportunity." An opportunity to see our true selves.
The healing process continues for me, only now it includes others. I am inspired to help those who feel alone in their experience of herpes, who feel that they are at a dead end. I am a herpes life coach. I have a blog named Herpes Life and a tele-seminar series called The Herpes Opportunity.
So yes, herpes has changed my life. It compelled me to find my purpose: to take the opportunity to connect with who we are once the stories are stripped away … and to be in awe of the beauty we are left with.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Herpes Simplex 2: A STD Epidemic?

Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV 2) is a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, that is very common in our society. It is a condition usually referred to as genital herpes. In the United States, it affects approximately 16.2% of people aged 14 - 49 years. This translates into approximately one out of every six sexually active individuals. It is an equal opportunity infection that doesn't discriminate based on economic status, race, or religion.

Welcome to the world of genital herpes. The fact is that anyone can be infected, at any time. Someone can have Herpes Simplex 2 for years without showing symptoms. During this time, the virus can spread between people without either person knowing it. It is the only STD known to spread even while wearing a condom. No doubt, the insidious nature of the disease is a reason that it is so prevalent in our society.

Herpes Simplex 2 hits you below the belt, literally. The symptoms that it causes affect the genital region, hence the nickname genital herpes. It usually begins with a blister, sometimes multiple ones, around the anus, penis or vagina, and mouth. These blisters will then rupture, leaving painful sores.

Once these sores heal, they will often re-appear again every few weeks or months. The immune system plays a huge role in how often the symptoms of genital herpes will attack. Illness or stress will sometimes cause additional outbreaks. For this reason, it is recommended that people with Herpes Simplex 2 do their best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and nutrition are key components to achieve this goal.

Pregnancy poses a special risk of spreading the infection. It can be fatal for the baby if contracted during late pregnancy. Newborn infants of infected mothers can also contract the virus during childbirth. It is urgent that pregnant women let their doctors know if there is any chance that they have, or have been exposed to, genital herpes.

People living with herpes can be subjected to scorn and disdain from those who don't understand the disease. Education plays a key role in preventing emotional damage and scarring in individuals who have a STD. There are helpful websites, such as Love, H Style, that can offer group support to those who are struggling with these issues. In addition to meeting new friends, it may open the door for dating opportunities.

Prevention lies in responsibility. Long-term monogamous relationships are the best way to prevent the spread of Herpes Simplex 2. However, sexual partners can be tested for it, even in the absence of symptoms. As public awareness and education increase, the more likely it is that the numbers of infected people will remain stable.

*The Centers for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/STD/herpes/STDFact-herpes.htm

Monti Robinson is the owner / CEO of http://www.Lovehstyle.com, which was created as a powerful resource not only for people living with Genital Herpes, Oral Herpes, Genital Warts, and HPV; but also for their partners, families, support groups, managers, counselors, and medical professionals.

Love, H Style is an online Social Networking Community where you can find plenty of helpful information about Herpes (HSV-1, HSV-2) and HPV. We also allow you to meet singles throughout the world that come here to gather in search of information, support, friendships, and romance.