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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Herpes - Facts and Natural Solutions

Herpes - Facts and Natural Solutions by Lachlan Walker

 Herpes is a common infection generally transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. There are several strains of the herpes virus, two of these strains commonly cause genital herpes. You can have oral herpes (on the lips, most often 'cold sores'), genital herpes (on the genitals) or non-genital herpes (herpes on other parts of the body; most often 'shingles'). Shingles is not sexually transmitted. It is a secondary event long after the initial infection with common 'chicken pox'. Shingles is usually a one-off occurrence.

Strains of the virus

There are two types of the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is the virus that most commonly causes cold sores on the lips or face. It is often transmitted in childhood through kissing, but can be transmitted at any age. HSV-1 can also be transmitted to the genitals through direct skin-to-skin contact, often via oral sex. About 80% of adults have HSV-1 by the time they are 25. A much smaller proportion will show obvious symptoms, such as cold sores.

HSV-2 is the virus responsible for most genital herpes and is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact. Approximately 1 in 8 sexually active Australians has genital herpes. Of these, 20 per cent are aware that they have the virus, 60 per cent are unaware that they have it, but have symptoms, while another 20 per cent have no symptoms.

Controlling the first outbreak

Most people with genital herpes have no noticeable symptoms and do not realise they have come into contact with the virus. They may only notice symptoms at a later date. For others, the first symptoms of genital herpes may show up 2 to 21 days after coming into contact with the virus. This first episode of herpes is often the most severe. When you first come into contact with the virus your immune system has not had time to develop protective antibodies. This means the virus can multiply rapidly, causing significant symptoms.

If you are experiencing a severe first episode of genital herpes, you may notice that your lymph nodes (the glands in your groin, neck and armpit) are swollen, or that you have flu-like symptoms such as sore muscles, tiredness, headaches, fever and chills. You may notice swelling, pain or itching around the genitals, possibly followed by painful red spots that can form small blisters. These blisters may burst to form open sores or ulcers, which crust over and heal. You may also experience pain when urinating due to the tenderness in your genital area.

Herpes of the anus or rectum may also result in rectal and lower back pain, an urgent need to pass faeces, bloody or mucus discharge, constipation and blisters on the skin area around the anus.

Usually symptoms will heal within 2 to 4 weeks and cause no long-term damage. If you experience significant pain with any outbreak you should ask your doctor about antiviral medications which can significantly reduce the length and severity of the outbreak.

Will I get genital herpes again?

After a first outbreak of herpes, the virus stays in the body for life. Some people do not have any further episodes or symptoms of herpes. This is called inactive infection, when the virus is hidden in the body and not infectious.

However, the symptoms of genital herpes do recur in some people. These outbreaks tend to be milder and heal faster than the first outbreak. This is called an active infection.

The active period may be obvious, with symptoms, or it may not. It is possible that symptoms are not obvious, or not present at all, but skin cells are shedding the virus during an active phase. This "viral shedding" may be potentially infectious to others if sexual contact occurs.

What causes the virus to reactivate?

Researchers are uncertain about what causes the virus to reactivate. Some common triggers are menstruation, being run-down or anything that causes skin irritation, such as friction during prolonged sexual intercourse. Triggers are different for different people and can even be different for the same person over time. Keep a record of your outbreaks and try to identify any possible triggers. This will allow you to adjust your lifestyle to best manage genital herpes.

Can I Control the Symptoms?

There are some homeopathic preparations available thatv are effective in controlling Herpes symptoms.

Lachlan Walker has been promoting natutral and herbal solutions for all sorts of conditions. He recommends Herpeset Homeopathic Herpes Solution. You can read his review of Herpeset Natural Herpes Symptoms Relief Formula at the Herbalworks website.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Herpes---Facts-and-Natural-Solutions/344072

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Herpes Virus Treatment is effective with Valacyclovir

Herpes Virus Treatment is effective with Valacyclovir by Maria Raton

 Herpes virus affects millions of people worldwide. Herpes simplex virus  is a common contagious infection of the skin which occurs on any part of the body like the mouth or the genital area. It spreads into the nervous system affecting it. It also affects the brain. The term herpes comes from the Greek word herpein this means to spread. Herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1 also known as cold sores and blisters, is found above the hip. It is usually contracted from skin to skin contact, kissing, or oral sex. Herpes simplex virus 2 or HSV-2  is transmitted sexually and is found below the hip mostly on the genital area. Many people are unaware that they have herpes because they have mild or no symptoms, or they do not recognize any symptoms. No-symptom of herpes is also called as Asymptomatic transmission.

There is no cure for herpes and the virus stays in your body for life. However various treatments and medications are available, that can ease the symptoms and suppress the length of the herpes outbreak. The herpes virus that remains dormant in nerve cells becomes active repeatedly. This virus then travels along the nerves to the skin, and keeps multiplying thereafter.

If you experience an outbreak of herpes avoid touching the sores. If your hand carries this virus, you may transfer it to other part of your body. Thus it becomes very important to take proper care of the area during an outbreak by keeping it clean and dry all the time. Washing hands after each touch is necessary. 

Valacyclovir is an oral antiviral, which is active against the herpes viruses. It is a boon towards treating herpes and for the suppression of recurrent herpes outbreak. It is used to treat infections like herpes zoster or shingles, genital herpes, and cold sores and to treat other diseases. The best part is that a serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely and the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

Valacyclovir has a longer duration of action than acyclovir, and, therefore, one can take fewer times each day. Val acyclovir comes as a tablet orally. This medication should be used as soon as possible after symptoms appear. The usual dose at the initial stage is 1gm twice daily for 10 days. And for the treatment of recurrent herpes the usual dose is 500mg twice daily for 5 days or as prescribed.

Maria Raton has studied and researched on Herpes and how it can be treated effectively. She has helped several people to give fast herpes relief, ease pain and discomfort, suppress the Herpes virus and achieve a healthier lifestyle. For free expert advice on safe, effective and assured quality medicines of herpes virus treatment visit us at http://www.rx2gostore.com

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Herpes-Virus-Treatment-is-effective-with-Valacyclovir/1074523

Monday, August 9, 2010

What is Herpes

What is Herpes

Published By: Jennifer Anderson
Herpes is a disease that affects millions of Americans every day. In fact one in five people have genital herpes and eight in ten have oral herpes or those cold sores you get on your lips every few months. That's right it's basically the same thing.
Genital herpes is caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus called HSV-2. Its symptoms vary from either really noticeable blister on and around the genitals to redness like a rash to nothing at all. People often don't know they have genital herpes because the symptoms are so mild or non-existent.
Oral herpes is caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus called HSV-1. Its symptoms can also be non-existent. In fact 80% of the population has the disease but many don't' know it and are carriers without symptoms. The people that do get symptoms often show redness or blisters on their lips and inside their mouths and report a tingling and burning sensation before the symptoms show themselves.
Genital herpes is a lot more prominent in the population then most people think because people don't realize how easy it is to catch and transmit. Whether you're showing symptoms or not it is possible to spread the disease to a partner or vice-verse. Also, unlike other STDs such as Chlamydia, it can be transmitted with the use of a condom because it can be transmitted through skin to skin contact rather than by being transmitted through fluids. This creates an easily transmittable disease that is not curable to spread quickly through communities.
There is no cure or vaccine for either HSV-1 or HSV-2 there for if you become infected you have it for life and must limit your partners and always tell a new partner about your disease. There is hope though, new anti-viral medication can slow down the virus, make outbreaks far and few, and make them much less painful. While they don't cure Herpes it sure does help.
Herpes has been around for a very long time and isn't going anywhere any time soon. In fact herpes as with many sexually transmitted diseases has been rising every year and with people's behavior there doesn't seem that there is much we can do other then educate.
The only real way to be safe from the disease is to practice safe sex, no sex, and staying with one partner and both being faithful. I can't tell you how many people say. That won't happen to me and then I see them in my office wondering what happened and how their lives have changed forever.
Jennifer Anderson has worked with Herpes for years trying to help curb the spread of the disease.

Article Source: http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/sexual-health-articles/what-herpes-63296.html