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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Get Rid of Cold Sores

Cold sores can be pesky little things. They always occur at the wrong time, like right before a date or an important job interview. Cold sores occur on the lips or in the area surrounding the mouth. Cold sores are also referred to as "fever blisters".

Cold sores or "fever blisters" are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus. Type 1 refers to herpetic lesions of the upper body. Genital herpes do not fall into this category. Since cold sores are caused by a virus, they are treatable but not curable. Also, cold sores are highly contagious. Even slight contact with a lesion can transmit virus particles from one person to another. Treatments exist both over the counter and prescription to keep cold sores under control and get rid of those unsightly lip lesions.

1. Over the counter treatments. Cold sores can be treated with creams and ointments purchased from your local pharmacy. Abreva® is a cold sore treatment that speeds healing as well as any prescription medication. The treatment should be used during the first couple of days of the infection which is called the "tingle stage". During this stage of the infection, outward signs are not yet visible on the skin. An infected person may feel burning, tingling, or itching around the mouth where the cold sore is preparing to form. Abreva® works best at this stage to shorten what could be a two week ordeal from start to finish. Other products that can be used include Herpecin-L®, Zilactin®, and Anbesol Cold Sore Therapy®. Carmex®, Neosporin(TM), and Chapstick® are used to prevent cracking, itching, and redness during the later stages of the infection when the sore is drying out and scabbing over.

2. Prescription medications. If over the counter remedies are not resolving the cold sore problem to your satisfaction, then see a doctor about prescription treatments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medications for the treatment of cold sores: Denavir® cream 1% and Zovirax® cream 5%. These creams are best applied during the "tingle stage" of cold sore formation. The logic is that if the treatment is applied early enough before the herpes virus has time to replicate itself the duration of the outbreak will decrease. An important point to note is that even with treatment, a person experiencing a cold sore is still considered contagious until the sore completely disappears.

While cold sores are not a major health problem, they are a form of herpes simplex virus and should be treated appropriately. Steps should be taken to avoid re-infection and transmittance of the virus. Treatment does not cure, but does keep cold sore symptoms under control.

Visit http://www.LearnHowToRemove.com for a growing library of tips to remove those annoying messes in your life.

Call To Action

Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 3, 2003

I need some advice, please! I've been married to the same man for 11 years. He's a nice person when he's not drinking. However that isn't very often.

He drinks on a daily basis. Sometimes it's four beers, sometimes it's 12 or more. He drinks alone and then gets verbally abusive. He tells me I could never make it without him. I would have to live in a cardboard box. He calls me names, then tells me he loves me and will never let me leave.

He had a terrible childhood. He was adopted and his dad left his mom for another woman. He hasn't gotten over his anger, but he won't seek any type of help. He denies there is a problem. My husband saves most of the good stuff for me, but he's verbally abusive to our two children as well.

I've been to Al-Anon and talked to counselors. I tried to draw him back into the family, but he keeps pushing us away. I feel it's best to separate from him. Maybe the realization will make him take control. It's sad when your children wake up in the morning and ask, "Is Dad in a better mood, or do we need to be careful?"


Esme, your kids are living in a crazy, unpredictable environment. Walking on eggshells is affecting their development, and it will damage their future.

Their emotions are cycling between fear, bewilderment, anger and embarrassment. Children raised in this environment often become people pleasers who judge themselves harshly and have a hard time following through on projects. They likely will have difficulty disclosing their feelings to others, and they likely will live with a constant feeling of dread.

You have no power to change your husband's behavior. Only he can change it, and if he ever changes, he will do it for his own sake. Until he is tired of being controlled by anger and alcohol, he will not change.

At present he can be abusive and drunk and still maintain his home and family. He has no incentive to change. There are no consequences for continuing as he is, and there is no reason to assume a separation will make him take control. If he changes, it may be long after you leave.

Your highest duty is to your children. They have done nothing to deserve living in this kind of home. Your next duty is to yourself. You can't live a normal life with this man. There is one more duty. That is the duty your husband owes to himself not to waste his chance at life. But that is a duty only he can fulfill.

Proceed with your decision to leave, and take steps to ensure your safety and that of your children.


Sexual Histories

I've been dating a lady for about a week. We really click. A few days ago we were talking about personal problems, and she told me she had herpes.

I am in my 30s and have never met anyone with herpes. I was married for two years, but before I was married I was a virgin and very naïve about sexual things. I don't know if I should avoid sexual contact with her or just walk away.


Manny, you have a serious decision to make. Unless and until you see this lady as a life partner, avoid sexual contact. Otherwise, if things don't work out, her situation could become your own.

We suggest sitting down with a physician or other health professional to discuss exactly what this can mean for your future. There is no reason to be embarrassed. Simply explain to them what you explained to us.

The reason to go to a medical source first is you will not only get an authoritative answer, but you will have laid the groundwork for future treatment if you decide to proceed.


Authors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.

Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.

How to Treat Cold Sores So They Don't Spread - Or Wreck Your Social Life

The chances are that unless you have a very effective cold sore treatment plan in place, you, like so many others are going to suffer from many more outbreaks of these painful and embarrassing sores. Although everyone who has suffered from the Herpes Simplex 1 Virus has come to dread the pain and embarrassment that comes with these outbreaks, what most people worry about most is the unfortunate impact that these outbreaks can have on their social life.

It is difficult to date and find the companionship that we all need if you cannot kiss or allow the other person to touch your face. It is also very difficult to meet new friends and truly enjoy yourself at social functions if you have to worry about preventing others from coming in contact with your face.

Of course, it can be quite difficult when others shy away from you or talk behind your back because of the sores on your mouth as well. All of these things come together to explain why those who suffer with this form of Herpes often suffer a lower self-esteem and higher amounts of anxiety.

The good news is you can treat cold sores and even eliminate future outbreaks entirely, enabling you to enjoy an active social life! There are two different aspects that come into play here: preventing the spread of Herpes and implementing a personalized cold sore treatment plan.

Preventing Virus Spread

It's true that trying to prevent others from getting the virus is what causes much of the social discomfort when you have the sores on your lips. While most people will recognize the cold sores and actively avoid making contact with your face, many may not know that they can get the virus by eating or drinking after you. Literally anything that your sores come in contact with could spread the virus!

The best way to prevent the spread of Herpes is to pay very close attention to the initial signs that you are getting them. In many cases the virus is spread during the very first stage of an outbreak before the sores are visibly showing. The virus can still be present on the skin even if it is not seen, so you should be extra alert to notice what your initial signs are so you can identify them right away.

For many people the initial signs are tingling or itching, red skin, or a rough patch of skin.

Implementing a Cold Sore Treatment Plan

The absolute best way to prevent spreading Herpes would be to force the virus to remain inactive inside your body and never make a public appearance on your face, right? This can actually be done by implementing a cold sore treatment plan that allows you to treat cold sores effectively and essentially inactivate the virus.

Here are some ideas of what should be included in a treatment plan:

* Working around outbreak triggers to avoid outbreaks.
* Correcting any deficiencies inside the body.
* Supplying the body with a well balanced, nourishing diet.
* Protecting the skin from sun and other potential damage.

If you just continue to live your life day to day and treat cold sores only after an outbreak develops, you will be living the social consequences the rest of your life. Take charge now and have the active social life you deserve!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mouth Cold Sores - What Are They, Treatment (and Why You Might Not Have a Cold Sore at All)

A Quick Primer On Cold Sores and Herpes Simplex--Also, You May Not Have A Cold Sore After All!

A mouth cold sore, otherwise known as oral herpes, is the most common manifestation of the herpes simplex virus, the second most common is genital herpes. If you're getting a cold sore in your mouth, on the other hand, that's almost definitely not a cold sore because it's extremely rare that cold sores will occur inside someone's mouth--it's most likely a canker sore, which is completely different from a cold sore. A canker sore, otherwise known as an aphthous ulcer, is a bacterial infection and has nothing to do with the herpes virus and requires a completely different treatment.

Cold sores can also occur on the nose, probably the second most common place that they pop up on the face, but are almost always on, or right around the edge of, the lip. This is the specific problem that we will be addressing today.

Cold sores cycle between active and dormant periods--active periods typically last 2-21 days where there are blisters on the skin containing infectious virus particles, followed by a remission period--this is the state the virus is in the great majority of the time. During the remission period, the virus resides entirely in the sensory nerve cells, not doing anything whatsoever, where it will remain for the rest of the infected person's life. Over time the frequency and duration of active outbreaks lessen.

The Home Treatment for Mouth Cold Sores That I've Found To Be The Most Effective

1. Keep the cold sore clean and dry by washing it every few hours with a damp wash cloth and soap. Use some good quality facial soap if you can to keep from drying out your skin too much.

2. Apply an ice cube for a few minutes to the cold sore right after you wash it. Not only will this will cause the itching and pain to dissipate, but it will also lessen the severity of the outbreak by slowing down the virus' metabolism and decreasing its replication rate.

3. Apply some witch hazel with a q-tip after you've iced it, this is by far one of the most effective treatments I've found to date--I heard about it on an internet alternative health forum and tried it out myself, witch hazel is just amazing stuff. I can't tell you how it works, but I know from my own personal experience treating several cold sores with it over the last few year that it works.

4. Take some nail polish remover on a q-tip (a new one), and finally apply it to the cold sore--this stuff is awesome at soaking up any last little bit of nasty yellow virus fluid that your cold sore is inevitably leaking out. I've heard you can use Clearasil, too, but that it doesn't work as well as the nail polish remover.

Bonus Tip

Studies have shown that taking lysine every day at a dosage of 1000mg 3 times a day not only reduces the number of the outbreaks you get over the course of a year but also greatly reduces the length and severity of an outbreak when you do get one.

To get even further information on mouth cold sores, I'd suggest the you visit my friend's blog (click the link to the left)--she and her friends have been experimenting with home remedies for oral herpes for years now and have taken their findings and distilled the information down to precisely what works and what doesn't, very interesting stuff.

Dating With Herpes - Starting a Relationship With Herpes

If you have herpes, and you have been alone for a while, then you probably want to start dating. But now you may be wondering how dating will work when you have herpes. You may realize that dating for you now won't be the same as it was before you got herpes. You may be nervous or scared about it, and worried about rejection, or worried about giving your herpes to someone else. You may have heard of some legal cases which went to court regarding some celebrities, with their names in the media, which is something you are very concerned about. And finally, you may wonder how or if you will ever have sex when you find the right person. This article will address all of these issues, in a concise, easy to understand format.

The basis to all successful dating, herpes or not, is complete honesty. If you want a successful relationship, holding anything back will eventually contribute to the end of the relationship. And it doesn't have to be just about herpes. We can have many parts of our past we do not want widely known, and they can include family secrets, past promiscuity, illegal activities, drug use or other addictions, giving up a child for adoption when you were a teenager and lots more. And of course having herpes is another thing to disclose. This does not have to be done on your first date! If you want, you can hint at some of these parts of your past, but you do not have to blurt them all out on your first date. Instead, be yourself, and let the other person start to get to know you. If they like you, and there is a second date, you can slowly begin to reveal one or maybe two confidential parts of your past. You should be looking to see if the other person is doing the same. If they seem secretive, there is probably no point in going beyond a third date, and it would be inadvisable to have sex with them. Once sex is involved, our feelings get distorted, and part of us starts overlooking any negative signals that are given to us.

By the third date, there is a chance that the other person may tell you that they have herpes! There is about a twenty percent chance that they do. Keep that in mind, and then while in a romantic but not passionate situation, you can mention that you have herpes. You can tell them how long you have had it, and how often you have outbreaks, or if you never have outbreaks. You can give them some printed information on herpes to take with them when the date ends. If they are understanding, and they have told you something personal about their past, then you have a chance of developing a good relationship based on honesty. If they reject you, they are saying a lot about themselves, and you will have learned a lot about them without going too far. This is the time to move on to someone else. There is someone out there who is just right for you.

There have been some celebrity court cases regarding herpes and many other cases regarding herpes by non celebrities. The cases usually involve the fact that one party did not tell the other party that they had herpes, and passed the infection on to them. In other words, honesty was lacking before they had sex. Court cases, adverse publicity, and possible monetary loss can be avoided by being honest at the beginning.

It is possible to have a good sex life with herpes. The key is to learn about herpes, and know how it affects you personally. People are different in this regard, and the more you know, the better. Knowing about herpes, and knowing yourself, will enable you to have regular sex. It is possible to learn how to reduce the frequency, or minimize the severity, or even stop outbreaks altogether, if you know how. How to do this can include diet, herbal supplements, exercise and stress reduction, which are beyond the scope of this article.

If you want to end herpes outbreaks, guaranteed, visit my site below. I have been helping people with herpes for over 16 years. I have herpes so I know what it's like. Since I discovered how to end herpes outbreaks, I have been sharing this discovery with others. I operate a confidential website, and answer herpes questions emailed to me through the site. I also share what I know about stopping herpes outbreaks.


What Causes Fever Blisters? What You Need to Know!

Millions of sufferers wonder what causes fever blisters? Fever blisters are one of the most common mouth disorder causing discomfort and annoyance in those that suffer from it. These blisters are also known as cold sores and are small sores outside of the mouth, around the lips, cheeks, chin or even in the nostrils.

When the blisters are present the herpes virus is very contagious and is often passed along by kissing. Children often get it from their parents and can then pass it along to other kids by rubbing their sores and touching them.

The herpes virus stays in the body and once a person is infected with oral herpes, the virus stays in a nerve near the cheekbone. Now the virus can stay there or it can travel down the nerve of the skin surface which then causes a recurrence.

There was a time in ancient Rome, that an epidemic outbreak of fever blisters prompted the Emperor Tiberius to ban kissing in public ceremonies. Even today there still is an epidemic of fever blisters. About 100 million recurrent cases happen in the United States. An estimation of about 45 to 80 percent of Adults and children have had a bout with fever blisters.

Cold sores go through 5 stages:

1. The tingling stage - This stage lasts 1 to 2 days. A tingling sensation starts where the fever blister is going to form. This spot may swell, redden and become sore.

2. The blister stage - This stage usually lasts 2 days. A blister filled with fluid will appear.

3. The weeping stage - This stage is when the blisters burst open. This is the most contagious stage because this is when the fluids are leaking out.

4. The scabbing stage - In this stage the blister scabs over for 2 or 3 days. This scab usually breaks open in which another forms in it's place. This second scab flakes off in which an even smaller scab appears. The fever blisters disappears, usually not leaving a scar.

5. The healing stage

Cold sores are very common. They can seem that they appear at the worst times. A date, vacation or job interview.

Now that you know what causes fever blisters, don't live in fear and embarrassment.

Look and feel better by healing your fever blisters naturally at [http://www.cold-sore-free-forever.info]

How to Tell Your Partner You Have Herpes

How to tell someone you have herpes is one of the most challenging questions for single people who have herpes and those in relationships who have yet to have The Herpes Talk. It's difficult for other people to understand the level of fear and the sheer embarrassment that we face each time we meet someone new that we'd like to date.

However, learning the right ways to tell your partner you have herpes is critical if you want to experience a fulfilling relationship with someone that you find attractive and exciting. What you say and how you say it can be the difference in wonderful experience and miserable failure.

The Internet is filled with advice and techniques for having the herpes talk. Most all of it sounds good on the outside but does it really work? Does having as much printed information available for your partner to read and do their own research really help? Or does it only flood your partner with even more stress? Does having just the right atmosphere really set the stage for your grand performance? Or does it simply set the stage for bad news and reinforce your fear of being rejected?

Actually, most all of the information that you'll find to make how to tell someone you have herpes is hurting you more than it's helping. Being rejected after you've spent hours getting everything just right can destroy your self-confidence and is especially tragic for someone who has a low self-esteem.

Telling someone about herpes or "The Talk" is a skill that can be easily learned and perfected. It certainly does not have to be the huge burden that it's made out to be.

The constant fear of rejection from has compelled lots of people to take action and discover some way, any way, to be able to tell anybody, "I have herpes" without having the constant fear of being turned down. Unfortunately, unless you find advice that addresses the real problems, your efforts will be doomed to an endless journey of struggle and discouragement.

Here is the reality. If you would like to learn how to tell someone you have herpes then you'll need to follow the advice from someone who has already been through it before. Someone who has experienced the same fears that you have. What this means is you should follow a program that was created by somebody that had the same challenges as you are AND has figured out how to have the success you are looking for.

It doesn't matter what you do, if you want to have success in dating with herpes, you have to do what someone who was in your situation right now did. They understand what you really are experiencing and know the solutions from the inside out because they have already been there and they understand what it takes to have the success that you want and need.

Get on The Right Track and Follow The Right Advice that tackles The Herpes Talk at it's core...

Figuring out how to tell someone you have herpes definitely isn't very difficult. What is difficult is making you realize that it isn't the place that you have the talk or the printed information that is going to get you there. None of this will get rid of your fear of being rejected and make it easy to tell your partner you have herpes.

Once you are on the right track by simply following a suitable program, and develop specific skills, you're going to be blown away at just how much quicker the results can come for you.

Putting in the work that's required is really the hard part. But even the work can be rewarding...and fun! However if you're considering a program that is not tailored to someone like you and address the real problems that you're having, then it really makes no difference what type of effort you devote. In other words, you're just going to be spinning your wheels and continuing to feel the pain of being rejected. The never-ending struggles will continue until you learn the right ways on how to tell someone you have herpes.

The first step in living a full and happy life with herpes is to get educated and informed about the virus. Please know that you and I have genital herpes but our lives are far from over. In fact it can be a new beginning. With the right mindset and the right information, you can control herpes and stop letting it control you.

CLICK HERE If you are single and need help telling someone you have herpes.

The History of STDs

The STD epidemic is not limited to today's youth - oh no. Some STDs (and their painful, scientifically dubious treatments) date back several hundreds of years. Let's take a look at some of the older ones and the myths about them that caused some pretty unorthodox treatments throughout the history of STDs:


Herpes has been around since ancient Greek times - in fact, we owe the Greeks for the name, which roughly means "to creep or crawl" - presumably a reference to the spread of skin lesions. Although local STD testing wasn't available until long after the virus was identified in 1919, early civilisations could see that it was a real problem - the Roman emperor Tiberius introduced a ban on kissing at public events to try and curb the spread. Not much is known about early attempts to treat the disease, but be grateful you weren't around during the physician Celsus' experimental phase: he advocated that the sores be cauterised with a hot iron!

The problem certainly never went away - Shakespeare referred to herpes as "blister plagues", implying the extent of the epidemic. One common belief at the time was that the disease was caused by insect bites, which seems like an obvious explanation given the sores that the sexually transmitted disease creates.


Mercury was the remedy of choice for syphilis in the middle ages - the understanding of the sexually transmitted disease's routes and this treatment gave birth to the expression: "A night in the arms of Venus leads to a lifetime on Mercury". This was administered orally or via direct contact with the skin, though one of the most unlikely methods involved fumigation, where the patient was placed in a closed box with only their head poking out. The box contained mercury and a fire was started beneath it causing it to vaporise. It wasn't hugely effective, but was very, very uncomfortable. Because Syphilis sores have a tendency to vanish on their own after a while, many people believed they were cured by just about any remedy in the STD's history!

As the sexually transmitted disease became better understood, the ability to cure it increased. In 1908, the arsenic based drug Salvarsan was developed and, while not 100% effective, was a massive step forward. Its lack of effectiveness in the tertiary phase of the STD led to another disease being used as a cure: malaria. Because it seemed that those with high fevers could be cured of syphilis, malaria was used to induce an initial fever, which was considered an acceptable risk because malaria could be treated with quinine. Penicillin eventually confined both these treatments to STD history.


Before the days of local STD testing, Gonnorhea was often mistaken for Syphilis, as without a microscope, the two had very similar symptoms and were often silent. Of course, if you were "diagnosed" with the disease, you were in for an unfortunate treatment. According to some, the syringes found aboard the Mary Rose was designed to inject liquid mercury down the urethra of an crew suffering from the disease. By the 19th century, silver nitrate was a widely used drug, later to be replaced by Protargol. A colloidal silver replaced this, and was widely used until antibiotics came to the rescue in the 1940s.

So if you think that local STD testing and treatment is a painful process now, give a thought to the poor folks who had mercury or arsenic treatment all those years ago - and thank God for antibiotics!

Tim Leach is the Marketing Manager of USA Lab Testing, providers of local STD testing

Can I Live a Normal Life With Herpes?

If you are asking yourself "Can I live a normal life with herpes?" then you probably feel pretty hopeless. You may even be angry that you have been afflicted with herpes, and you may even be judged by people who find out about your herpes.

The truth is that you only need to have sex with one infected person to acquire herpes, and this does not make you a bad person. This does not mean that you have been sleeping around or that you are a sexually active person. It simply means that you had bad judgment one time and did not use protection. That is all it takes, is one time without protection, for you to become infected with herpes. It then becomes important for you to take precautions when you have sex in the future. The last thing you want to do is to pass herpes on to someone else.

Be extremely careful and do not have unprotected sex with others, because you do not want to share this infection. When you wonder "can I live a normal life with herpes?" then you should have as much information as possible regarding this infection. Be aware that there are certain times when you should not be having sex, under any circumstance, with anyone. These particular times are when you have open sores or blisters, because the infection can be more easily spread.

Of course, you should always advise potential sexual partners that you have the infection, and let them decide if they want to take the risk. If you want to have a good relationship with someone, honesty is key and if you wonder "can I live a normal life with herpes?", you can, but you need to be up front with sexual partners. No one wants to live with herpes, but it is not a death sentence. Many people live with diseases and infections that are much worse.

At times it can be difficult to meet people, and if you find someone that you really care about and want to have sex with them, you should let them know about your infection. It can be scary to gage a person's reaction, and they may not want to be with you because of your infection. There are some really great dating sites online where you can meet other people who also have herpes. When you think to yourself "can I live a normal life with herpes?", you can rest assured that there are other people just like you on these sites who are thinking the exact same thing.

The best thing about a herpes dating site where everyone shares the same interests and afflictions, is that there is nothing "hidden". It is already out in the open, and you don't have to find the right time to tell someone that you have herpes, because they already know. Now you are not being "judged", and you have an opportunity to meet someone wonderful to share your life with on a herpes dating site.

If you find yourself asking "Can I live a normal life with herpes?", the answer is yes. You just need to find a community of people who share your interests and also have herpes. It will be alright, you just need to take that first step.

I have genital herpes and know what you are going through. Herpes Dating Site have helped me find quality dates with women who share my medical condition. http://herpesandyoudating.com is the largest genital herpes dating site online. Many, many singles from the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia are members

Monday, March 19, 2012

How Long Does A Cold Sore Take To Heal? - Tips To Speed Up The Process

Cold sores are depressing, the moment you feel that dreaded tingling sensation you know you will have to endure a week, possibly two, of discomfort and embarrassment. How long it takes for a cold sore to heal depends on a number of factors, but there are definitely a few things you can do to shorten the healing time.

Ok, so the dreaded tingling sensation has started, and probably at the worst possible time, right? Believe it not, there is a reason for this, stress, or fretting about a forthcoming event are the main triggers for the herpes simplex virus. A work presentation, exams, money worries, even a first date, can all cause the virus to rear its ugly head. Stress and worry will extend the duration and healing time, so try not to fret too much.

The first thing I would recommend, is to go to your local health food store and buy some lysine tablet supplements, preferably 1000 mg tablets, take three tablets daily at regular intervals as soon as you can. Lysine is an amino acid that kills the cellular envelope that the virus travels in, and will greatly reduce the duration of your outbreak. Once it has healed I would recommend taking one 1000 mg tablet a day to help prevent further outbreaks.

In a previous article I have written about the merits of a compound called sodium lauryl sulfate, which is found in most soaps and toothpastes. This ingredient has been proven to inactivate the herpes virus almost immediately. I would go to the store and buy an ordinary bar of soap and a plain white toothpaste that contains this compound. It will be clearly labelled in the ingredients.

If the cold sore is located on your lip, put an ice cube in a paper towel and place it gently on the affected area, and repeat this until the swelling starts to subside. Next, apply some toothpaste with a cotton bud to completely cover the affected area and leave it to dry. If the virus has appeared above or below the lips, lather the soap and massage gently into the area with your fingertip, and leave it to dry. This may sound ridiculous, but the sodium lauryl sulphate in the toothpaste and the soap will dry out your skin and inactivate the virus almost straight away. You can repeat these steps as often as you like or as is convenient.

Remember that the virus is very infectious, so keep contact with the area to a minimum, and always wash your hands thoroughly, so the virus doesn't spread to another area of your face. If the cold sore starts to scab, it will always heal quicker if left alone to let nature take its course.

If you catch a cold sore in the early stages, these steps will cut down the healing time of your cold sore dramatically. There are many more natural and chemical ways to combat the herpes virus.
Visit http://face-herpes-symptoms.blogspot.com/ and discover why you never need to fear an outbreak again. Arm yourself with everything you need to live cold sore and herpes free.

Are Cold Sores Herpes?

Many people have herpes and many people have cold sores. Both ailments are caused by viruses, and people who are infected often experience outbreaks in the form of a rash, pimples or sores that break open. There are differences in the two ailments, and there are many similarities too. This article will clarify any confusion you might have about herpes and cold sores.

Cold sores are technically called HSV type 1, HSV - 1, oral herpes, or herpes simplex, and outbreaks most commonly occur on the lips, though they can occur on the inside of the mouth, tongue and genitals too. In non medical terms, cold sores are also called fever blisters. Most people would rather call the outbreaks cold sores or fever blisters, rather than oral herpes.

The initial infection with the herpes simplex or cold sore virus, usually occurs in early childhood. A child can get infected by a kiss from an aunt or grandmother for example, and then a child can infect another child with a kiss or slobbering on the other child, or by sharing a cup or spoon. If you think back to situations you were in as a child, or situations you see children in now, you can see how easy it is to spread the infection. For this reason, it is estimated that up to 80% of the adult population has the cold sore virus in them. But for most people, the virus is dormant, and causes them no concern at all.

For others, outbreaks around the lips may be common or even frequent, and such outbreaks may tend to occur when the person is anticipating something which may be stressful, such as a date or a job interview. For some people, chocolate, nuts or sunshine can cause a cold sore to appear.

When the term herpes is used, it usually refers to any infections or outbreaks below the belt. It is technically called HSV type 2, or HSV 2, or herpes simplex 2. The virus is usually transmitted or passed along to someone else through sexual contact. The symptoms can include a tingling in the limbs and sores in the form of small pimples or larger pimples which usually break open, and then scab over and finally go away.

The viruses for HSV 1 and HSV 2, are similar, but not exactly the same, from a scientific standpoint. But from a practical standpoint, the sores and symptoms are similar. The cold sore, or HSV 1 virus, can be transferred to genitals through oral sex. And the herpes, or HSV 2 virus, can be transferred to the lips, also through oral sex.

As the viruses for both are very similar, the treatments for both are also similar. Treatments can include anti viral prescription drugs, or herbal formulas.

If you want to end cold sores or herpes, my site below has a guaranteed formula for herpes prevention. My website explains how it works, and from my website, you can email me with any questions you might have. I answer emails confidentially, and you will not get on any mailing list.

What Causes Cold Sores and How Do I Prevent Them From Happening?

What causes cold sores? Many folks ask this question everyday. One ultimate trigger causes most of these unpleasant and embarrassing sores for nearly everyone. Let me tell you about it.

I am sure you are aware that a cold sore is the byproduct of the herpes simplex virus during its replication process. This virus destroys a lot of your cells while creating new virus particles.

Usually, this virus is inactive and hiding in the root cells of your facial nerves. If conditions become right, it will activate, travel up the nerve fiber and create a massive sore on your face.

Yes, the herpes simplex virus is what causes all cold sores. However, over a third of those that carry this virus never get an outbreak even though nearly 90% of the population is infected.

So, if we want to determine what causes cold sores, we need to uncover the ultimate trigger that activates the sleeping virus.

Both physical and mental stress is a common trigger that causes cold sores. Often, people get an outbreak when they come down suffer from cold or flu symptoms.

Mental stress can be such things as an upcoming big event, like a wedding. One woman just wrote that she always gets one before a big date. Terrible luck for sure.

You cannot always reduce or eliminate stress. Stress is part of being alive and active. You do not need to control the stress as much as what it does to your body.

The ultimate trigger for these sores - for activating the herpes virus - is an acid pH balance. Stress, cold weather and poor intake of vegetables will cause your body to dip into the acid zone.

This greatly reduces your resistance to disease and produces the perfect environment for activating the herpes virus - or any other virus for that matter.

It weakens your immune system and reduces your tissue levels of oxygen.

Your pH balance is quite fragile. It moves quite easily between 6.0 (slightly acid) to 7.5 (slightly alkaline). Your ideal target pH for best health is about 7.35. The farther you dip below 7, the more you are susceptible to viral attack.

Your ultimate cold sore trigger is a pH of 6.5 and below.

Your ultimate cold sore prevention program is keeping your pH above 7. You can easily achieve this with food and supplements.

If you get frequent or severe outbreaks, the first thing you should consider is to begin taking a top shelf vitamin and mineral program with a minimum of 1000 milligrams of calcium daily. Calcium is critical to prevent acidity in your body.

If this is not enough, you may need to evaluate your diet also.

Acid causing foods to restrict, especially during an outbreak, include processed sugar, white flour, carbonated beverages, table salt, pork, tobacco and coffee.

Helpful alkaline raising foods to increase in your diet are green vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, asparagus), wild rice, flax seed, apples and most citrus fruit.

Citrus fruit contains citric acid but it is not an acid causing food. Citric acid actually transforms to alkaline in your body.

You will have to experiment and determine what works best for you. You are unique and your body has needs unique to just you.

If you suffer, as I used to, from these terrible sores, please do not forget to start taking the best quality supplement you can afford. It will really make a difference. If need be, do not hesitate to take additional calcium supplements.

Once you start applying these simple treatment and prevention methods, then you will really benefit from the breakthroughs we have found in natural cold sore remedies.

You must have the basics right for best results. It is just that simple!

No matter what other cold sore remedies you choose to use, keeping your pH balance in the alkaline zone will greatly reduce the number of sores you get and their severity.

An acid tissue pH is truly what causes cold sores.

What causes cold sores in your life? Want some amazing Cold Sore Remedies? Stop by Denny Bodoh's wonderful web site where you will find answers to all your cold sore questions. Plus, you will get some truly amazing remedies that will quickly put a smile back on your face. Go to http://www.3DayColdSoreCure.com
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Herpes - Dating Dilemma

Herpes - What is It?

It is believed that Herpes simplex virus exists as a number of strains with the HSV - 1 and HSV - 2 variety being the most prevalent. The virus' MO is to retreat to and remain dormant within the healthy cell structure of the host organism thereby eluding attack from the host's immune defence system.

Predominantly HSV - 1 causes genital herpes and retreats to the nerve cells at the base of the spine whilst HSV - 2 is the main cause of Cold Sores usually forming around the lips and mouth, and when dormant is located in the nerve cells of the ear.

Favourable (to the virus) conditions, which appear to vary from host to host, allow the virus to leave the cells and travel along nerves to the skin and mucous linings. There it replicates and causes itching, redness, blisters and finally open lesions. It's not known if the virus completes its cycle or the hosts immune system overcomes it but the sores usually heal without treatment within 7 - 14 days.

Whilst present on the skin or mucous linings the virus can be transmitted to another host and it should be noted that at times no visible symptoms may be present but the virus is still able to transmit to another host.

This is referred to as asymptomatic shedding and leads us to the subject of this article.

Herpes and Dating.

Romance, dating, love, sex - subjects that are so basic and important to our happiness, at the very core of our being, vibrating in every fibre of our body and making our lives a heaven or a hell on earth depending which part of the merry go round were on at any particular time.

No wonder those subjects are so charged with emotion and feelings! Now introduce a little monster that can complicate the heck out of it by about a thousand percent, what the hell do you do?

Get tested and Insist your partner/s do the same! Thats the best way to know exactly where you stand. If you have had several sexual partners or are just thinking about entering a relationship its better to have certainty.

Hundreds of people write to our website telling stories of how they were given the virus. Sometime by an unsuspecting partner, others by cheating husbands, wives or partners that didn't tell them they had the virus.

It's even more tricky because sometimes the person has never had symptoms so naturally has no reason to suspect they carry the virus. This is believed to be the main reason for the rapid and wide spread of the virus.

If you are one of the unlucky ones that has the active virus, don't despair. There are many people like you and they are looking for partners too! Just do a search for herpes dating sites and you are sure to find plenty of potential partners, even if you don't find your life mate, you're sure to make plenty of friends.

Good Luck!

If you would like to read other people stories about their experience with herpes or maybe tell your own story visit the website below. There is no need to login or register and its completely anonymous.

Herpes Resources

IMPORTANT NOTE:Please be advised opinions expressed in this article are of the authors own and should not be used to attempt to diagnose any condition or disease. Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice. If you or a partner suspect you have been exposed to any STD or have had any symptoms or unusual condition you should immediately see your registered health care practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.

The One Sign That Says She Has Herpes

So you've met this great woman. You've been dating a couple weeks. You're really excited.

Tonight's the night, man. It's going to happen. We're going all the way.

Before you even start the date, you're wondering, "Should I bring protection? Does she have protection? Am I going to need to wrap it?"

So you have a nice dinner and you guys are hitting it off. You go back to her pad. Things are beginning to get hot and heavy. Tonight's the night. It's going down.

She gets naked. You get naked. She looks at you and doesn't mention anything. You don't mention anything. Or if you're smart, you ask about a condom. "Do you have one? Do we need one?"

She gives you a big smile and says, "Oh don't worry about it, you don't need to use one. We're all good."She doesn't ask if you're clean, if you've had any tests, nothing. You've basically just gotten an ISD from her. No, not an IOI-an indicator of interest-but an ISD: Indicator of Sexual Disease.

Let's put it this way: most women are guarding the prize down there. They want to keep that thing clean. They don't want herpes. They don't want chlamydia. They don't want anything dirty poking its way in there.

So if you've got a woman who you barely know and she's like, "Don't worry about it, just come on inside. It's warm, it's moist, it's inviting in here. No problem at all. Just insert your thing in here and start moving around..."That's an indicator that she's got something down there because that's her most valuable asset and she's not protecting it. There's your ISD.

So you think you're lucky because you've landed a cool woman who you barely know who's willing to let you ride her bareback. Well, you certainly have met a woman who loves to share. She wants to share whatever funky stuff she's got going on down there. Oh, she's more than willing to share with you, because she's probably shared with some other guy the night before.

She wants the whole world to be singing a fun little song, "I've got the whole Herpes in my box, I've got the whole wide Herpes in my box, I've got the whole Herpes in my box...and I'm going to share it with you."It's true.

Author Info: David Wygant a leading personal dating coach, dating advice professional and image-maker. For 20 years David Wygant has worked to earn the trust of American men looking to transform their love lives. David also has a dedicated women's dating advice site that offers a wealth of free dating information specifically for women.