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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Partner Has Genital Herpes

Wow. I just met Mr. Wonderful and he informs me that he has genital herpes. What should I do?

I get this question a lot in my clinic. Let's start with checking your herpes status. Remember, 45 million Americans have genital herpes and its estimated that only 10 - 20% of those folks know it so there is a chance that you are among them. Our current blood test for genital herpes is very good at identifying type 1 (which more commonly causes cold sores) and type 2 herpes, unlike the old tests that were available prior to 1999. So, let's get you tested and take it from there.

You're positive for type 2 herpes also? OK, it's a drag to find out that you're positive for herpes, but on the upside you don't have to worry about catching a NEW herpes infection from Mr. Wonderful. I do recommend that you should BOTH be tested for all STDs because if you've got one STD, you could have another. Once we establish that you are both negative for everything else and positive only for type 2 herpes, we should still talk about safe sex. I recommend using condoms each and every time you have sex as a general principle to stay safe. Also, although its entirely possible to get pregnant and have a healthy baby even with a diagnosis of herpes, there are special considerations that should be discussed with your OB/GYNE, so keep that in mind if and when the time comes that you and Mr. Wonderful settle in for some serious nesting.

What if your test was negative for type 2 herpes? Well, congrats on that one. Remember, you should both be tested for everything to establish your baselines and make sure there are no surprises. Should it be a deal breaker that your partner has herpes? Most people would say no, but of course that's a very personal decision.

There are several things you can do to lower your risk of catching genital herpes. With discordant couples (meaning one partner has herpes and one doesn't), safe sex is imperative! Use a condom every time you have sex. What if Mr. Wonderful is so darn great that you want him to be your baby's daddy someday? No problem, you can have unprotected sex in certain situations and your OB/GYNE can give you some advice on the way to minimize your risk while trying to get pregnant. But I digress... back to he's positive for herpes and you're negative.

After using condoms, the next thing to consider is what we call suppressive therapy. He can take an antiviral medication daily to reduce the risk of transmission (the risk of spreading herpes to you). These medications are safe and often available in generic formulations. Why not do everything you can to reduce the risk? Lastly, you should abstain from sex if your partner is having an active outbreak or is having a prodrome, which is a tingling feeling that sometimes occurs before an active herpes outbreak. Keep in mind that the virus can be spread at other times, but during the prodrome or an outbreak he will be most infectious.

Let me mention one more thing for both men and women to understand about herpes and pregnancy. It is somewhat risky for a baby if a women develops a new herpes infection in the last part of pregnancy, so if you are pregnant and part of a discordant couple, talk to your obstetrician about the best way to protect your baby. Most physicians recommend discordant couples abstain from sex (potentially including oral sex if your partner has cold sores) during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Lastly, don't let herpes ruin a perfectly good relationship. As long as you can talk openly and honestly about STDs, STD testing and safe sex you're off to a good start!


Top 10 STD Myths- http://www.stdtestexpress.com/std-myths/

Lucky Stiff - The Importance of a Herpes Test

Nobody wants to meet the guy/girl of their dreams and break the news that they have herpes. Keeping up with your sexual health is as important as keeping your cholesterol levels down and never picking up that first cigarette. One of the ways to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your sexual health is to make sure that all the relevant tests are taken. Once your herpes test results come back negative, and you realize what it is that was so itchy down there was your run-of-the-mill rash, you can head out on that next date, head held high!

The statistics regarding herpes infection are rather mind blowing. Take this fact for instance: Approximately one in five Americans are positive for genital herpes. This number is more startling when it comes to women-with approximately one in four being positive. For individuals are out there "playing the field" this fact is even more frightening: approximately 80% of people with herpes are completely unaware that they carry the virus. Once this is understood, it is even more glaringly obvious why a test is so important.

What exactly are herpes? Well, when people speak of herpes they are primarily speaking of two types (though there are many more strains out there). HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the two most common strains, with the prior typically causing oral herpes and the later typically causing genital herpes.

Many people catch the virus when there are outbreaks (herpes sores) apparent on their lover, but surprisingly, a visual inspection before coitus (how sexy!) will not keep a person safe from contracting herpes. In fact, it is very common for an infected individual to pass along the virus between outbreaks. This is one of the main reasons that there are so many new cases of herpes every year. The virus is being passed on by people who are unaware that they even carry the disease. Once again, think test!

Signs and symptoms vary slightly for herpes sufferers. Many people infected with HSV-2, the virus that causes genital herpes, are unaware that even carry the disease. This is due to good ol' human nature. Let's say someone has an outbreak of blisters and sores. It is common that a person will rationalize them until they go away. Because the appearance of a secondary outbreak can take so long, this person can be infecting partners without even being aware of it. Just another reason that at the first sign of blisters, canker sores and/or bumps of any kind you should run straight to your friendly neighborhood STD clinic for a herpes test.

For those of us lucky enough to be living in the greatest city in the world, New York, there is a reliable and respected STD clinic located just two blocks from Grand Central Station that has the experience and expertise to diagnose and test for herpes. If your results come back positive they can help you with treatment, as well. There is no cure for herpes but there are a host of different drugs that can lessen the time between outbreaks and make them less severe when they do occur.

Just log onto STD Testing NYC to learn more about them or simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment for a Herpes test nyc. Remember, the quicker you receive those negative results the quicker you can get back to your packed social calendar. Lucky stiffs.

What's the Best Herpes Treatment for You?

There are many herpes treatment options available. If you've already seen your physician about your condition, he or she may have already recommended a medication for you to take. But odds are, you probably wonder if there's something better out there. Today I'm going to share with you your options for herpes treatment.

Typically, when you're first diagnosed as having herpes your physician will suggest a particular herpes treatment product. However, the product your physician may suggest may entirely be based upon nothing more than a clever sales pitch by a pharmaceutical rep. Many health care industry watch dogs believe that doctors end up being nothing more than retail outlets for the pharmaceutical giants. There may indeed be some truth to this charge.

In terms of what kind of herpes treatment is best for you, it will depend on your particular situation. The first type of herpes treatment consists of pharmaceutical drugs; many of which are pills that you take on a daily basis or as a breakout begins.

If you have frequent herpes outbreaks and or you have a partner who doesn't have herpes, your physician may suggest what's called suppressive therapy. Suppressive therapy does what the name implies; it suppresses outbreaks of herpes so your partner doesn't contract this virus. Plus, with suppressive therapy, the number of outbreaks should decrease.

If you are pregnant, especially during the third trimester, your physician may recommend a particular type of drug for you to take so your baby doesn't contract the herpes virus.

Besides drugs for herpes treatment, there are other options. There are various alternative remedies designed to treat herpes. However, the pros and cons of these herpes treatment options are that these alternative remedies do not reduce the viral population like pharmaceutical drugs may do. Also, these alternative remedies primarily work to clear up breakouts rapidly. The bonus with alternative herpes treatments is that they tend to be free of common side effects associated with pharmaceutical herpes treatments.

Pharmaceutical herpes treatments tend to come with side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches.

Fortunately there is another herpes treatment option available. It's a product that was developed by scientists in Australia back in 1995. To date, this product has a good track record behind it as it works for approximately 95% of all people who use it. This product is called Dynamiclear and it is an odor-less, color-less topical solution that's applied to the site of a herpes outbreak. The only known side effect to this natural herpes treatment is that it may sting when applied.

But that momentary sting outweighs the benefits of this product, as it is known to dramatically reduce the frequency of herpes outbreaks. Plus, when this herpes treatment is applied to sores and lesions, they clear up within 1-3 days and rarely come back. Many users are reporting they haven't had an outbreak since using Dynamiclear herpes treatment.

Additionally, you can use Dynamiclear herpes treatment whether your frequency of outbreaks is often or if you're in your third trimester of pregnancy. There are no known drug contradictions as Dynamiclear herpes treatment is not taken orally but applied topically. You may want to find out if Dynamiclear herpes treatment is right for you.

Click Here to Learn More About Dynamiclear Herpes Treatment http://www.dynamiclear-herpes-treatment.com

How to Get Herpes Relief Using Home Remedies

You can always tell when you are going to get a cold sore caused by the herpes simplex virus. The virus never leaves your body and runs along nerve cells; that is why you feel that unmistakable tingle just before the eruption. There are some home remedies for herpes and things you can do to keep the irritation down and even prevent future outbreaks.

Dry It Out

--Keeping the sore clean and very dry is your first line of defense.

--Protect it with petroleum jelly, an over the counter ointment for herpes, or try using a liquid bandage.

--Witch hazel or apple cider vinegar offer great herpes relief; the witch hazel is drying and the apple cider vinegar is used as an antiseptic. Use only one or the other not both together.

Take Your Vitamins

--L-Lysine, an amino acid has been shown to reduce or eliminate outbreaks.

--Vitamin B Complex helps in healing and supports the immune function.

--Vitamin C can helps with viral infections and the immune system.

--Zinc is another immune helper.

--Probiotics helps maintain a healthy gut which means a healthier you in general and helps with immunity.

Reduce Stress

Have you ever noticed that a cold sore or herpes sore will come out when something big is going on in your life; new date, job or even depression! There is a reason for this in relation to the herpes virus. Stress sabotages your immune system leaving you wide open for an attack. Try using meditation; exercise or simply taking relaxing time off can help.

Use Other Natural Cures for Herpes

High strength and quality herbal compounds which contain phytosterols and sterolins help to maintain the immune system. Agathosma betulina used in South Africa for centuries contain flavonoids which are useful as antioxidants in the body. Olive leaf extract supports the immune system because it contains oleuropein acid and calcium enolate that aid the body to digest harmful bacteria.

If you would like more information concerning herpes and the most effective natural treatments visit Prescription Drug Alternative. You can also receive a Free E Books for this and many other ailments.

How to Prevent a Herpes Outbreak Naturally - 4 Sure Fire Tips to Help You Succeed

Millions of people are infected with the herpes virus. Once infected, the virus stays in your body for life. To date, there are no known cures for the herpes virus but there are ways that you can stop herpes from coming back for good. Right now the only 100 % way to avoid herpes is to abstain from sex or always use a protected method such as condoms. Below are 4 natural ways to help prevent an outbreak. These tips are inexpensive and you can do most of them in the comfort of your own home.

Tip 1. Drink plenty of tea. Thyme is found in tea and has been shown to reduce the risk of outbreaks, plus there are a number of other great things tea can do for your body and immune system. So drink up.

Tip 2. Try and reduce your daily stress level. Studies have shown that high stress can trigger an outbreak. Try yoga, Pilate's or a nice long walk to ease your stress. Any kind of daily exercise has great benefits.

Tip 3. Eat 1 to 2 small cloves of raw garlic on a daily basis. Garlic has anti-viral agents in it which helps to suppress the herpes virus.

Tip 4. Bioflavonoids, that are found in spices, apples, berries and onions can reduce the activity of the herpes virus.

These are just 4 ways you can reduce the outbreak of herpes. There are a number of other ways that you can naturally do this. I am sure you probably have more questions so why not find out more.

want to learn more?

If you would like to learn more free tips on how to stop herpes now and from coming back for good visit http://isthereacureforherpes.com

For more tips, advice and other valuable information to help you get rid of herpes visit http://isthereacureforherpes.com

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The "Dreaded Herpes Talk"

You've heard it talked about as "the dreaded talk" but it doesn't have to be so dreaded. Unless you make it dreaded. It really comes down to your own perception on what "the talk" is all about. If you convince yourself that it is bound to end in rejection, it'll have that flavor; on the other hand, if you go into the talk dedicated to trust and authenticity, you can't go wrong. This doesn't necessarily mean that all the talks will end in flowers, rainbows and unicorns, but your personal values shine brightly. And the talk actually has quite a good change of bringing you closer together in the process. So a lot of it comes down to how you yourself perceive the talk. Is it a dreaded rejection-maker or is it an opportunity to go deeper into trust, authenticity and vulnerability?

One of the banes of herpes-havers isn't necessarily that they have herpes. No, it's that eventually they will have to tell a partner that they have it. So when should you disclose that you have herpes? There's the classic catch between disclosing too early or too late... if you disclose too early, there isn't enough connection and they can leave easier lacking that emotional entanglement; on the other hand, if you disclose too late into a relationship, they might feel manipulated into falling for you without this vital piece of information at their disposal to make a fully informed decision.

So there's the catch. Here's the solution.

I'll make it sound super easy so you can apply it with super easy expectations. Deal? Disclose to your partner when you can honestly say: "I feel we're developing a special closeness. I love it. Part of closeness to me means being authentic and vulnerable with each other. I feel it's really important that I tell you something that is very private for me. I have herpes." Say it from a place of strength, not shame - because you are stronger than many to even consider bringing it up. It is something to be proud of. It's an act of humanity and integrity. You have set yourself apart from many who choose to not even disclose. Being transparent in a strong way is confident, sexy and ultimately connecting.

Use this conversation not as a possible reason for disconnection, but maybe even a way to kick a relationship off with vulnerability and authenticity. And here's something to try on: how about go into having the talk with some excitement? After all, the very fact that you're having the talk signals that you care about this person enough to be truly vulnerable with them... to disclose something very private about yourself. Just the fact that you're willing to disclose to them says a lot about the potential of the relationship.

But what if they reject me? In this way of being, there is no such thing as rejection. Rejection is all in our heads. What I mean by that is it is only rejection if your identity is tied to herpes, if your sexuality is tied to herpes. You are simply doing your part to be authentic with them, which is what any good relationship is built upon. Granted, disclosing in this way isn't a magic pill to get everyone to be in relationship with you; there are still perfectly decent people who would rather not risk getting an STD. If so, don't fault them for it. Understand that people have preferences. To some, yes, STDs are deal-breakers; to others it's just a risk that comes with all sexual activity. To some, a low credit score would be a deal-breaker - or no college education, or having kids... to others, a lack of honesty or compulsive negativity is the ultimate deal-breaker... The point is, everyone has that checklist they run through when sizing up potential dates. To many people, the deep values inherent in disclosing that you have herpes will overshadow the negatives of the herpes itself. Be open to that being true and it just might be.

Herpes Life is a place for people with herpes who want their confidence and happiness back to live a more fulfilled and aware life. For more articles on the positive side of living and thriving with herpes, jump on over to: http://herpeslife.com

Genital Herpes - A Controllable STI

Better health and better sex are the two sides of the same coin. It is often seen that a person's sex life is a direct giveaway to his/her overall lifestyle. But sexual health may receive a serious setback with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They spread mainly through intimate contacts, including kissing, oral sex and intercourse. They can be really hazardous for you and your partner. Proper treatment is a must when you are diagnosed with STI, to prevent long-term damages to the genitals. Also, STI can pass on to newborn infants when mother is infected. Breastfeeding during an active outbreak of STI may be dangerous to the baby.

Genital herpes - what is it?

Genital herpes is one of the commonest STIs prevalent in adults and adolescents. Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), this condition is marked by sporadic to frequent outbreaks of painful symptoms in the genitals. Symptoms may include red blisters and sores, itching, vaginal discharges, fever and headaches, problems with urinating and skin ulcers. But you may not experience any of these signs for days while you still carry the herpes virus. On other occasions, you may notice the symptoms in the first few days, which will be most painful and discomforting for you. They tend to go away with antiviral medicines, but may reappear episodically.

Genital herpes as an STI

The herpes virus has two categories - HSV-I and HSV-II. The former type is responsible primarily for fever blisters or cold sores in lips. But the latter type is behind genital herpes, which is more acute and painful than cold sores. HSV-I can be sexually transmitted, but incidences are rare. On the other hand, HSV-II is highly infectious and can be transmitted by person-to-person contact.

Does HSV-II cause cold sores too?

Cold sores or fever blisters (herpes labialis) are categorized under oral herpes. It is generally caused by herpes simplex virus type-I, but the type-II virus, which primarily infects the genital areas, can also cause herpes labialis.

How do I recover from genital herpes?

Till date, there is no treatment of genital herpes. The herpes simplex virus, once in, stays with you for the rest of your life. Antiviral medicines such as Famvir and Valtrex curb the virus and prevent the symptoms from recurring. After some time, the virus may go to a perpetually latent state, not causing any outbreak anymore. But if sores and blisters occur time and again, you may be advised by your doctor to carry on taking medicines. The best time to take medicines is when you're about to be reinfected by the virus.

Both these medications, Famvir and Valtrex, are available online. Consult a doctor before you take any of these medications. You can also seek online consultation if you are not comfortable talking to your own doctor. Do remember that living with herpes does not mean that you will forever suffer from outbreaks, or have a less enjoyable sex life. All you need is proper and timely treatment and everything will be under control.

Genital herpes blog - All about symptoms, treatments

Protecting Against Herpes - Testing Is the First Step

Remember that movie named Mask with Cher and the kid with the elephant man disease? Geez, imagine being born that way and having to face the world each and every day with a disfigured face? Imagine the heartache and pain that this poor kid suffered? Obviously, having a herpes sore on your lip is nowhere near the existential agony that this poor kid had to go through, but some people infected with herpes do feel ostracized and singled-out for comments and ridicule. If you are engaging in any form of sexual activity, remember how important regular and routine testing is to keeping yourself as healthy and happy as possible.

Why put yourself in the position of having your behavior written on your body for all to see? There's no good reason, especially when STD clinics are so up-to-date and good at what they do; that is, testing and treating all forms of sexual illness. Growing up with a cold sore breaking out once a year was bad enough. Feigning illness as to not go to school, embarrassed at the crass remarks that would be hurled your way. T'was a tad torturous, to tell the truth.

For anyone engaging in sex, listen up. It's time to take the bull by the horns and get responsible for your health. Sure, at the beginning of your sex life it's hard to see that this comes with the territory. But it does and you're better off realizing that now, before you become infected with something like herpes that can change your life forever.

Genital herpes is something that cannot be hidden from a lover. They are also unsightly and painful. STD testing on a regular basis can keep you abreast of your health situation and alert you to any detrimental disease that you may have acquired during your sexual shenanigans. You owe it to your lover-if not yourself-to make sure that you are as healthy as possible. Protection is the way to go. But too many times, too many of us neglect that fact when in the throes of passion (ie: horny!)

Let's take a look at herpes and their diagnosis and treatment:

What are herpes exactly? Well, herpes is a collection of similar viruses (remember that viruses CANNOT be cured but only kept under control). The most common herpes viruses are HSV 1 and HSV 2. The HSV stands for "Herpes Simplex Virus" with the former being oral herpes and latter being genital herpes.

What are the symptoms? As mentioned earlier in this article, the symptoms are a series of blisters that break and scab over causing painful sores.

Does everyone who is infected show signs and symptoms? Surprisingly the answer to this question is "no." Many people are infected with the virus and do not break out in sores. These infected individuals may still infect others who WILL break out in sores. This is another reason why herpes testing so important for everyone having sexual relations.

What is the testing procedure? There are several different tests for herpes. They include the herpes viral culture, the herpes antigen test and the polymerase chain reaction test. It may all sound very confusing but it is not. Still, it is only at a certified STD Clinic that the doctor can choose the best test for you, administer it, and get you the results quickly. If you test positive the doctor can offer the best choice of treatment, as well.

What are the treatments? Again, because herpes is a virus and not bacteria, once you are infected, there is no getting rid of it totally. The best a doctor can do is to keep your symptoms (the painful sores) from forming with any regularity. Thankfully, there are medicines available today that make this possible.

For those of you located in the NYC area, log onto Herpes testing NYC to arrange and appointment with this discreet and highly regarded STD Clinic Dial 1-212-696-5900 for more information and remember that testing for all STDs is your best bet for remaining healthy and happy.

Cold Sore Cure Series: How To Tell The Person You're Dating That You Have Oral Herpes

Now if it's one thing I don't ever want to be known as, it's the cold sore guru. No thanks, I'll take credit for other aspects of my life. Believe me, the last thing I want to discuss with friends and family is the inner workings of oral herpes.

Once in a while however, I do get emails from people just like you asking me questions that are very common to people who have just contracted the herpes simplex virus, which is what causes cold sores as we know them.

A young man from Kansas City sent me the following question very recently: "I just started seeing this girl, and we're going on our fourth date...so when exactly should I tell her I get cold sores?"

I will try to address this one as best I can, but I'll tell you that there is no definitive solution. Mostly because everyone is different and is likely to have a different reaction to your news.

Since everyone will react differently, you'll have to tackle this issue from a solid position. When we start dating someone new, there is always the potential for a relationship to come from it, which is the case with this young man's present scenario.

I would never recommend you mention you have cold sores too early. But at the same time you don't want to mention it too late. The only recommendation I will make is this - before the first kiss, stop just short of contact and say...

"I really want to kiss you right now, but once in a blue moon, I get a cold sore and I just got over one a few days ago and I should probably wait a couple more days to be perfectly safe."

By doing this you are:

-Getting it out in the open a very organic manner

-Waiting until you know the other person is into you enough to want to kiss you

-Showing concern for the other person

What more can you really do beyond that?

The other route to take is to assert total control over the herpes simplex virus. Believe it or not, you can in fact control it, just like you can control your temper or your appetite. We humans are far more capable of controlling the functions of our bodies than we give ourselves credit for.

If you're reading this now, it's because you refuse to accept having cold sores ruin your social life and you're looking for a way to take action against the virus. Did you know that changes in your diet, daily habits and a little exercise can help you make existing cold sores disappear and suppress future outbreaks?

It's true.

There are also a few household items already lying around in your cupboards that can help make what you see in the mirror easier to look at. I really hope all this information has given you a better idea of how your body works and I also hope you can be happy.

I'm rooting for you.

Norm Baldwin used to suffer frequent cold sore outbreaks, but they are now a figment of the past for him and he happily reveals how he did it in his free course, Cold Sore Control

If you just started getting cold sores, find out how to stay positive and not lock yourself inside the house.

Oral Herpes: It's Not As Bad As It Sounds

Many people are prone to outbreaks of cold sores (also known as fever blisters) and desire to avoid this occurrence any way possible. The cause of these annoying blemishes is herpes simplex virus type 1, more commonly referred to as oral herpes. Once the virus is contracted it remains within the body for the rest of the person's life, lying dormant until conditions enable a cold sore outbreak. As there is no known cure available for oral herpes, most infected people find ways to keep the outbreak of cold sores at a minimum. This can be done by adhering to a certain diet, taking medication, supplements or vitamins, or any methods which work to deny the virus the opportunity to flare-up.

Oral Herpes is Contagious - Always use caution during an outbreak

Though everyone is different in their susceptibility to the spread of oral herpes, or in the frequency of outbreaks once they're infected, most people caught the virus before adulthood as a result of touching the saliva, mucous, or contaminated skin of a person carrying the virus. Children are the most vulnerable to the spread of the virus, and infants often experience severe infections and complications as a result, so extra care should be taken with a baby who may be, or has been, exposed to the virus.

Once infected, a person progresses through three stages: Primary infection, latency, and recurrence. After the first infection, not everyone will experience symptoms of oral herpes but find that their infection is asymptomatic. This occurs more frequently than visible outbreaks. Unfortunately, not everyone is that lucky, and for those with their first outbreak may experience symptoms like fever and severe sores inside and around the mouth and/or nose. The incubation period for the virus after the infection is 2-12 days, after which symptoms may or may not occur, and thereafter the virus will remain in the body for life. Depressing thought, but most people who possess the virus rarely, if ever, experience outbreaks, and those who do have many options to help manage the symptoms.

How to Consistently Prevent Cold Sores

Now that it's been acknowledged that the cold sore virus is (as yet) impossible to completely cure, let's look at ways to manage life with the virus. There are plenty of home and OTC (over-the-counter) remedies that assist in fighting oral herpes outbreaks, but due to the differences between each person's physical and mental makeup, the task is to find what works best for each individual.

For some, an effective preventative measure may be a high-lysine diet or taking lysine supplements. Others may find that what works is a topical medication or daily pill. There has also been success with using daily exercise to boost the immune system and decrease stress to better resist the dormant virus. Sometimes even attitude, such as confidence in the preventative capabilities of a certain food or medicine, is enough to successfully resist the development of a cold sore. A factor that must be considered is that over time a person's body may become resistant to a certain remedy, be it a pill or lip salve, and will have to adapt to the change. If an effective method of prevention is found, rather than be content with the one solution, continue to look for other remedies, should the original one cease being effective.

Eating a Diet High in Lysine Helps the Body Resist Outbreaks

Lysine is an essential (meaning that the body cannot produce the amino acid on its own but must get it through food or supplements) amino acid which aids the human body in producing protein. In turn, protein helps the body produce hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, which are vital in resisting the cold sore virus. Lysine also competes with another amino acid, arginine. The more arginine in the body, the better the environment for the herpes virus to flare up and produce blisters. Eating a diet high in lysine and low in arginine creates an environment hostile to the virus and decreases its chances of becoming active. In fact, many people who feel a cold sore incoming have found that consuming a large helping of fish helps to stop the increased activity of the virus and force it back into its dormant state. What are some foods that contain a lot of lysine?

- Fish

- Cheese

- Apples

- Milk

- Papayas

- Mangos

- Beets

- Avocado

Lysine supplements are also available, found at most drug stores next to the vitamins. Arginine is found in chocolate, nuts, and citrus, so be careful to limit consumption of these foods when wishing to avoid cold sores, especially if immune system is low and stress levels are high.

Vitamins and Exercise Boost the Immune System and Decrease Stress

Possibly the most effective preventative measure in decreasing the outbreak of cold sores and keeping the virus dormant is adopting a healthy lifestyle, one that consistently includes all the nutrients, activity, and attitude needed to fight the cold sore virus. The benefits of vitamin have been discussed numerous times and at this point, most people are aware of how important supplements are to boosting immunities, increasing energy, and increasing overall health. Exercise is also commonly known to promote healthy immune systems and decrease stress. As two of the leading factors in the activation of the cold sore virus is a weakened immune system and high stress levels, taking vitamins and exercising regularly are highly successful in fortifying both the body and mind against the virus. Some have found that they'll worry about getting a cold sore as they're approaching an important date or meeting, and as their concern grows, so does the probability that the outbreak will occur. It is best to have the assurance that the body is consistently functioning healthily and therefore when concern that a cold sore may appear arises, it can be dismissed with confidence.

Treatment With Ointments & Medication Can Also Result in Successful Prevention

There are many lysine lip balms, medicated ointments, and topical creams that help stop the progression of a cold sore, but once the blisters are visible little can be done other than trying to shorten its duration and speed up the healing process so early treatment is essential. Early detection and treatment of an oncoming flare-up enables the best chance that it can be avoided. If a cold sore has appeared on the lips or nose, it is extremely important to remember: DON'T POKE, RUB, OR POP THE BLISTERS. Doing so will only create pressure, causing the blister to spread underneath the skin, creating an even larger sore. Touching the area of infection not only prolongs and worsens the outbreak, it also increases the chances that the virus will spread to other subjects, as remember, it is very contagious upon contact. Unfortunately, there are some OTC medications which instruct the user to "rub on the infected area." DO NOT rub, just dab and then resist all other urges to touch the blister and surrounding area.

If its found that the cold sore virus continues resisting all efforts to contain it and continues flaring up and disrupting daily life, there are stronger medications that a doctor or dentist can prescribe after examining a patient who has a visible blister. While no one likes going out in public as much as they can help it when experiencing an outbreak, it's best to visit the physician at a time when they can clearly view the type and severity of the patient's cold sores. Once the prescription has been given, it is up to the patient to take the pills daily or only when they feel a cold sore incoming, depending on their preferences and the frequency of their cold sores.

Have Hope - Oral Herpes Can Be Managed Successfully

While there isn't a fail-proof treatment or cure that can stop oral herpes completely, if an individual uses remedies that they have found to be effective they will find that the frequency and severity of the outbreaks will decrease. As each month passes with the virus confined to dormancy, confidence will grow and life will continue without disruption. While complete freedom from the virus cannot yet be fully realized, there is the assurance that medicinal science and research is progressing and hopefully someday oral herpes will no longer be in existence. Until then, continue utilizing and researching cold sore treatments, eating healthy, and exercising. With a healthy lifestyle, the dreaded cold sore outbreak may occur less and less frequently, possibly even ceasing altogether.

As a source for dental health, J. Jenkins recommends the website of Arlington Texas dentist, Dr. William H. Miller, D.M.D.

Home Remedies For Herpes

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Genital Herpes is a common viral infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV).

There are two herpes simplex viruses: Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2).

Herpes is spread through direct contact and it is equally common in males and females.

Causes of herpes:

Genital herpes can be caused by either the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2.

HVS type 1 usually infects the lips and when the lips are infected sores called fever blisters or cold sores are present. However, HVS type 1 can infect the genital area and produce sores there.

HVS type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes. However, it also can infect the mouth during oral sex. A person who has genital herpes can pass or transmit the virus to an uninfected person during sex.

Symptoms of Herpes:

Most people who have herpes do not know because they never have any symptoms, or they do not recognize any symptoms they might have. When symptoms are present, they can be different in each person. Usually the symptoms will appear within two to ten days. The first episode of the symptom of herpes usually last two to three weeks.

Symptoms of a genital herpes outbreak include: itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area, pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area, discharge of fluid from the vagina, feeling of pressure in the abdomen, fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge and swollen glands in the groin area.

Herpes can be spread between outbreaks when there are no sign or symptoms present.

Treatment of Herpes:

The goal of treatment for genital herpes is to provide relief from the discomfort of herpes sores and to reduce the time it takes for an outbreak to heal. Treatment works best if it is started as soon as possible after an outbreak begins.

Home treatment and prevention for herpes:

Most herpes simplex infections that develop on the skin can be managed at home with over-the-counter painkillers and symptomatic relief.

To reduce discomfort from herpes sores:

Take warm sitz baths or wash the area with warm water 3 or 4 times a day.
In between sitz baths, keep the water sores clean and dry.
Using a hair dryer to dry off the sores may be more comfortable than using a towel.
Wear cotton garments to absorb moisture better than those made from synthetic material.

Nonprescription medicines may reduce the pain and fever from genital herpes.

To lower the risk of recurrent outbreaks, reduce or avoid factors that trigger outbreaks such as overexposure to sun, fatigue, irritation of the genital area, and stress.

Ayurvedic tips to avoid outbreaks:


Spicy, sour, fried and junk food, which aggravates vata.
Precipitating factors.
Sleeping in afternoon.
Meat products over fried or deep fried in oil or fat.
Charred and overcooked food.
Consuming opposite food like fish and milk etc.
Physical exertion after a meal and
Taking bath immediately after exercise or heavy outdoor work.

Include honey, pomegranate, and fruits of Emblica officinals, legumes, dates and raisins in the diet.

Practice yoga and meditation to control emotional disturbances.

Herbal and supplement remedies for herpes simplex include:

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

Siberian ginseng

Aleo vera

Bee products that contain propolis, a tree resin collected by bees.



This article is submitted by Dr. Vikram Chauhan MD - Ayurveda, Consultant Ayurveda Physician for http://www.planetayurveda.com. Dr. Chauhan provides free online consultations to his patients worldwide.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lasik Surgery and Ocular Herpes Infections

Herpes virus infections have become an increasing health concern over the last few decades. One of the major contraindications to having Lasik eye surgery is a history of herpetic infections of the eye. The herpes variant that most often causes corneal eye infections is usually the same one that causes oral cold sores. In the eye, herpes simplex viruses can cause a recurrent inflammatory reaction of the cornea which can cause long term scarring and distortion which can permanently reduce vision. It's the potential recurrent nature of this infection that tends to be the most problematic. Some individuals have only rare attacks while others have frequent, chronic, and recurrent problems that continually add more scar tissue over time. The virus will manifest itself at unpredictable times causing inflammation then scarring and afterward it will go dormant and remain quiet for extended periods of time. During these quiet times, the virus is still present in the body but remains hidden in our nerve tissue. It is kept at bay at these times by the strength of our immune systems, but any stressor which affects or suppresses the immune system can allow the virus to attack the cornea again. Currently, there is no true cure for herpes infections.

In addition to being the major site of ocular herpetic infection, the cornea is the part of the eye where Lasik surgery is performed. It's believed that surgery involving laser treatment to the corneal surface may act as a stimulus to activate the dormant herpes virus in an otherwise quiet eye. Theoretically, this stimulus could initiate chronic, recurrent herpes corneal infections and lead to potential scarring of the eye. Also, it has been shown that topical steroid eye drop use in patients with active herpes infections can lead to prolonged problems. After Lasik surgery, patients typically use steroid eye drops for several days to a week. However, steroids act by suppressing the immune system, so they are generally avoided whenever possible in the eyes of patients known to be affected by the herpes virus. Patients with ocular herpes can become "steroid dependent" and cannot be taken off of the steroid drops without significant inflammation recurring. As we noted earlier, the herpes virus usually remains dormant in the nerves of the eye and is kept quiescent by our normal immune system. So the immunosuppressive effect of a steroid can lead to an imbalance allowing the chronic reactivation of the herpes virus in that individual. The combined risk of the stress of laser treatment in conjunction with steroid use makes patients with ocular herpes very poor Lasik surgery candidates.

It should be stressed that there is no way to know if Lasik surgery will cause a herpes reactivation in the eye. Nobody has ever conducted a study of known patients that have a history of herpes eye infections to determine if Lasik does in fact significantly increase the rate of recurrent infection and inflammation. Because of the possibility of chronic inflammation and scarring, we avoid Lasik in any patient that has a history of herpetic infections of the eye so nobody has ever intentionally designed a study that might put those individuals at risk. Certainly, some patients have undergone eye surgery or other traumatic stresses to the eye without a herpes reactivation. But because of the elective nature of Lasik, generally ophthalmologists agree that the risk is not warranted for the potential benefit. Theoretically, significant scarring could lead to significantly diminished vision which is the opposite of the goal of the Lasik surgery itself.

Medications do exist which can help to control herpes eye infections when they do occur. Many of the newer medications have increased effectiveness compared to older therapies and hopefully further developments will make significant visual loss from this disorder more unlikely. However, to date, there is no complete cure so the risk for reactivation remains. I have had patients ask whether they could use those medications as a preventative and still go forward with Lasik surgery. At this point, my answer to those people is no, it is still not a good idea. We just don't know enough about the potential risk under these circumstances. Perhaps in the future, a therapy or cure which reduces that risk adequately will be found, but until that day, patients with a history of herpetic eye infections should avoid Lasik eye surgery.

Dr. John Suson MD is an ophthalmologist and a clinical instructor at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Currently, Dr. Suson is in private practice with his sister at their "Suson Eye Specialists" clinic. Dr. Suson offers a free consumer guide to laser eye surgery at http://supereyes.com/get-our-complete-consumer-guide.html.

For further information on herpetic eye infections, I recommend the American Academy of Ophthalmology's website. http://www.geteyesmart.org/eyesmart/diseases/herpes-keratitis.cfm

Identifying Herpes Symptoms and Signs

Herpes is a fairly common contagious infection. Genital herpes, in particular, affects over forty million Americans aged twelve and older. To date, medical science still has yet to find a cure for the virus mainly because it is a type that causes life-long infection for the individual who contracts it. The herpes virus stays in the body in varied states of activity for the rest of your life once you get infected by it. The best that you can do is learn how to manage the virus and identify its symptoms.

Herpes symptoms and signs usually come up within three to seven days after the virus has been transmitted to the individual. Transmission is usually in the form of physical contact with the infected skin of another individual. The first signs to look out for are the development of blisters or ulcers on the affected area of the skin. The severity of the blisters vary. In some cases, they are painless. But there are also instances when the blisters can be very tender and painful that they cause the individual some level of discomfort.

First outbreak

On the first time that the virus attacks your body, you can experience a host of herpes symptoms and signs that may be more pronounced compared to recurrent infections. The first outbreak is known to be the most painful and uncomfortable and over time, the discomfort and the frequency of outbreaks eventually decrease. On this first outbreak, some herpes symptoms and signs to look out for include fever, muscle pain and severe headache. Your lymph glands may also be swollen because the body is trying to fight the viral infection.

But there are those who are lucky enough not to experience such symptoms. In fact, many people only get to encounter minor skin rashes that they usually mistake for insect bites. There are even cases when herpes doesn't physically manifest itself so many people are completely unaware that they are infected.

Get the herbal cure

More information on herbal herpes cure is available in HerbalCheck.Com, one of the fastest growing online magazines giving expert information on supplements and herbal medication.

Testing For Herpes - The Responsible Thing To Do

Sometimes testing is not needed to know what the results are going to be. Unfortunately, with herpes this is often times very true. There are tons of STDs out there and many of us have acquired one or two throughout our lifetime. Herpes is one of the most obvious and in many ways one of the worst.

You wear the symptoms outwardly. There is no hiding oral herpes. When an outbreak is flaring you have very little recourse. There is a spotlight on you. This can be devastating. We all need to be close to people. It's just a human thing. No changing it. Herpes is a deal breaker with many potential mates. Testing for it will not change the facts, but it will give you the upper hand when deciding to get help.

Having a breakout of genital herpes can be hidden. Even while in the midst of an outbreak it is possible to date, to get close to a potential significant other. Yet at the end of the night things change. What are your options? You can close the lights and engage in sexual intercourse without disclosing your status, this is true. But this course of action only adds another level to your general unhealthiness. Lying to a lover adds detrimental layers to an individual's psyche.

It will also last only so long. If you were to get serious with this person they would find out eventually. At this point you have signaled that you are not to be trusted by omitting this serious issue. There may be no way to rebuild the trust.

Herpes is not the end of the world. It is just another one of the challenges that life seems to dole out so frequently. Testing in the early stages of your sexual life is a great way to get the facts, know your status and proceed from that point. Herpes has a stigma. For that there is no doubt. Let us take a brief look at herpes, its symptoms and treatments.


It seems like the word is everywhere in the media. It is also a term that is frequently used as an insult. There are many types of herpes. These include illnesses like chicken pox and shingles. But the word herpes is commonly used to describe just two of its incarnations- HSV 1 and HSV 2.

HSV 1 is typically referred to as oral herpes. It is the cold sore that millions of Americans suffer from. HSV 2 is more commonly known as genital herpes and that is when the sores and blisters break out down under the belt line. They are unsightly and many times painful.

Infection occurs when the skin of a negative person comes in contact with the skin of a positive person. It is obviously much easier to pass the virus to another person when an outbreak is flaring, but it is also possible to catch the virus from what looks like a healthy pair of lips (or genitals).

Testing is quick and easy and so important to all of us engaging in any form of sexual activity. It does not take full-on intercourse to pass on this virus. Safe sex should be applied to all forms of sexual relations, including oral and anal sex. Sometimes-believe it or not-potential pregnancy is not the most important detail when it comes to using condoms.

The testing procedure usually consists of swabbing the infected area and testing the swabbing implement for traces of the virus. Other times testing is done when it is completely obvious to the doctor - and the patient - what it is they're dealing with. If you are someone who engages in sexual activities, testing should be done on a regular basis. Responsibility is an important aspect of sex.

If you are ready to get responsible for your health and happen to live in the New York City area log onto Herpes testing NYC and arrange to get started on your testing. It is a certified STD clinic and is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station, making it easy to get to by bus or train. If you'd like more information than the website can provide, or if you'd like to arrange an appointment, simply dial 1-212-696-5900 and get it done. Testing makes sense.

Cold Sore Herpes - Virus of Mass Destruction

The cold sore herpes virus will cause mass destruction when and where this virus gets the chance to do so.

In a minute you will know why this virus causes so much damage. You will learn what you can do to prevent it from happening to you or loved ones. Yes. In spite of what you might have heard, your painfully embarrassing cold sores can be prevented. It really is not that hard or expensive.

There are eight different types of herpes viruses. The cold sore herpes virus most often responsible for a cold sore is the herpes simplex type 1. The type 2 version causes about 20% of cold sores. It does not really matter. The cold sores are identical in looks, pain, and healing time.

Is it not true? Cold sores seem to come at the worst of times. Some of the most common trigger events are weddings, dates and job interviews. These are particularly stressful events. Cold sore outbreaks will often take place whenever there is some physical or mental stress. Mental stress will always affect you physically, even if you do not notice it at the time. Quite likely, if you backtrack from your outbreak, you will find a stress trigger occurred two or three days prior.

The cold sore herpes virus is a sub-microscopic living particle. It is so tiny that it can hide inside your nerve cells. When latent, the virus will hide in the nerve fibers near your ear. Scientists recently discovered that, when hiding, the herpes virus can shut down nearly all function. This makes the virus all but invisible to even our own body defenses. This is also the reason medical science has not yet found any way to remove cold sore herpes from your system.

When the virus senses the conditions are right, it moves quickly. It will travel through the nerve fibers like a highway to the surface target area. It is this travel along the nerve that you feel just prior to an outbreak. This virus movement will produce an itching, burning or dryness sensation at the target location. From the time of the first itching to actual blister formation could be two hours or two days.

The only reason the cold sore herpes virus becomes active is to create new virus. It cannot reproduce itself, like bacteria. The herpes virus, once it gets to the surface, will enter a nerve cell. It will then take control and force the cell to make perfect clones of itself. Once the cell is filled to capacity, the original virus then explodes the nerve cell. The fresh virus clones spill out looking for a new home. When millions of neighboring cells are destroyed like this, you have an open cold sore ulcer. Your healing system then creates a fluid to cleanse the now open wound and wash away the new viruses.

What are the right conditions that encourage the cold sore herpes virus to become active? Living in the nerve cells, the herpes virus surely has an early warning system to any condition of your body.

Stress causes changes in our immune system, hormones, bodily functions and pH balance. A person who is in excellent physical health can take a lot more stress changes before cold sores occur. If you get frequent cold sores, or colds, you really should analyze your nutritional intake. Many folks have eliminated cold sore herpes events by merely taking a good vitamin supplement program. Some other nutritional improvements to prevent cold sores could be more fresh vegetables, particularly broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Also, increasing lysine intake by eating fish or taking a supplement has helped many.

The one trick that others use to prevent cold sore herpes outbreaks is to apply ice, or garlic oil, to the target area immediately at the first sign of itching or dryness. The coldness acts to repel the herpes virus and often send it back into hibernation. The garlic oil is excellent for repelling herpes virus. It may also help repel people, which may not be all that bad. You may be contagious during this period, so avoid kissing.

Now you know how this virus is so destructive. And you have seen those ideal conditions for the herpes virus are low immunity, and a low pH balance. You have also learned that the herpes virus hates cold and garlic. Armed with this information, you should now have a good start at preventing the mass destruction of cold sore herpes.

Denny Bodoh is a 35-year newspaper veteran and dedicated natural health research writer. Get the latest facts on Cold Sore Herpes and amazing Cold Sore Treatments at Denny's popular site: www.3daycoldsorecure.com

A Genital Herpes Cure?

When people are first diagnosed, the common reaction is to faithfully keep up-to-date on the latest news on a cure for herpes. There are some news sources that can be trusted and there are many, many others that couldn't even pass for actual sources. A truly promising study comes from the University of Florida; Dr. Bloom & Co. was awarded $50K by Pepsi to do their research. So yes, occasionally the news will tell us there's a possibility for a legitimate cure, but it seems just out of our reach sometime in the future. Whether or not the physical cure for herpes is coming anytime soon, ultimately the biggest "problem" herpes poses isn't the physical symptoms at all, but the psychological.

There may be no physical cure in sight to rid the virus from your system, but if you suffer from depression, feelings that you won't be able to find someone to love you, feelings of worthlessness, fear of being rejected, then you need a psychological cure for herpes, not a physical one. An occurrence of herpes is a whole lot more in one's mind than simply a bump that shows up "down there;" it brings with it all the stigma that society has built up around it, all the things you have heard from the media and your friends and strangers alike, the demeaning jokes you've heard... so really the herpes occurrence is a very small physical trigger that represents all of this and sets off a huge psychological reaction.

What is key here is to recognize this first before letting your mind go off the deep end an assuming the worst about this little virus. Don't let herpes represent all of those horrible things to you. That's your decision.

So yes, a cure for the most painful part of herpes is definitely close at hand. Or should I say it's in your head. Start thinking in a way that is fair to you and your life. You deserve it.

Herpes Life is a place for people with herpes who want their confidence and happiness back to live a more fulfilled and aware life. For more articles on the positive side of living and thriving with herpes, jump on over to: http://herpeslife.com

Herpes 101

Herpes simplex, normally known as "herpes", is a viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Herpes infections can be classified into several types based on the site of infection. Oral herpes have visible symptoms of infection in the face or mouth, which are termed as cold sores. It is also the most common type of herpes. Genital herpes, which is the type often associated with the term "herpes", is the second most common type of herpes. As suggested by its name, the visible symptoms are on the genitals and the area around it. Herpes simplex viruses could also cause other disorders. Such disorders include herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, ocular herpes, cerebral herpes infection encephalitis, neonatal herpes, Mollaret's meningitis, and also Bell's palsy.

Herpes virus cycles between active and inactive stages. The active stage shows symptoms such as blisters containing the infectious virus particles. The inactive stage or the remission period is indicated by the disappearance of the sores. In genital herpes, however, it is often asymptomatic, meaning it shows no visible symptoms. It seems to be always on its inactive stage but the reality is it still cycles between the stages. The only hint that you are on the active stage is viral shedding.

After initial infection, the virus will find its way to sensory nerves where it stays for life. When this happens, it is now called a latent virus. The causes of its recurrence are not known although some of the potential triggers have been determined. Episodes of the active stage may reduce in severity and frequency. Herpes simplex is mostly transmitted through direct contact with a body fluid or a lesion of an infected individual. Transmission could occur with just a simple skin to skin contact with the infected site.

HSV infections cause a number of distinct medical disorders. Common infection of the skin or mucosa may affect the face and mouth, genitalia, or hands. More dangerous infections could even affect the eyes, central nervous system, including the brain. People with immature immune system are vulnerable to severe complications from HSV infections. HSV infections are also attributed to bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. In all cases of HSV infection, HSV is never removed from the body by the immune system. The virus simply enters the nerves at the site of infection and migrates to the cell body of the neuron and becomes latent in the ganglion.

Oral herpes is the most easily diagnosed and clinically examined. The appearance and distribution of sores are multiple, round, superficial oral ulcers, with acute gingivitis. Other types of herpes like genital herpes and other asymptomatic herpes are much harder to diagnose. Laboratory testing is normally the solution for diagnosing such cases. Laboratory tests include: virus culture, direct fluorescent antibody, skin biopsy, and polymerase chain reaction to test for the presence of viral DNA. Such tests are highly specific and sensitive making their costs high and time constraints longer.

These tests are present at various STD clinics if you would want to get yourself tested and verify if you have or do not have Herpes. They employ the most up-to-date and most high-tech laboratory procedures and is known for their accurate results and confidential handling of the information.

Schedule your test & relieve your Fear, Anxiety & Uncertainty. Call Now 888.503.3023 at Local STD Testing Clinics

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Best Genital Herpes Treatment - Quicker Relief From Irritating Symptoms

Genital herpes is a very bothering condition rendering helpless situation with constant itching and burning sensations of the herpes blisters. This can cause a lot of stress and anxiety greatly hampering your quality of life. People suffering from this viral infection are in desperate need of a complete solution that is provided by Herpeset, the best genital herpes treatment. Caused by the Herpes simplex virus, a person gets infected with this disease through oral and sexual contacts. It is highly contagious, and if left untreated can aggravate the symptoms making life miserable. People living in unhygienic conditions and having multiple sex partners are more susceptible to genital herpes.

Occasional flare ups of the painful blisters are most bothering, restricting the normal activities of a person to a great extent. Herpeset is solely made up of natural ingredients of homeopathic medicine that can provide you the best genital herpes treatment. The medicine can be sprayed on the affected areas or can be sprayed under the tongue thrice a day to avail better results. The highly potential natural ingredients directly mix into the blood stream resulting quicker relief from the irritating herpes symptoms. The instant action of the medicine will lessen your stress considerably and gift you more peaceful hours.

The key ingredients of this easy-to-spray Herpeset constitute of Rhustox, Apis Mellifica, Baptista, Capsicum, Nitricum acidum and Pyrogenium, each exhibiting exclusive actions labeling this homeopathic medicine as the best genital herpes treatment. Rhustox functions in reducing the itching and inflammation of the blisters. Capsicum is very active in reducing the pain. Apis Mellifica helps in reducing the burning sensation of the blisters and Pyrogenium hastens the healing of the pus filled blisters. These common homeopathic ingredients are used individually in treating a number of diseases, but the unique formulation of Herpeset derived through in untiring efforts of experienced and qualified homeopaths have gained unanimous acclamation as the best genital herpes treatment.

It has to be borne in mind that herpes simplex virus cannot be eradicated completely out of the body, but their outbreaks can be checked maintaining proper hygiene and lifestyle. Herpeset is devoid of any chemicals and is absolutely safe to use. Both men and women have derived wonderful results in treating this disorder, and no side effects have been reported till date. People have been able to get back on track within very short span of time removing all stress and anxieties of this disease. Herpest has also been acclaimed by many medical practitioners as the best genital herpes treatment.

Read information about Homeopathic Treatment for Genital Herpes. Also know about Herbal Supplements for Type 2 Diabetes.

Genital Herpes Cures - Permanent Herpes Cure

Until this day, a permanent cure for genital herpes proves to be intangible. Little has changed from decades of research despite significant time and effort that has been invested already by both researchers and experts alike. The most advance study to date regarding permanent herpes cure has a promising lead already. Maybe five to ten years, we may never know but one thing is certain, many people suffering from this infection will live to tell the tale. 

Present Methods 

Prevention of outbreaks and flare-ups is the only remedy we have for today when it comes to herpes. The fact that the HSV virus that is responsible for this genital infection makes it difficult for our immune system to locate. Our immune system is designed to find viruses inside our body and eliminate them the moment they were identified as viruses. The story became complicated for this virus because it's as if it has a mind of its own. The virus is capable of going into latency period, the period when the virus is inactive and will give off no symptom at all. More so, this virus finds a hiding place that is impossible for our immune system to reach and that is just beneath our skin, on the nerve cells.  

There the genital herpes virus, also known as HSV-2 can become dormant for years without even letting itself known. That instance would create a false hope for the infected person that the virus isn't there already. That also proved too difficult for the virus to be clinically detected, even fooling blood test results.  

Despite lack of known permanent cure, medical experts still managed to come up with prevention medicines enough to prevent breakouts and flare-ups. This is the most that the medical world can offer to this day. These methods however have proven to be effective especially in controlling possible breakouts. The breakout is somehow easy to determine because of its distinct symptoms before a flare-up, making it easy to handle with.    

The Future of Herpes 

It has been predicted already that it will not take long for the victims to wait until they can enjoy the blessings of permanent healing, through vaccines of genital herpes. When before controlling a breakout is already next to impossible, today breakouts could be easily be waved off because of some precise advancements in medical researches. Up to this day where permanent cure for genital herpes is still hard to pin down, only one way is almost 100% sure that you cannot contract the virus, abstain. This would sound a little bit odd especially to those who were very sexually active people including teenagers. But if abstinence is impossible, at least have a safer way to have sex. 

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What is Oral & Genital Herpes?

There are two types of herpes infections, oral herpes and genital herpes; both are contagious. The most insidious fact about herpes is that it can be an "invisible virus;" it is possible for a person to have and to spread either type of herpes virus and not even know that he or she has herpes.

The virus that infects a person with oral herpes is named "herpes simplex type 1." The virus that infects a person with genital herpes is named "herpes simplex type 2." Both types of herpes are spread by direct contact with an infected area or by contact with a body fluid from that area.

There is no known cure for either type of herpes; it is permanent, but not always active. A person with oral herpes or genital herpes may have one or several outbreaks in his or her life.

Oral Herpes and Its Symptoms

Oral herpes symptoms include blisters or cold sores on the lips and in the mouth that can develop into painful ulcers. If the gums are infected they will become red and puffy. Oral herpes may also cause a fever, aching muscles and swollen glands in the neck. An initial outbreak may last from two to three weeks.

Oral herpes is very common among children. Children share each other's straws and eating utensils and generally have a lot of physical contact with one another playing sports and just generally roughhousing. Children are also subject to being kissed by visiting close friends and relatives who are completely unaware that they have oral herpes.

Genital Herpes and Its Symptoms

Genital herpes symptoms include blisters and pain in the genital areas. Blisters may appear on the penis, scrotum, vagina, in the cervix or on the thighs and buttocks. Initial symptoms include an itch or pain in an infected area, fever, headache, swollen glands in the groin, a painful or burning sensation during urination and possibly a thick, clear fluid discharge from the penis or vagina. The blisters may become painful sores. An initial episode of genital herpes may last from one to three weeks.

Preventing Herpes

It is possible to prevent a herpes infection by avoiding direct contact with blisters, sores or ulcers that appear on someone's mouth or genitals. Keeping in mind that herpes can be an "invisible virus," it is a good idea to avoid physical or intimate contact with anyone you suspect may carry either virus.

Teach your children that putting something in their mouth that has been in someone else's mouth is never a good idea. They should also be warned that when someone has a cut or sore they should be very careful to avoid touching it because of the "germs" that they might catch.

Adults and teenagers who are sexually active should never have unprotected sex with someone who they even suspect may be infected by genital herpes. The use of a condom will provide some measure of protection but not complete protection. The only complete protection is abstinence.

A pregnant women who has ever had an outbreak of genital herpes should inform her obstetrician well before her due date, so the obstetrician can, if necessary, discuss and plan for a non-vaginal delivery.

Treating Herpes

It is worth mentioning again that all a doctor or a medication can do is treat symptoms of an outbreak of herpes with an antiviral medicine -- there is no cure.

If your child has cold sores that do not disappear within ten days, or has a history of frequent cold sores, take him or her to a doctor.

Daisy Bone writes on Herpes Virus. For more information: oral-genital-herpes-pictures.com [http://www.oral-genital-herpes-pictures.com/]

Herpes - 80 Million Americans Are Affected!


Herpes is a very common infection caused by two different but closely related viruses. Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). It infects the nervous system, modifying the DNA of the nerve cells supplying the skin through which it entered. It may also play a role in the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The virus is spread by touching, kissing, and sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. It is most contagious when sores are open and "weeping" until the scabs heal and fall off. Herpes is estimated to affect some 80 million people in America.


Symptoms of an outbreak include feeling like you have the flu and blisters that appear and then burst in the genital region, forming painful sores and may include burning feelings if urine flows over sores, inability to urinate if severe swelling of sores blocks the urethra, itching, open sores, pain in the infected area.

Severe first episodes may have symptoms that include swollen, tender lymph glands in the groin, throat, and under the arms, fever, chills, headache, general run-down feelings, achy, flu-like feelings. Flare-ups usually heal in 10-14 days. They may be more painful and last longer in women or men with illnesses that weaken the immune system like leukemia and HIV. Outbreaks typically begin with pain, tenderness, or itching in the genital area and may also include fever and headache. Avoid physical contact with the area from the time of the first symptoms (tingling, itching, burning) until all sores are completely healed, not just scabbed-over.


The first outbreak usually occurs within two weeks after transmission, and the sores typically heal within two to four weeks. Sores may also show up inside the mouth, but this usually only happens the first time oral symptoms appear. It is possible to get genital herpes from cold sores. Other signs and symptoms during the primary episode may include a second crop of sores, and flu-like symptoms, including fever and swollen glands. Genital herpes can cause recurrent painful sores in many adults, and infections can be severe in people with suppressed immune systems. There may be some early warning signs before an outbreak occurs such as tingling, burning, or itching where sores were before.


There is no known cure for herpes, but antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. Treatment should begin at the first signs of an outbreak for best results as far as duration and healing are concern. Should it begin before the lesions appear, it is possible that the outbreak can be averted. Recently valacyclovir was released to be used as a three day treatment for recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes. This is an effective approach that achieves the highest blood levels of medication available.


Herpes is an infection that is caused by a simplex virus. It can make people more susceptible to HIV infection, and it can make HIV-infected individuals more infectious. It is contagious if the carrier is producing and shedding virus and can produce a wide range of signs and symptoms. Some are dramatic and fairly easy to recognize; some are subtle and may be ignored or confused with another ailment. The Virus is contagious and can be passed from person to person through any form of unprotected sex.

Studies show that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes each year, and the largest increase is occurring in young teens. Efforts to develop a vaccine by biotechnology companies are ongoing. There is no cure to date.

Richard H. Ealom is the Author of this article and the creator of "Free Articles On Diseases: How To Prevent and Cure Them". 93 Disease specific websites with extensive information about Alternative and Orthodox methods for Treating and Curing diseases. Please visit [http://rainydrops.com/a-herpes/be-herpes-free.php] or http://rainydrops.com/alternative-orthodox.php

Recovery From Genital Herpes

Recovery from genital herpes is possible as long as you know the proper way to avoid outbreaks and control the symptoms that are associated with the disease. If you have genital herpes, it is important for you to know that that there currently is no known cure for the disease. But this should not mean though that its the end of the world for you once you have been diagnosed with herpes. Fact is, you can still live a normal life - physically, socially, mentally, emotionally and even sexually. There are many individuals out there who have genital herpes that continue to work, date and socialize with their friends.

The key to recovery from genital herpes is to be able to avoid outbreaks and control the symptoms associated with the disease. The number one trigger of an outbreak is stress. Therefore, to avoid outbreaks you must try to keep yourself as stress-free as possible. There are many ways to do this. You can do Yoga or meditation. Even plain old exercise can do wonders in keeping stress away.

Diet also plays a big role in a person's recovery from genital herpes. In general, people with herpes should avoid food that contains Arginine which can trigger outbreaks. On the other hand, they must increase their intake of foods rich in Lysine which helps in controlling the symptoms of genital herpes.

Recovery from genital herpes - which means recovery from its symptoms and outbreaks - is possible with a little adjustment in your lifestyle and diet.

Click here to discover how you can eliminate symptoms of genital herpes fast using unique, all natural treatments.

Don't deal with nasty side effects and expensive perscriptions ever again, and get rid of genital herpes quickly and effectively.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Truth About Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes is a misunderstood illness, and I hope to dispel some myths with the publication of this article. Perhaps the first thing to note is that the majority of people are infected with one strain of herpes - HSV 1, also known as the common cold sore! Of course it has less of a stigma attached, so let's look at the facts about genital herpes:

What symptoms does genital herpes carry?

The trouble with herpes is that in many people, the symptoms are so mild that they may pass unnoticed. This is good on one level as it won't affect your life, but on the other hand, you're at risk of passing the HSV 2 virus onto another unawares, who may suffer far more discomfort than you.

If symptoms do appear, They tend to appear periodically in "episodes" (or "outbreaks"). As for when, again it varies from person to person. It may be days after contracting the virus, it could be months to years. When it first strikes, the sufferer typically feels flu-like symptoms - fever, headaches and pains in the back and leg. The good news is that these symptoms usually are only present in the first outbreak of HSV 2.

From then on, most genital herpes episodes produce small blisters which then break to form painful shallow sores. After 1-2 weeks, these scab over and then heal. Often the first outbreak is significantly more uncomfortable than future episodes.

If you're thinking this sounds like a cold sore, but for the genitals, you're right. Although HSV 1 (cold sores) is not the same as HSV 2, the symptoms are similar enough for you to think of genital herpes as a cold sore that forms around the genitals, anus, buttocks and thighs. And like cold sores, the virus stays in the body once the genital herpes symptoms have vanished, and can cause recurrent outbreaks at any time.

Are recurrent outbreaks linked to any behaviour?

Yes and no. Triggers for outbreaks of genital herpes can be linked to sex, menstruation, general illness or stress, but often you'll see no explanation and an episode appears without a trigger.

It's important to note that recurrent attacks are caused by the dormant virus in the body and not by re-infection. In most causes the repeat episodes become less frequent over time, and some sufferers can look forward to a time when the attacks stop altogether.

How is HSV 2 spread?

The HSV 2 virus is spread through skin to skin contact, which means sexual contact is largely the cause. Remember that as many people show few to no symptoms, it's possible to pass on the virus to someone even if the sufferer shows no symptoms.

How do I prevent transmission?

There's no sure-fire way to prevent transmission, because it can be passed with no obvious sores, but there are ways of minimising the risk. The first is to avoid having any kind of sexual contact with someone immediately before or during an outbreak of genital herpes. Condoms will stop transmission across the area covered, but of course they only cover the penis, so if sores are elsewhere transmission can still occur.

There are a number of dating sites set up to match singles with genital herpes - of course, people cannot be reinfected, so sufferers having sexual contact with each other are not at risk from the disease!

I think I have it - what's does the test for herpes involve?

The herpes test involves taking a sample from the area of the body infected during an outbreak. The HSV 2 virus will usually grow in a swab taken from a open blister. It can then be determined which type - HSV 1 or 2 - you have. HSV 1 is rarer in a genital infection.

The other herpes test is taken via a blood sample. The advantage of this is that you don't need to be having an outbreak to take the test, but it has downsides too. It can't tell you which part of the body is infected (lips or genitals), it can't tell you whether you are likely to display symptoms or not and if can't reveal if general symptoms you've had are down to the HSV virus. Consult your doctor to discuss which herpes test is for you.

Is there a risk of transmission through childbirth?

Pregnant women with genital herpes may pass the virus onto their baby during delivery causing serious illness. This thankfully isn't common, but the medical staff should be told if you carry the virus so that risk of complications can be minimised.

Is there a cure for genital herpes?

Sadly there is no cure for HSV 2, and once the virus is in the body it is there for life. There are ways of managing the symptoms though, thankfully. Iodine paint will dry out the blisters and help prevent secondary infection, while salt baths are good at relieving discomfort.

Anti-viral medication can also be prescribed, and this will help reduce the severity of an outbreak If taken early enough (within 3 days of the symptoms appearing is best). For the unlucky few who suffer from regular outbreaks, some antiviral drugs including aciclovir, famciclovir and valaciclovir can be taken continuously. This will stop most outbreaks from occurring allowing minimal disruption.

Genital herpes has a very bad reputation, but as STDs go, it's actually comparatively harmless and certainly is no bar to living a full, happy and sexually fulfilled life. If in doubt, get a herpes test - you have very little to worry about even if you are infected!

Tim Leach is the Marketing Manager of USA Lab Testing, providers of local Herpes tests.

Dating For People With STDs - What Are Your Options?

For some people, the prospect of finding a compatible man or woman for a lasting relationship can prove challenging. If you have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease like herpes, or are HIV positive, you might wonder if you should bother looking at all. Regardless of how or when you came to acquire an STD, it's important to note that you can still lead a fulfilling, active life doing what you wish, and that includes dating.

Before You Search, Get the Facts

If you are considering entering the dating scene post-STD, it's important to educate yourself completely on your health and the risks involved in being sexually active should the occasion arise. Consult with your doctor about the severity of your condition, and know what you can and can not do in order to ensure the safety of a non-STD partner, or to prevent a partner with a sexually transmitted illness from getting sicker.

If you are required to take medication or topical ointments for the treatment of your virus, you will want to be honest with anybody you date if you feel the attraction is strong enough to last. Using condoms during moments of intimacy may prevent the spread of viruses, but no form of protection beyond abstinence can be considered a hundred percent effective. Know what you're dealing with, so you are able to talk with potential partners.

Dating with STD

Once you are prepared to date, you must determine how to find a suitable partner. There are Internet dating sites devoted entirely to matching people with STD to hopeful mates. Some may concentrate entirely on people who are HIV-positive, while others cater to men and women with herpes or HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus, among other venereal illnesses. Many sites offer free registration, charging fees only for premium services.

If you wish to retain some degree of anonymity as you search online, be sure to thoroughly browse each dating site you join before giving your personal information. Know the terms offered, and be yourself as you meet people interested in you.

Above all else, be honest with yourself and with potential life partners. HIV dating and herpes dating don't need to be scary prospects. Educate yourself, and be careful, and enjoy your romantic life.

K. Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on relationships.

Do Signs and Symptoms of Male Genital Herpes Display

HSV which is also male genital herpes comes in two forms. Type 1 HSV which affects the nose and mouth area and type 2 HSV which causes infections in and around the genital parts. Circumstances of sexual practices may lead to the two different types of herpes being found in either area. Male genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease and should you be diagonalized with the male genital herpes, one should abstain from sexual activities be it oral, anal or vaginal till the infection has cleared up.Use of condoms should not be an excuse because they could not offer 100% protection against infecting your partner.

If you suspect that you have signs and symptoms of male genital herpes,you should indeed consult your doctor for confirmation of whether you have the infection and its not only a rash.The fact remains that male genital herpes will display itself in about the first week of infection.This is so for men because of there biological anatomy of having a penis, which is on the exterior and any abnormalities are realized fast as opposed to the interior position of a vagina.

Male genital symptoms could vary from each individual depending on many factors but most common ones are pain during the passing of urine when the liquid comes into contact with the sores, muscle aches, back pains, abnormal discharge from the penis, abdominal pain, headaches and sometimes signs of flu. It is good to mention that there is no cure for male genital herpes but there is medication available to ease the discomfort and also reduce the signs and symptoms.

In more cases than one,use of strong painkillers is all that a person needs to help deal with the whole issue. But as a matter of fact building on your immune system is the most effective way of fighting off the male genital herpes from the body and reduce the chances of re currency. That said and done, male genital herpes can recur when you come into contact again with an infected person. Therefore the stern warning on sexual abstinence until one is sure the male genital herpes has been dealt with fully.

Sometimes a rash can be mistaken for male genital herpes symptoms and this should act like a wake up call to consult a physician to avoid other opportunistic genital viruses from arising at a later date. It is well known that male genital herpes symptoms are very mild and could not be alarming therefore resulting to lack of medical assistance.

Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on male genital herpes, visit her site at MALE GENITAL HERPES

Cures for Herpes That Eliminate All Future Outbreaks Forever

What is the current situation with respect to cures for Herpes? Are there any recent developments which change the status quo? Is there any hope on the horizon for a more permanent cure for Herpes which rids your body of the virus instead of forcing you to simply continue treating the symptoms? And which doesn't leave dealing with Herpes outbreaks at the most inconvenient and embarrassing times?

Cures for Herpes have been elusive for conventional medicine. Most of the research has gone into the treatment of symptoms of Herpes, as this is where the demand has been! When you are having an outbreak you just want it to go away as quickly as possible. And let's face it - that is when you usually visit your doctor.

There are some interesting research projects currently in progress with respect to cures for Herpes. Because the focus to date for most of the drug companies has been on the treatment of Herpes with anti-viral medications this is what they know most about. And they have some research projects which are on-going with respect to methods of forcing the entire Herpes virus to activate at the same time.

You see one of the challenges with the Herpes virus is that, for reasons which are not completely understood, only a part of the virus activates at any one time. This is the piece which can be somewhat addressed by anti-viral medications. The rest remains hidden in your nervous system and is invisible to your immune system and out of the reach of the anti-viral medications.

The research projects which show some promise are focusing on ways to get the entire virus to surface and activate simultaneously. That would allow the anti-viral treatments to attack it all at once and perhaps eliminate it from your body entirely.

However, promising as it sounds, the reality is that any chance of such a solution being available within the next ten years is remote. The process of animal testing and then controlled human testing is still in the future so there are no guarantees. But with respect to cures for Herpes which are being developed by the major pharmaceutical companies this is probably the most promising at this time!

What receives less focus and attention is the fact that there are some people who have the Herpes virus but never have any outbreaks. Indeed, the virus never even activates in their bodies. Some homeopathic doctors have successfully developed all-natural programs which boost your immunity to the right levels and which naturally modify your metabolic balance. The end result in many cases has been that the Herpes virus is no longer inclined to activate and is motivated to remain in remission permanently.

In terms of the strict definition of cures for Herpes it might not qualify. But it does mean no more outbreaks and no more risk of transmission to others! And that's progress by any definition!

The author has written extensively on natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness.

Find out more about a very successful and permanent Treatment for Herpes or else educate yourself more on the question of How to Treat Herpes

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Cheating Ex Gave Me Herpes! How Long Can it Lay Dormant?

One of the first questions that comes to mind when you first learn that you have a sexually transmitted disease is usually "How did this happen?" Now the herpes simplex virus is a particularly strange disease because it can lay dormant for years at a time.

When a couple are in a relationship and either one or both learn that they have genital herpes - there is usually a lot of finger pointing, blaming, and accusations of cheating. Now unless you absolutely know that your ex was unfaithful and contracted herpes in the process - there is unfortunately know way of being one hundred percent certain as to who you may have got it from. Short of a confession that is.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about genital herpes:

1. Contrary to popular opinion, the herpes virus does not always take the form of huge nasty open sores oozing with puss and blood. In fact, most with the virus state that their repeat occurrences can often go unnoticed, and if they didn't already know what it was - they wouldn't have guessed it to be herpes simplex.

2. Herpes is contracted through skin to skin contact. What this means is that, unlike most other sexually transmitted diseases - you can actually get it even when using condoms perfectly every single time without fail.

3. Herpes can indeed lay dormant for many years. We should preface that by saying this - by and large, the initial herpes outbreak is the absolute worst. It can show up anywhere, it is painful and usually lasts for two to three weeks. Most people know, without a doubt - that something is wrong. Now here's the tricky part, that "something" could be anything. If a person doesn't suspect that they have a sexually transmitted disease - they could easily mistake their initial outbreak for a rash, allergic reaction, or even sunburn if they've recently had that area exposed!

Now with those three things in mind, the truth is this - it could be possible that your ex didn't know that he or she had herpes. On the flip side, it could also be possible that it was you who gave it to them!

Trying to figure out who gave you herpes is mostly a waste of your time and energy, not only that - but it leads to a lot of unnecessary stress that will surely lead to more uncomfortable outbreaks!

After you've processed your diagnosis, and decide that you're ready to re-enter the dating scene, know that there are a ton of people out there in the same boat as you! Positive Singles is one of the top dating sites for people with genital and oral herpes.

Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and the best tips on dating with herpes, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites


Yours In Health & Wellness!

Super Tips and Golden Rules for Having the Herpes Talk

Having the herpes talk with somebody is unquestionably the single most hated aspects of a single person's life while coping with herpes. The herpes virus stigma surrounding the virus as well as the anxiety about being rejected frequently leads all of us to become insecure with ourselves. Many will go to amazing lengths in order to prevent having the herpes talk. Many will stay away from dating altogether. There are also many people that do not acknowledge their own condition and choose to never inform his or her dates about their particular conditions. It's unlikely that any of these are very healthy reactions for one's psychological well-being and self-confidence.

The Herpes Talk Golden Guidelines

The first GOLDEN Guideline, that is an absolute requirement is you must have the herpes conversation before having sex with your sweetheart. While you might know the transmission rates as well as have considered all of the essential safeguards to protect a person, there's nevertheless a possibility of transmitting it to your partner. It's simply not morally right to keep your ailment a secret to your partner. Failing to disclose your condition could land yourself in jail. You could be subject to civil judgements if you happen to infect somebody with the herpes virus. Failing to have the herpes conversation is simply not worth the cost.

The 2nd GOLDEN Guideline would be to never wait until you're just about to have sexual intercourse to blurt it out. The heat of the moment can often be too powerful for either of you to rationally and properly talk about your condition.

When is the Best Time to Have Herpes Talk

Besides the 2 golden guidelines in the list above, determining a particular point within a romantic relationship to have the herpes talk is really an individual choice. Everyone is unique and every relationship continues at various paces. You might realize that having the conversation prior to getting way too emotionally connected works more effectively. Or perhaps you might want to have the talk a lot quicker. It's actually very hard to pin-point a precise moment. You could possibly inform somebody as quickly as just before a first date or even wait for many months.

Get yourself ready for the Herpes Talk

There are numerous websites and articles on the internet advocating that you just get ready for the talk by collecting as much info as you possibly can so that you can provide it your companion. They will suggest printing out content and getting pamphlets from your health practitioner. Additional sites will suggest you to create the best atmosphere for the discussion while others will advise you to stay relaxed. I recommend getting ready in a very different way. It's essential to prepare yourself and the remainder will certainly fall into place.

Why Do I Prepare Myself?

Getting yourself ready starts with acknowledging that herpes is now a component of you. Similar to your feet, hands, ears and yes even your somewhat crooked pinky toe! The herpes simplex virus has setup it's residence within you and until a cure is eventually discovered it's certainly not going anywhere!

You could learn and rehearse the actual herpes talk. It is possible to commit to it memory and script the precise phrases in which you are likely to point out yet if your own self-confidence does not express exactly what you're attempting to achieve then you'll probably fail. Failing may ruin your self-confidence and self-esteem a lot more. Perhaps even worse is that it'll attract all of the completely wrong types of people into your life.

Think about it for a moment. If you're not really confident and acknowledging about your condition then how could you expect somebody that does not know you to accept your condition and keep confident that you will do anything to safeguard them? Therefore the simple answer is to recognize that herpes is actually a part of you and have a self-confident frame of mind.

I understand that it is tempting to try to pack your mind with each and every possible reaction that your date may have whenever you let them know that you have herpes however it's simply not feasible. The truth is that you only have to build your self confidence to have success.

The main thing you'll want to know is to get started today! The more time you wait around to have the herpes talk the tougher it will be get started. You'll need quick success and he quicker that you begin encountering success, the faster you'll gain self confidence!

To your success and happiness!

Ed DeVinney is the webmaster and creator of the website Living With Genital Herpes. Learn about the devastation Herpes Stigma and how it became the second most stigmated STD in the USA.