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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cold Sore Cure Series: How To Tell The Person You're Dating That You Have Oral Herpes

Now if it's one thing I don't ever want to be known as, it's the cold sore guru. No thanks, I'll take credit for other aspects of my life. Believe me, the last thing I want to discuss with friends and family is the inner workings of oral herpes.

Once in a while however, I do get emails from people just like you asking me questions that are very common to people who have just contracted the herpes simplex virus, which is what causes cold sores as we know them.

A young man from Kansas City sent me the following question very recently: "I just started seeing this girl, and we're going on our fourth date...so when exactly should I tell her I get cold sores?"

I will try to address this one as best I can, but I'll tell you that there is no definitive solution. Mostly because everyone is different and is likely to have a different reaction to your news.

Since everyone will react differently, you'll have to tackle this issue from a solid position. When we start dating someone new, there is always the potential for a relationship to come from it, which is the case with this young man's present scenario.

I would never recommend you mention you have cold sores too early. But at the same time you don't want to mention it too late. The only recommendation I will make is this - before the first kiss, stop just short of contact and say...

"I really want to kiss you right now, but once in a blue moon, I get a cold sore and I just got over one a few days ago and I should probably wait a couple more days to be perfectly safe."

By doing this you are:

-Getting it out in the open a very organic manner

-Waiting until you know the other person is into you enough to want to kiss you

-Showing concern for the other person

What more can you really do beyond that?

The other route to take is to assert total control over the herpes simplex virus. Believe it or not, you can in fact control it, just like you can control your temper or your appetite. We humans are far more capable of controlling the functions of our bodies than we give ourselves credit for.

If you're reading this now, it's because you refuse to accept having cold sores ruin your social life and you're looking for a way to take action against the virus. Did you know that changes in your diet, daily habits and a little exercise can help you make existing cold sores disappear and suppress future outbreaks?

It's true.

There are also a few household items already lying around in your cupboards that can help make what you see in the mirror easier to look at. I really hope all this information has given you a better idea of how your body works and I also hope you can be happy.

I'm rooting for you.

Norm Baldwin used to suffer frequent cold sore outbreaks, but they are now a figment of the past for him and he happily reveals how he did it in his free course, Cold Sore Control

If you just started getting cold sores, find out how to stay positive and not lock yourself inside the house.