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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Painting a Picture of Genital Herpes Symptoms

The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) has two main types. The first, or Type 1 is the one that causes oral herpes or cold sores. The second, Type 2 causes the much more serious genital herpes.

Whist both types can cause genital infections the majority of genital herpes infections are attributed to HSV Type 2.

Herpes like any other infection causes a wide range of symptoms from very mild to very severe. There are people whose lab tests prove that they have the infection but show no outward symptoms whatsoever. On the other hand there are people whose symptoms are so severe they can cause disability or even, in extreme cases, death.

Most people with genital herpes are at the milder end of the spectrum. They have been exposed to genital herpes and have developed a latent infection and antibodies but have never had symptoms of an active infection.

It is difficult, therefore, to paint a single picture of what herpes infection is like. The symptoms depend not only the severity of an infection but also on its site, which in turn is determined by the site of inoculation. In other words, where did the herpes virus find its easiest access to epithelial cells of the skin?

For the most part, herpes simplex prefers mucous membranes where the skin is thin. These include areas like the labia (lips) of the vagina and the lips of the mouth. However, any area of the body can be vulnerable to herpes attack. If a finger has a tiny crack and herpes simplex virus can find a way to an epithelial cell. In general though, it is difficult for the virus to enter the skin of the hand or any other thick-skinned area.

However, any time there is excessive moisture and especially if there is trauma or injury that compromises normal protection of the area, the setting can be ideal for herpes to be transmitted.

Don't be alone with herpes. There are some good online herpes dating sites where you can meet people just like you. Why not visit Positive Singles where you can join for free and begin to live your life to the full again.