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Monday, July 11, 2011

Testing For Herpes - The Responsible Thing To Do

Sometimes testing is not needed to know what the results are going to be. Unfortunately, with herpes this is often times very true. There are tons of STDs out there and many of us have acquired one or two throughout our lifetime. Herpes is one of the most obvious and in many ways one of the worst.

You wear the symptoms outwardly. There is no hiding oral herpes. When an outbreak is flaring you have very little recourse. There is a spotlight on you. This can be devastating. We all need to be close to people. It's just a human thing. No changing it. Herpes is a deal breaker with many potential mates. Testing for it will not change the facts, but it will give you the upper hand when deciding to get help.

Having a breakout of genital herpes can be hidden. Even while in the midst of an outbreak it is possible to date, to get close to a potential significant other. Yet at the end of the night things change. What are your options? You can close the lights and engage in sexual intercourse without disclosing your status, this is true. But this course of action only adds another level to your general unhealthiness. Lying to a lover adds detrimental layers to an individual's psyche.

It will also last only so long. If you were to get serious with this person they would find out eventually. At this point you have signaled that you are not to be trusted by omitting this serious issue. There may be no way to rebuild the trust.

Herpes is not the end of the world. It is just another one of the challenges that life seems to dole out so frequently. Testing in the early stages of your sexual life is a great way to get the facts, know your status and proceed from that point. Herpes has a stigma. For that there is no doubt. Let us take a brief look at herpes, its symptoms and treatments.


It seems like the word is everywhere in the media. It is also a term that is frequently used as an insult. There are many types of herpes. These include illnesses like chicken pox and shingles. But the word herpes is commonly used to describe just two of its incarnations- HSV 1 and HSV 2.

HSV 1 is typically referred to as oral herpes. It is the cold sore that millions of Americans suffer from. HSV 2 is more commonly known as genital herpes and that is when the sores and blisters break out down under the belt line. They are unsightly and many times painful.

Infection occurs when the skin of a negative person comes in contact with the skin of a positive person. It is obviously much easier to pass the virus to another person when an outbreak is flaring, but it is also possible to catch the virus from what looks like a healthy pair of lips (or genitals).

Testing is quick and easy and so important to all of us engaging in any form of sexual activity. It does not take full-on intercourse to pass on this virus. Safe sex should be applied to all forms of sexual relations, including oral and anal sex. Sometimes-believe it or not-potential pregnancy is not the most important detail when it comes to using condoms.

The testing procedure usually consists of swabbing the infected area and testing the swabbing implement for traces of the virus. Other times testing is done when it is completely obvious to the doctor - and the patient - what it is they're dealing with. If you are someone who engages in sexual activities, testing should be done on a regular basis. Responsibility is an important aspect of sex.

If you are ready to get responsible for your health and happen to live in the New York City area log onto Herpes testing NYC and arrange to get started on your testing. It is a certified STD clinic and is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station, making it easy to get to by bus or train. If you'd like more information than the website can provide, or if you'd like to arrange an appointment, simply dial 1-212-696-5900 and get it done. Testing makes sense.