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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Don't Let Herpes Dictate Your Dating Life

You're back from your physician with some bad news: you've been diagnosed as a carrier of the herpes virus. Take a few moments to compose yourself with the fact that you'll carry herpes forever, but then realize: this isn't the end of the world. You'll still be able to lead a rich, fulfilling life with wonderful friends and family. Herpes carriers aren't different from the unaffected person standing next to them; the main contrast is that increased honesty and restraint is required when you think about having sex with a new partner.

A good place to start is with a basic introduction to what herpes is all about. Herpes is a virus that is transmitted during sex between a "carrier" and an uninfected person. It's important to realize that, with current medical technology, herpes doesn't have a cure. That means you should come to grips with the infection sooner, rather than later. Sometimes, you'll have blisters or sores that can be pretty itchy and irritable.

So how does this affect one's dating life? From the outset, you'll need to be honest with potential partners. Before any sexual activity at all occurs, make sure they fully understand how herpes works, what it does, and their risks of contracting the infection if they engage in sexual activity. You don't have to do this on the first date, but make sure to bring it up sooner, rather than later. That means not waiting until you're back at his (or her) place, ready to get it on. Pulling this kind of move will almost always result in an angry partner walking out the door, often not to return.

You may also want to consider looking into dating websites and services that advertise and provide service only to people who already have herpes. There are many benefits to going through this kind of medium: everything is right out there on the table, and you'll never have that potentially awkward moment of explaining herpes to your partner.

People who carry herpes only show their symptoms every once in a while. Don't let that fool you; you'll still need to tell potential partners that you have herpes, because even if you don't have any blisters or sores at the current moment, you can pass the virus along.

When you do suffer from an outbreak, make sure to avoid having sex. The chances of passing along herpes are much greater if open sores or blisters are visible. There are certain drugs on the market that work to control your outbreaks. Though they can be quite expensive, there is no price on making sure that you're protecting your partner as best as possible.

Another important thing to remember is that protection is the name of the game.. Remember that there are other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that you need to think about, aside from herpes, including AIDS and Hepatitis C.

In the end, remember that if someone is really meant to be with you forever, they'll accept this one small part of what makes you a unique person. Don't let herpes dictate your life. It's only something else to consider as you head into the dating world.

Jayde Johanssen has found that Herpes dating sites really assist their subscribers come to terms with things and enjoy dating again. Herpes dating sites are about finding love through understanding.