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Friday, June 10, 2011

Having Sex With Herpes - You Can Still Have a Love Life

Finding out you have genital herpes is a harrowing time in any sufferer's life. One of the first things that many newly infected herpes sufferers think is: 'my love life is over'. While you might think from the stigma attached to herpes that someone with this very common virus will have to give up having sex for the rest of their life, this is simply not true.

If you have herpes, you can have an active and normal sex life.

Similarly, if you've started dating someone with herpes and want to take the relationship to the next level, this is some information you should find very useful.

If you just follow these common sense tips, you can have sex and reduce the chance of passing the disease down to almost zero.

1. Don't have sex during outbreaks.

This one is fairly common sense, and it is very unlikely you will want to have sex during an outbreak anyway, due to pain or discomfort of an outbreak. Be aware of your outbreak cycle, and avoid sex if you feel an outbreak coming on in the near future, just to be safe.

2. Wear a condom.

Condoms aren't perfect protection, but they do provide quite a lot of barrier to the HSV2 virus. If used in conjunction with the other two tips they are very effective.

3. Antiviral treatment.

Make sure you are keeping up with a strong daily herpes treatment, this will also reduce dramatically the chance of passing on the virus.

By following these simple tips you can safely have sex even if you or your partner has herpes and dramatically reduce the risk of passing on the disease. No method is perfect but by following the three tips above consistently you'll approach a 100 percent effective method of stopping transmission of the disease, and you can enjoy a normal and healthy sex life.

Visit Fitter Healthier today to read our free guide on herpes home treatments and check out our reviews of the most effective genital herpes treatments available today.

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