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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dating With Herpes - How to Overcome Rejection

The likelihood of rejection is very much real when you have genital herpes and are interested in dating someone that does not have herpes. The social taboos associated with the virus are too many to count. Herpes is demonized and the large majority of the population, even those with the virus - are mostly misinformed about what it is and how it is contracted. And the truth is - no matter how comfortable you are with your condition, there will be others who are completely unaccepting. That said, dating rejection is difficult enough - but there's something especially painful about being rejected because of herpes.

Chances are, prior to being diagnosed with herpes - when you were turned down for a date - you just shrugged it off and reminded yourself that "there are plenty of fish in the sea". Now that you are living with herpes, the reality has set in - there may not be as many "fish in the sea" as you once believed. So how do you deal with the rejection when you are single and dating with herpes?

1. Get over it: Yup! That's what I said - you really have to just get over it. I understand that is certainly easier said than done, but you can not allow yourself to get depressed over someone telling you "no". There will be people who tell you no, but do not get caught up in those people - your only concern should be with finding the one person who says "yes".

2. They just weren't meant for you: I fully believe that there is someone for everyone. Whether you have genital herpes or one arm - there is someone who will love you fully and completely just as you are. The more time you spend focused on the one who rejected you, the less time you will have available for the who will accept you

3. Look for others like you: You may feel that only dating other people with herpes is very limiting, but that is part of the reality of this situation. Now I'm not suggesting that you lower your standards, or that you isolate yourself - however the facts are what they are. There will be people who will not be willing to give you a chance simply because you have genital herpes. Now that said, it is important that you remember one thing - you are not alone my friend! There are millions of singles just like you - suffering silently and looking for love. From local community support groups, online support groups and even online dating sites just for people with herpes.

You may have this disease, but it does not define who you are. Focus on those who love you and accept you, and you'll find peace with your circumstance and happiness in your love life.

Have you struggled with relationships since being diagnosed with genital herpes? Herpes doesn't signal the end of your love life. As managing editor of YouGotHerpes.com, I give practical tips and advice on how to have a fulfilling and meaningful love life after herpes.

Visit us today for your FREE E-BOOK on The Truth About Herpes Treatments and For the best tips on herpes dating sites, visit us today at Herpes Dating Sites


Yours In Health & Wellness!