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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dating With Herpes

Dating With Herpes by Elisabeth Fenton

 Dating with herpes can be extremely embarrassing and overwhelming when having to tell a new partner that you have genital herpes. Enter herpes dating websites. If you use dating websites which many, many people do this can be the perfect solution to meeting potential new partners and it certainly puts paid to that embarrassing conversation which needs to be had if you do have herpes.

Everyday a staggering number of people around the world discover they have Herpes. Over 50% of the American population and of that, more than 70% of the African American population have herpes. What most people forget is that it is not a death sentence. Although people who have just discovered they have contracted Herpes know that they won't die from it, you would think that they were about to die the way that they react. Do not panic, life as you know it is not over and neither is your sex life!

Now don't panic, having genital herpes is not the end in the slightest. You will find a new partner and you will definitely date again. It is not impossible, just remember, you are most certainly not alone. Millions and millions of people are diagnosed with genital herpes every year in the United States and although dating with herpes may require a little more effort and patience, using a herpes dating website can eliminate most of the effort and patience  needed when trying to meet a new partner.

We all know how hard it is to date but can you imagine how hard it must be to start dating when you've just found out that you've contracted herpes. When you date somebody else with herpes means all the stress associated with herpes melts away. It also means that if you're dating someone with herpes they completely understand what you're going through when you have an outbreak and neither of you have to worry about infecting the other. Herpes dating sites also offer plenty of support and advice and of course most people find it extremely reassuring that they were not going to be rejected because of this factor. This is very liberating.

There are many things that a herpes sufferer can do to prevent further outbreaks and increase your dating confidence as a result. Natural or herbal based treatments and a holistic approach to taking control of your Herpes seems to have the best results. Treat the cause as well as the symptoms and having Herpes can become a minor issue rather than a mountain! Eat properly, deal with stress effectively and make a conscious effort to be happy. This holistic approach can make all the difference.

So in conclusion, be honest with your partner and in this amazing age of information and consideration stay as healthy as you can, learn how to manage your stress levels to reduce your outbreaks and make use of the many natural herpes treatments available today. For more information on herpes and natural treatments see the resource box below. Good luck and happy dating!

To learn more about natural home remedies for Herpes and how to easily and successfully cope with it, please visit  http://www.herpesvirusgone.com

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Dating-With-Herpes/892078