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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Genital Herpes Facts And Early Signs

Genital Herpes Facts And Early Signs

Published By: Majk Brid
Herpes is a virus (eg, cold, heat), which is in our bodies but our immune system is your body is constantly struggling to prevent herpes breakthrough. Antibodies are generated by itself to always keep the herpes virus under control. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the world. This virus epidemic often reflected in the oral cavity and genitals. This may seem cold sores in the form of small bubbles, which are painful, that watery and itchy. Sometimes herpes eye, and when unable to properly may cause damage to the cornea.


Two types of herpes virus direct "(HSV), or HSV type 1 and type 2 HSV infection risk.

1. HSV 1 causes herpes around the mouth and fever. This infection spreads because of oral sex.

2. HSV causes painful blisters 2 small sores around the genital organs of men and women, and STDs.

3. Kiss intimate contact can spread infection from person to person.

4. Stress, hormonal imbalance, low immune system, pregnancy can lead to herpetic infection.

Although herpes contagious, but it does not extend through contact with towels or other personal belongings, because the virus can survive outside the body.


In addition, antibiotic pills and ointments prescribed by Medicos the most important factor in treatment and control of herpes is to maintain a good immune system, avoid stress, unhealthy lifestyle, and vitamins and nutrients in your diet. Some natural remedies are a very effective treatment and prevention of herpes outbreaks in the long term.

1. Application of ice to the infected area to contain the disease to some extent.

2. Acidophilus in yogurt is a good natural way to strengthen your immune system, so it should be a mandatory part of your diet.

3. Foods rich in vitamins C, E and zinc also helps the immune system.

4. Drinking, smoking and high consumption of sugar damage the immune system, so that should be avoided.

5. Spread balsam thyme affected areas can often be explosions.

6. Baking powder of cotton in these areas, useful for treating herpes.

7. Such as peppermint tea helps to reduce pain and fever.

8. The use of shredded carrots, wrapped in tissue affected areas to reduce swelling and pain of blisters.

Regardless of the method of treatment goal should always be to maintain a healthy immune system bodies. Not only good nutrition, regular exercise, but a great influence on prevention and herpes
Be informed today about genital herpes in women

Article Source: http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/sexual-health-articles/genital-herpes-facts-early-signs-64206.html