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| | Health-and-Fitness:Diseases-STDs Articles from EzineArticles.com | | |
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Genital herpes virus is usually triggered by a contagious virus which is a close relative of the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores, blister. The virus that can cause vaginal herpes is known as herpes virus 2 as well as HSV Two and it's carried through sexual exposure to an infected person. The herpes virus that affects a person's mouth is referred to as herpes simplex virus 1(HSV One). |
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Herpes zoster shingles is called shingles the same virus that causes chicken pox. The herpes virus causes eruption and rashes that are often confined to a single section of the your body. |
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There are several types of sexually transmitted disease that looks similar to feminine genital herpes virus for instance gonorrhea, genital wart, hepatitis B, syphilis, trichomonas, vaginitis as well as Chlamydia. Mere looking at a few of the signs and symptoms of this ailment it can be difficult for any lay man to identify. In this post we're going to rapidly go over some of them along with Chlamydia as well as herpes simplex virus as the major point of debate. |
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HPV is the cause of cancer of the cervix in women and the cause of genital warts in both women and men. Men with an HPV infection are carriers who can spread the infection to both current and future partners. Women with HPV should not be treated in isolation, the partner must be evaluated and potentially treated in order to minimize the chance of recurrences. |
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What would you want to do when you first knew you are infected by a sexually transmitted disease? Of course, treat it as soon as possible. The first step to treatment is to get a good grasp of the problem. In this case, let us get to know genital herpes. |
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Let us all be aware that HPV or Human Pappilloma virus is a very widespread disease that can be transmitted easily. This is the reason why finding for its treatment is definitely crucial. |
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You've heard it talked about as "the dreaded talk" but it doesn't have to be so dreaded. Unless you make it dreaded. It really comes down to your own perception on what "the talk" is all about. |
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Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) home test is a significant leap in STD testing as people can easily test for any sexual infection without going to medical centers and hospitals. There have been many breakthroughs in this tests and treatments in recent years, which have resulted in more people getting cured of the infectious disease. |
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We all know that scabies is one of the commonly occurring skin conditions across the world. There have been numerous accounts which suggest that the scabies epidemics usually occur in 30 year cycles. For the most part, these accounts coincided with the wars in the 20th century. |
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We all know that scabies can be a discomforting skin condition. It can lead to a lot of embarrassment and in a few cases; the patient is not able to tolerate the associated symptoms such as the severe itch or rash. In such situations, it would be suggestive to seek medical attention at the earliest. There are certain things you can do, so as to alleviate the symptoms before you reach the hospital. |
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When it comes to the classic scabies infestation, anywhere from 5 to 15 mites are burrowed beneath the surface of skin. In addition, very little evidence of the infestation could be seen during the initial weeks. However after 4 weeks, an individual experiences subsequent infestations, along with delayed type-4 hypersensitivity and the body produces allergic reactions to the mites, their eggs as well as their feces. |
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Predominantly, scabies is transmitted from one person to another through direct skin contact; hence people often consider it as a "sexually transmittable disease". People sharing sexual contact with a scabies infested individual are likely to carry the infestation as well. Even if the individual is asymptomatic, it can still spread the condition. |
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Many people know of the placebo effect in medicine. It is the phenomenon where a patient is given a sugar pill and is told that it is the drug that will make them better (a medical white lie); nearly 2/3 of patients who take the placebo begin feeling better. The power of the mind is more powerful than we tend to give it credit for. |
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There are plenty of things that we hear through the media and beliefs we already have inside ourselves that affect how we relate to having herpes. Most of these things we tell ourselves are simply false. And putting these thoughts out on paper helps to nip them in the bud the next time they come up in your head. |
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