Vaginal infections are caused by a decrease in the natural acidity levels.
The genital area normally produces an odour-free, clear, slightly cloudy, non-irritating discharge. This discharge can vary according to the different time of her menstrual cycle. Certain bacteria live naturally inside the organ as a part of the defence mechanism. They produce acid, which fight infection causing bacteria, yeast, viruses and fungi. Whenever there is a decrease in the acid produced, there is a chance of infection, said Dr Deba Jalal, Specialist Obs and Gynaecology at the Aster Medical Centre in Dubai.
--Discharge with an unpleasant odour.
--Painful urination
--Itching or burning senation in the area
--Discomfort during intercourse.
--Bleeding after intercourse
--Abdominal pains
--Swelling, lumps, redness, blisters or ulceration of the vulva or anus while passing urine.
--Change in the colour and amount of discharge
Candida or yeast infections: Such infection can cause itching and redness of the genital area. It produces a thick, white discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese, although the discharge may not be present in certain cases.
Thrush: The factors that trigger the growth of thrush are pregnancy, antibiotics, diabetes, perfumed soaps or feminine hygiene sprays, contraceptive pills, tight underwear etc.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
When there is abnormal growth of natural bacteria in the female genital area, it can lead to a discharge that is usually thin, and grey with a fishy smell.
Though BV is not a sexually transmitted disease, a new sexual partner or a high lifetime number of sexual partners may lead to such infections.
Caused by a parasite called trichomonas vaginalis, this is usually transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. The symptoms manifest as a heavy, frothy, yellow-green, fishy smelling discharge.
Seven in 10 women and half of the men with Chlamydia do not show any symptoms. In women, this infection can spread to uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Left untreated, it can lead to ectopic pregnancies and infertility.
Gonorrhoea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoea passed on through unprotected sex.
Genital Herpes
This virus invades the body through unprotected sexual contact and stays in the body for the rest of one's life. The symptoms include: Painful blisters, pain passing urine, discharge, fever, tiredness.
Genital warts
Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) resulting in abnormal growth of cells. It is transmitted through sexual or skin-to skin contact. Small round warts appear on or around the genital area. Such infections can be prevented by following safe and hygienic ways. --