Reasons for the Increase
A growing number of midlife and senior adults are engaging in sexual activity and ignoring the risks of unprotected sex. According to a study reported in U.S. Pharmacist, seniors are one-sixth less likely to use condoms than people in their 20s.In their defense, seniors grew up when talking about sex was taboo, talking about STDs was even more taboo, and formal sex education-where they would have learned about STDs and how to prevent them-hadn't been "invented." But adults who did have formal sex education have no excuses, except laziness, denial--or skipping class.
Compounding the problem is that a decline in immunity in older people makes them more vulnerable to contracting STDs. Additionally, decreased vaginal lubrication and thinning of the vaginal walls increases the risk of micro-tears in post-menopausal women, and these tears facilitate the transmission of STDs.
The Evidence
Researchers at England's West Midlands Health Protection Agency found between 1996 and 2003, STD rates for Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea and syphilis more than doubled among people 45+. Males in the 55 to 59 age range were significantly more likely to be affected.
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Foundation for Health in Aging reports studies that found the same trend of increasing incidences of other STDs: the human papilloma virus, which causes genital and anal warts and cervical cancer, and the human immune deficiency virus ( HIV), which causes AIDS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that adults aged 50+ make up 10 percent of all new AIDS cases.
The implications? Health care providers should talk routinely to their older patients about the dangers of unprotected sex.
What You Need To Know
When having sex with a new partner:
Use a condom. Condoms are the most effective protection against STD transmittal. Use lubricants with the condom to reduce the chance of getting sores or small cuts on the penis or inside the vagina--sores and cuts facilitate STD transmittal.Both you and your partner should be tested for STDs and share your results.If your test results show you're both STD-free you can forego the condom as long as you remain monogamous.
For more information visit Global Action on Aging.