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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oral Herpes Laser Treatment Effective Yet Expensive According to New Review; polyDNA recommends Gene-Eden-VIR, an ...

Rochester, NY (PRWEB) June 24, 2013

Recently, laser treatment has been used for the treatment of oral herpes. Scientific literature shows that this new treatment appears to be safe and effective. Yet, a new review published in April 2013 in the journal Lasers in Medical Science shows that there are two drawbacks to this method of therapy.(2)

The first is that although it appears to be safe and effective, there is no definite proof. As the review noted, “The main advantages of laser treatment appear to be the absence of side effects and drug interactions…The literature still lacks double-blind controlled clinical trials verifying these effects…..” (2)

The second is that it is prohibitively expensive. According to Realself.com, the national average for a series of laser treatments ranges from a few hundred dollars to well over two thousand dollars. (1)

polyDNA urges the scientific community to conduct more clinical trials of this promising technology. As well, polyDNA hopes that the price will come down as the technology improves. In the meantime, polyDNA recommends Gene-Eden-VIR, an effective and affordable alternative.

“Laser therapy for the relief of oral herpes symptoms sounds like a great idea. The literature shows some real promise. But, who can afford hundreds of dollars for removing cold sores? People need an oral herpes remedy that works, and that is affordable.” – Mike Evans, polyDNA

polyDNA recommends Gene-Eden-VIR to individuals with an oral herpes infection. Gene-Eden-VIR boosts the immune system and helps it attack and eliminate the latent herpes virus. A 2012 post marketing clinical study showed that Gene-Eden-VIR is safe and effective. Up to 70% of those studied reported a decrease in viral symptoms. (3)

In some cases, Gene-Eden-VIR produces complete immunity. This means that it boosts the immune system to 100% efficiency, and helps the body eliminate (or clear) all viruses of a specific type, specifically, those in the home base, or the latent viruses. When the person is clear of all the latent viruses, that person is said to be 'cured'. There are no viruses left and no symptoms.

However, sometimes, Gene-Eden-VIR does not boost the immune system back to 100% efficiency. In these cases, some viruses still remain in the body. If the immune system is strong enough to hold the foreign forces within their home base, there are no scrimmages, that is, no symptoms and no disease. When this happens, this person is not cured, but he experiences a long term remission.

Each ingredient of Gene-Eden-VIR was chosen through a scientific approach. Scientists scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals around the world to identify the safest, most effective natural ingredients that target the latent form of herpes. (4)

To learn more about Gene-Eden-VIR and herpes, visit http://www.gene-eden-kill-virus.com/Herpes-Remedy.php. All orders of Gene-Eden-VIR are completely confidential, and no information is shared or sold to any third party. Privacy is assured.


(1) http://www.realself.com/laser-treatment/cost
(2) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10103-013-1311-8/fulltext.html
(3) http://www.cbcd.net/Gene-Eden-VIR-Clinical-Study.php
(4) http://gene-eden-kill-virus.com/studies.php

polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using the unique scientific method developed by Dr. Hanan Polansky, which is based on Computer Intuition.

In addition to his unique scientific method, Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific discovery, called Microcompetition with Foreign DNA. The discovery explains how foreign DNA fragments, and specifically, DNA of latent viruses, cause most major diseases.

polyDNA developed Gene-Eden-VIR , an antiviral natural remedy that helps the immune system kill latent viruses.

View the original article here