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Friday, June 1, 2012

Mar 21, Genital Herpes Transmission: How is the Virus Transmitted and how you can Preven

Best Herpes Treatments home Genital herpes transmission

Knowledge of the herpes virus, how it is transmitted and how genital herpes transmission can be prevented, is essential for people who suspect they may have contracted the virus and want to avoid passing it on to others, more especially to a sexual partner.

It is very important to note that it is possible to transmit genital herpes even if there are no visible outward signs of the virus. The virus is usually transmitted through direct skin on skin contact, through oral, vaginal or anal sex. It can also be transmitted by a person with a cold sore who kisses a partner's genital area, so it is strongly recommended to avoid oral sex in the case of an outbreak of facial herpes. Genital herpes transmission is not necessarily immediately apparent and people can be in a sexual relationship for a long time before developing symptoms for the first time. This can be the case when one of the partners in the relationship is, unknowingly, an asymptomatic carrier of HSV (herpes simplex virus), exhibiting no outward signs of having the virus. It is impossible to predict when asymptomatic shedding of the virus occurs, but it is estimated to be on a minimum of 5% of days in any given year.

This is an excellent argument in favour of testing for the herpes virus if you have had previous sexual partners and want to embark on a new relationship. Proper diagnosis is essential in determining the presence of the virus, the type of virus present and the best form for treatment for the virus.

In the case of active genital herpes, the use of condoms is an obvious way of avoiding genital herpes transmission along with that of a number of other sexually transmitted diseases. While using condoms is not 100% fail-safe, it can reduce the risk of transmission by up to 50%.

Being upfront with your partner about your genital herpes, while a difficult subject to broach, is essential in preventing its spread. It has been proven in scientific studies that those who reveal to a partner that they are carriers of the herpes virus are responsible for a reduction in its spread.

Another way in which you can avoid transmitting herpes is by watching out for any early warning signs or symptoms which may indicate that an attack is beginning. All sexual contact should be avoided whenever there is an attack in order to minimize the risk.

Choosing a treatment for genital herpes is another important factor in preventing the spread of the virus. You should talk to your medical practitioner about the kind of treatment which is best for you and for the type of herpes which you have contracted. Some people prefer to avoid traditional medication, while others find that suppressive therapy or the use of proven anti-virals is instrumental in avoiding the risk of transmission.

Whatever the course of treatment you decide on, the knowledge of what constitutes risk-taking behaviour, the ways in which the herpes simplex virus is transmitted and the ways in which you can tackle it will be essential in preventing genital herpes transmission.

Four Top Herpes Transmission Facts You Must Know to Prevent Spreading Herpes

Herpes Transmission: What You Must Know!

Oral Herpes Transmission and Cold Sores: Learn The Facts! Back to top of genital herpes transmission

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