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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Your awesomeness overshadows herpes

What if herpes itself isn’t actually bad? [Gasp] What if it’s just blocking your own awesomeness?

No, this isn’t blowing rainbows, unicorns and puppy dog tails into your eardrums. This is real. This is true. And you know it. You are totally awesome. Own it. It might just be hard to see when your focus is squarely on herpes. But what about focusing on you? What if you are the reason herpes is not a big deal?

If you really, truly realized the depth and breadth of what you have to offer, then herpes simply wouldn’t be an issue. All your awesomeness simply overshadows herpes. I promise you. All you have to do is look …

What you focus on expands. This is true whether you believe it on an energetic/spiritual level (Law of Attraction style) or an in-your-head level. It’s just how our gray matter works. Our brains are wired to go deeper into what we focus on. And the more we focus on something, the greater the resolution gets, the more detail we can pick up. That’s why practicing gratitude has been proven to produce greater amounts of happiness: the more we focus on what we’re grateful for instead of what’s going wrong in our lives, we get into the habit of choosing to see the good that has been around us the whole time. I know I spent many years spinning my wheels focusing on herpes. And it just had me feeling sadder and sadder. And you know what? I realize I was focusing on the sad things. So, what are you focusing on?

The mind microscope. It’s like your brain is an electron microscopes that continually amps up the magnification on your subject of focus. When your super-powerful “mind microscope” focuses only on herpes, then everything else gets blurred, tossed to the side. All the other good things that make you uniquely you seem to disappear from your awareness. If you don’t zoom out and look at the big picture, you might just trick yourself into believing that herpes is all there is. And that’s not a fair assessment of the situation, is it? It’s not looking at your full reality. So if you’re going to use your energy to focus on something, don’t waste your energy focusing on herpes. Focus on yourself. Focus on those parts of you that you know are attractive and worthwhile. What do you have to offer that’s uniquely you?

Let yourself be that person. So do you still believe herpes is a deal breaker? Is herpes a deal breaker for your own happiness or do you believe that herpes is a deal breaker for everyone else? Henry Ford said “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re right.” Same logic applies when you consider whether you’re worthy or not: Worthy of love, worthy of happiness, worthy of acceptance. Take this as an opportunity to see yourself as the kind of person who makes herpes a non-issue. (Hint: The good news is that you already are that person; you might just have to dust off a bit of false beliefs before that person is revealed. Has your focus on herpes taken you away from your “you-ness”?)

In short … If you really, truly realized the depth and breadth of what you have to offer, then herpes simply wouldn’t be an issue. All your awesomeness simply overshadows herpes. I promise you. All you have to do is look; Look away from herpes and deeper into yourself. Then herpes will fall away and you’ll be able to focus on your life again.herpes forum

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