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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Genital Herpes Facts and How It Can Be Prevented

People usually have some misconception when they talk about herpes, it generally brings to mind "STD"; a sexually transmitted disease that is incurable and gives the person who has infected by this virus an overall bad reputation of having several sex partners and engaging in different sexual activities. Herpes would always bring so much apprehension, fear and worry as well as stress to someone who had experienced those uncomfortable feelings on their genital area.

Genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 or Herpes Simplex virus 2, a more intense type of herpes virus commonly found on the genital area; HSV- 1 being the more common which is associated with cold sores around the mouth and surrounding areas. Since carriers of this virus can transmit the disease without having any symptoms of an active infection, it is really hard to detect whether a person has already been infected after engaging in a sexual activity thus creating another possibility of transmitting the disease to another person.

Signs and symptoms that a person has already been infected by genital herpes can be felt usually within three to seven days of skin to skin contact with an infected person. It usually starts with itchiness and then sores and blisters will slowly appear on the surroundings of the genital area. The first genital herpes outbreak is usually the most painful; it brings discomfort and makes it hard for the person to deal with it. Once you are already infected by the virus, it can never be cured and it is just so unfortunate that after a first attack of the virus, there is still the possibility of another outbreak.

Aside from all the discomfort and physical pain brought about by genital herpes infection, there are also some emotional disadvantages that can be associated with it. Such as low self esteem, fear of being rejected and stress; of course nobody would want to be infected by these viruses.

So what should be done by a person infected by genital herpes is to avoid getting too much stressed to prevent future outbreaks. Base on research, too much stress tends to weaken our immune system, making our body more prone to different illnesses and that includes genital herpes.

Coping with stress could be done by keeping yourself free from any disturbances that would create your body and mind to respond negatively. Stress in inevitable but can be avoided by means of alternative treatment. Meditation is one of the most effective ways of reducing stress. It helps keep our body in a calm state and bring positive changes in our life.

Suggestive meditation is a process wherein positive suggestions are feed into your conscious mind. Constant mental worries or disturbances block the mind from functioning positively. If peace and positive thinking is instilled into your mind through suggestive meditations, the mind washes out negative emotions which will help your body improve physical health.

There are many ways to help suppress herpes outbreaks. Conventional medicines can only help prevent frequency of future outbreaks and you must also be aware of the accompanying harmful effects. Meditation on the other hand is an all natural treatment that can give positive result without worrying about harmful effects in your body.

If you really want to free your mind and body from experiencing so much stress and prevent future herpes outbreak take some time to learn alternative way of treating HSV-2. Definitely something you should consider giving a try.

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