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Friday, September 30, 2011

Sex After STDs That Don't Go Away

Some STDs are worse than others. HIV is arguably the worst one of all to get. Others like gonorrhea and chlamydia are treatable and more or less go away. Then there's HPV (genital warts) and herpes types 1 and 2. Type one typically considered oral and type 2 being genital although people can have either in either place.

Many people who are out there playing the field or even just playing one on one need to be more informed if they want to remain free and minimize their risk of contracting an STD. Know the ins and outs of all these nasty things out there.

It's almost a cliche of a line that people in the dating scene use - I'm STD free and tested regularly. How often have you heard that one and wonder just how honest that really is. It's obvious based on the amount of people out there infected with something that we don't really know what that means. Did this person get tested for just HIV? Or did they also get tested for hepatitis C, HSV 1 and 2 (blood test), HPV, gonorrhea, chlam. etc...

For example, testing for herpes isn't usually done unless it is requested by you. Although men can be carriers of HPV, there currently isn't a test for men with HPV.

Let's say that you're reading this and thinking, yeah, this really doesn't help me now as I'm already infected with something that doesn't go away. Maybe you've just found out or maybe you've been living with it for a while. Some people take it hard and some don't let it define themselves.  The reality is, there's a whole ton of people out here playing around who have herpes and don't even know it because they never had a noticeable outbreak.  The official statistics believe the ratio is 1 out of 4 to 1 out of 5 adults have it.  Many believe the number is much higher simply because of lack of testing and lack of symptoms for many carriers.

When you decide that you would like to still have a healthy physical relationship that includes sex with another person, where can you go? Local support groups for STDs can be found through a search on the internet.

A great source of information on herpes can be found at http://www.herpes-coldsores.com

Where can you go - local support groups can be found through a search on the internet. There's even dating sites out there like  that can help people find others in similar situations that can offer hope and support and of course, romance and physical intimacy.

So living with an STD that doesn't go away doesn't have to become a life of celibacy. Get the facts and play safe.

Finally, a natural effective herpes treatment that actually works and won't break the bank.