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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Putting a Positive Spin on Cold Sore Outbreaks

Cold sore outbreaks are no laughing matter. Often, it seems as though luck is not on your side and cold sores seem to come up at the most inopportune times. Whether it's an important presentation, a first date or your wedding day, you can bet your bottom Dollar that you will feel that all too familiar tingle in the days leading up to the event.

It's interesting how different people handle their cold sores differently. For some sufferers, it's the end of the world and reason enough to hide from others in shame and humiliation until the sores clear. Yet for others, a an outbreak is no more serious than a bad pimple and has no impact on their lives at all. If you have been feeling as though your herpes simplex diagnosis is the end of the world, read on for some great positive aspects of carrying the virus.

The positive side:

1) You will take better care of yourself: This is potentially one of the most powerful positive spin offs of having cold sores. Once you have had a few flare-ups, you will quickly put two and two together and realize that the amount of cold sores you suffer from is directly related to your general state of health. Try getting enough sleep, reducing your stress levels and watching your diet and you will definitely notice an improvement and reduction in the amount of cold sore flare-ups you experience. Most sufferers also supplement their diets with extra vitamins and take a variety of supplements to ensure good overall health.

2) Herpes is a wake-up call: Whether you contracted the virus from another person whilst engaging in irresponsible sexual behavior or not, having the herpes virus will make you more conscious of the people you get into relationships with and often means better and safer choices are made. This is especially true during outbreaks. Many people report becoming more sexually discriminating after being diagnosed.

3) Cold sores and the herpes virus shine a spotlight onto new relationships: Whether you suffer from HSV-1 or HSV-2, at some point you will have to tell potential partners to keep them safe. If you are single and dating, this news quickly sorts the losers from the keepers. If either of you was unsure about how much effort the relationship was worth, the news of the herpes virus will quickly clarify feelings.

4) A variety of lesser-known positive sides to cold sores: Many sufferers report a colorful variety of positive spin offs that having the virus has had on their lives. While this might not apply to everyone, it's so nice to know that when it comes to oral herpes, the glass can be half-awesome. For example, one sufferer was so upset after her diagnosis she lost her appetite, and those pesky pounds she was unable to shift through dieting and exercise. 

Whether it's a complete lifestyle change or a few simple positive spin offs, it's good to know that some good can come of cold sore outbreaks too. Having the Herpes virus isn't the end of the world; just look how much good can come of it!

How would you like to never have to worry about cold sore outbreaks again?, Find out how you can truly be cold sore free fore-ever. Go visit the Cure-Cold-Sores.com website.